Progress 02 A

Progress A


1 Read the questions below. Listen to a conversation with John Randalf. For each question circle the correct answer, a, b or c.

1 Who had an unusual hobby?

a John.

b His grandad.

c King Arthur.

2 When did John really get interested in the old English legend of the Knights of the Round Table?

a When his grandad told it to him.

b When he was a student.

c When he visited Britain for the first time.

3 Who was the best Knight of the Round Table?

a Sir Galahad.

b Sir Lancelot.

c Sir Mordred.

4 According to the most popular theory, who actually was Arthur?

a A sixth-century invader of Britain.

b A sixth-century military commander.

c A sixth-century king of Britain.

5 Who was in love with King Arthur's wife?

a Sir Percival.

b Sir Gawain.

c Sir Lancelot.



2 Read the sentences below. Listen to the recording again. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

_____ 1 John is a British historian and librarian.

_____ 2 John has collected a lot of books about old English legends.

_____ 3 John doesn't like the element of magic in English legends.

_____ 4 John isn't sure if King Arthur really existed.

_____ 5 John doesn't mind who King Arthur really was.




Talk to your partner and exchange information about the type of stories you like best. Express your opinions clearly. Use adjectives and their modifiers ( absolutely, really, very, quite), for example: It was absolutely amazing. It was really strange.

Student A

Find out about the stories your partner likes. Ask questions about the following things: