Learning about the language:
`to know everything about something rather than the thing itself.'
(W.H.D.Rouse, quoted in Kelly 1969:53)
Historical background:
used earlier, but became popular in the 18 and 19 centuries; dominated from 1840s to 1940s
known also as Classical Method (classical Greek and Latin taught this way) and the Prussian Method (extremely popular in Germany: Johann Seidenstucker, Karl Plotz, H.S.Ollendorf, and Johann Meidinger)
no theoretical background: almost no theoretical research on second language acquisition
Aims/goals :
ability to read and appreciate foreign language literature (proficiency in reading skills)
intellectual development (mental exercise, `mental gymnastics')
developing the skill of translation (to be able to translate from the target lg to the native lg and the other way round = to know and be able to use the target language)
becoming more aware of the grammar of the native language
The role/s of the T/Ss
theT - the authority in the classroom
the Ss - do exactly what the T says and learn what s/he wants them to learn
The characteristics of t-ing/l-ing process:
translation (of the texts usually about the culture of the target lg) is the main technique of teaching and learning
learning grammar and vocabulary as crucial elements of the language
taught deductively on the basis of a text (long explanations of rules in the mother tongue, technical grammar terminology used) - Ss are taught the rules explicitly, should be aware of them and be able to use them consciously
then the grammar rules are memorized and applied to other examples
introduced as a list of isolated words (foreign language words and the corresponding mother tongue equivalents )
then the lists of words are memorized and practiced (usually with little context provided)
stressing the similarities between the grammar and vocabulary of the target lg and the mother tongue as the reinforcement of learning. `The first language is maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of the second language.'(Stern, 1997:455)
language learning = intellectual activity (learning rules, memorization, translation)
Interaction in the classroom:
the T-Ss - this type of interaction takes place most of the time
very little S-S interaction (almost no S's initiation)
The way language and culture is viewed:
LANGUAGE: `a system of rules to be observed in texts and sentences and to be related to the first language rules and meanings.'(Stern, 1997:455)
THE LANGUAGE OF STUDY = literary language (bc its superiority over spoken lg) - difficult literary texts are introduced relatively early
Areas of the language emphasised (and overlooked):
areas of the language emphasised:
areas of the language neglected:
The role of the native language: `the medium of instruction'(Richards, Rodgers, 1994: 4) -
all instructions, explanation is given in the mother tongue.
The role of translation.
written tests:
translation (of sentences, longer passages)
questions relating to:
the culture of the target lg
application of grammar rules
Errors: ACCURACY is emphasized.
product-orientedness (it's crucial for the S to get the right answer)
the T corrects mistakes
translation (written or spoken):
on a sentence level; sentence: `the basic unit of teaching and lg practice.' (Richards, Rogers, 1994:4)
translating longer reading passages (authentic or specially written texts) - a starting point for lg work (grammar, vocab.)
reading comprehension questions (asked & answered in the target language):
questions for which the answers are explicitly stated in a text
inference questions
questions relating to the Ss own experience
vocabulary practice exercise (e.g. find in the text the synonyms of the following words.)
deductive application of rule: grammar rules+exaples+exceptions. Understanding of the rules = applying them to other examples
fill-in-the-blanks: PRACTICE exercises(missing words could be vocabulary and/or grammar items.)
a list of the target lg words and their mother tongue equivalents
grammar rules
grammatical paradigms
use words in sentences - making up sentences with the newly acquired words
composition (the topic usually based on the reading passage) or precis of a reading passage.