The examiner works at the cinema box office.
You want to buy some tickets.
film tonight 7p.m./give title and number of tickets
9p.m. - no / say why / other films - 7p.m.?
don't accept examiner's first offer / explain why
accept second offer / price?
The examiner begins by saying:
“Hello, how can I help you?”
You work at the cinema box office.
The candidate wants to buy some tickets.
7p.m. - sold out / tickets available for 9p.m.
7p.m. - American comedy (“Love At First Sight”)
English thriller (“In Cold Blood”) / 7.30p.m. OK?
Є7/ticket / seats in the middle or at the back? / cash or credit card?
You begin by saying:
“Hello, how can I help you?”
Do you often go to the cinema/theatre? Why? Why not?
Tell us about the best film/play you've ever seen.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
Why do some people decide not to have a TV at home?