grammar translation method


Learning about the language:

`to know everything about something rather than the thing itself.'

(W.H.D.Rouse, quoted in Kelly 1969:53)

  1. Historical background:

    1. used earlier, but became popular in the 18 and 19 centuries; dominated from 1840s to 1940s

    2. known also as Classical Method (classical Greek and Latin taught this way) and the Prussian Method (extremely popular in Germany: Johann Seidenstucker, Karl Plotz, H.S.Ollendorf, and Johann Meidinger)

    3. no theoretical background: almost no theoretical research on second language acquisition

  1. Aims/goals :

    1. ability to read and appreciate foreign language literature (proficiency in reading skills)

    2. intellectual development (mental exercise, `mental gymnastics')

    3. developing the skill of translation (to be able to translate from the target lg to the native lg and the other way round = to know and be able to use the target language)

    4. becoming more aware of the grammar of the native language

  1. The role/s of the T/Ss

    1. theT - the authority in the classroom

    2. the Ss - do exactly what the T says and learn what s/he wants them to learn

  1. The characteristics of t-ing/l-ing process:

    1. translation (of the texts usually about the culture of the target lg) is the main technique of teaching and learning

    2. learning grammar and vocabulary as crucial elements of the language

      • GRAMMAR: