On Nabokov V


A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

On Vladimir Nabokov


Abrams, Meyer H. In Donoghue, "VN: the Great Enchanter."

- - -. In "Remembering Nabokov." In Gibian and Parker, 218-21.

Averin, Boris, ed. Vladimir Nabokov: Pro et Contra. Lichnost' i tvorchestvo Vladimira Nabokova v otsenke russkikh i zarubezhnykh myslitelei i issledovatelei. Antologiia. Saint Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Khristianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta, 1997.

Bishop, Alison. In "Remembering Nabokov." In Gibian and Parker 216-17.

Bishop, Morris. "Nabokov à Cornell." L'Arc 24 (1964): 62-64.

- - -. "Nabokov at Cornell." TriQuarterly 17 (1970): 234-39.

- - -. "Nabokova at Cornell." In Appel and Newman 234-39.

Bonilla, Juan. "Vera y Vladimir Nabokov, una gran pasión." Esfera 46 (1999): 1-3.

Boyd, Brian. "Nabokov at Cornell." In The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov: Essays, Studies, Reminiscences and Stories. Ed. George Gibian and Stephen Jay Parker. Ithaca: Cornell University Center for International Studies, 1984. 119-44.

- - -. Foretaste of Exile-Crimea 1917-1919. Auckland: University of Auckland. 1989.

- - -. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990.*

- - -. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. 1990. London: Chatto and Windus, 1993

- - -. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. London: Vintage, 1993.

- - -. Vladimir Nabokov: Los años rusos. Barcelona: Anagrama.

- - -. (Version of Ch. 5 of Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years). Shenandoah.

- - -. (Version of Ch. 24 of Vladimir Nabokov: the American Years). Russian Literature Triquarterly.

- - -. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991.

- - -. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. London: Chatto and Windus, 1992.

- - -. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. London: Vintage, 1993.*

- - -. "Chronology of Nabokov's Life and Works." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. xxix-l.

Breasted, Barbara, and Noëlle Jordan. "Vladimir Nabokov at Wellesley." Wellesley Magazine (Summer 1971): 22-26.

Brown, William L. In "Remembering Nabokov." In The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. George Gibian and Steven Jay Parker. Ithaca: Cornell Centre for International Studies, 1984.

Cowan, Milton. In "Remembering Nabokov." In The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Geroge Gibian and Steven Jay Parker. Ithaca: Cornell Centre for International Studies, 1984.

Demorest, Jean-Jacques. "Administering Professor Nabokov." Arts and Sciences (Cornell) 4.2 (1983): 8.

Ferrand, Jacques, and Sergey S. Nabokov Les Nabokov: Essai généalogique. Paris, 1982.

Field, Andrew. Nabokov: His Life in Part. New York: Viking, 1977.

- - -. Nabokov: His Life in Part. New York: Penguin Books, 1978

- - -. Nabokov: His Life in Part. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1977.

- - -. Nabokov: Toute une vie ou presque. Trans. Guy Durand. Paris: Seuil, 1982.

- - -. "Nabokov." Letter to Editor. TLS 27 Jan. 1978.

- - -. VN: The Life and Art of Vladimir Nabokov. New York: Crown, 1986; London: Macdonald Queen Anne Press, 1987.*

- - -. VN: The Life and Art of Vladimir Nabokov. London: Futura, 1988.

- - -. "Real Life of an Author." Letter to Editor. Observer 3 May 1987: 17.

Fogel, Ephim. In "Remembering Nabokov." In The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov: Essays, Studies, Reminiscences and Stories. Ed. George Gibian and Stephen Jay Parker. Ithaca: Cornell University Center for International Studies, 1984. 231-33.

Franclemont, John G. In "Remembering Nabokov." In The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov: Essays, Studies, Reminiscences and Stories. Ed. George Gibian and Stephen Jay Parker. Ithaca: Cornell University Center for International Studies, 1984. 227-28.

George, Emery. "Remembering Nabokov: An Interview with Victor Lange." Michigan Quarterly Review 25 (1986): 479-92.

Gibian, George, and Stephen Jay Parker, eds. The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov: Essays, Studies, Reminiscences and Stories. Ithaca: Cornell University Center for International Studies, 1984.

Gold, Herbert. "The Artist in Pursuit of Butterflies." Interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Saturday Evening Post11 Feb. 1967: 81-85.

- - -. "Vladimir Nabokov, 1900-1977." New York Times Book Review 31 July 1977: 1 ff.

- - -. "Nabokov Remembered: A Slight Case of Poshlost." In The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov: Essays, Studies, Reminiscences and Stories. Ed. George Gibian and Stephen Jay Parker. Ithaca: Cornell University Center for International Studies, 1984. 45-59.

Grayson, Jane. Vladimir Nabokov. (Overlook Illustrated Lives). Overlook Press, 2004.

Grishakova, Marina. The Models of Space, Time and Vision in V. Nabokov's Fiction: Narrative Strategies and Cultural Frames. (Tartu Semiotics Library, 5). Tartu: Tartu UP, 2006.


Heine, T. C., Jr. "Nabokov as Teacher." Cornell Alumni News (April 1977): 10.

Hingley, Ronald. "An Aggressively Private Person." New York Times Book Review 15 Jan. 1967.

Holt, Terry. "Shades of Nabokov." Cornell Reports 17 (Summer 1983): 2-3.

Hughes, Robert P. Documentary-interview on Vladimir Nabokov. National Educational Television (Television 13 Educational Program), Jan. 1966. Selection in Nabokov, Strong Opinions. Vintage International, 51-61.* Typescript in the Vladimir Nabokov Archive, Library of Congress.

Ikonnikov, Nikolay. Noblesse de Russie: Les Nabokov. Paris, 1960.

In Memoriam: Vladimir Nabokov, 1899-1977. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977.

Ivask, Yuri. "V. V. Nabokov." Novyy Zhurnal 128 (September 1977): 272-76.

McGraw, Harold W., et al. In memoriam Vladimir Nabokov, 1899-1977 . New York : McGraw-Hill, 1977.

Mizener, Arthur. "Professor Nabokov." Cornell Alumni News (September 1977): 56.

Nabokov, Dmitri Vladimirovich. "Nabokov." Letter to editor. TLS 6 Jan. 1978.

- - -. "Nabokov." Letter to editor. TLS 17 March 1978.

- - -. "On Revisiting Father's Room." Encounter (October 1979): 77-82. Rpt. inVladimir Nabokov: A Tribute. Ed. Peter Quennell. New York: Morrow, 1980.*

- - -. "A Few Things that Must Be Said on Behalf of Vladimir Nabokov." In Nabokov's Fifth Arc. Ed. Rivers and Nicol. Austin: U of Texas P, 1982. 35-42.

- - -. In Donoghue, "VN: The Great Enchanter."

- - -. "Nabokov and the Theater." In Vladimir Nabokov, The Man from the USSR and Other Plays. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. New York: Harcourt, 1984. 3-26.

- - -. "Translating with Nabokov." The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov: Essays, Studies, Reminiscences and Stories. Ed. George Gibian and Stephen Jay Parker. Ithaca: Cornell University Center for International Studies, 1984. 145-77.

- - -. "On a Book Entitled The Enchanter.." In Vladimir Nabokov, The Enchanter. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. New York: Putnam, 1986.

- - -. "A Rejoinder." National Review 30 Jan. 1987: 42-43.

- - -. "Did He Really Call His Mum Lolita?" Observer 26 April 1987.

- - -. "Close Calls and Fulfilled Dreams: Selected Entries from a Private Journal." Antaeus 61 (Autumn 1988): 299-323.

Nabokov, Nicolas. Bagazh: Memoirs of a Russian Cosmopolitan. New York: Atheneum, 1975.

Nabokov, Véra. Letter to Editor. Russkaya mysl' 6 July 1978: 10.

- - -. "Predislovie." In Stikhi. By Vladimir Nabokov. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1979. 3-4.

- - -. In Donoghue, NV: The Great Enchanter."

- - -. Letter to Editor. Russkaya mysl' 13 Dec. 1985: 14.

- - -. Letter to Editor. Insight 22 Dec. 1986.

Pleynet, Marcelin. "Professeur Nabokov." Magazine littéraire 233 (1986): 34-35.*

Quennell, Peter, ed. Vladimir Nabokov: His Life, His Work, His World. A Tribute. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1979.

- - -, ed. Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute. New York: Morrow, 1980.*

Raevsky, Nikolay. "Vospominaniya o Vladimire Nabokove." Prostor 2 (Feb. 1989): 112-17.

"Remembering Nabokov." Reminiscences by Meyer H. Abrams, Alison Bishop, Wiliam L. Brown, Jr., J. Milton Cowan, Ephim Fogel, John G. Franclemont, and Peter Kahn. In Gibian and Parker 215-33.

Ross, Charles Stanley. Vladimir Nabokov: Life, Work, and Criticism. Fredericton (NB): York Press, 1985.

Schiff, Stacy. (On Véra Nabokov). New Yorker 19 Feb. 1997. Rpt. in Véra.

- - -. Véra (Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov). New York: Random House, 1999. (Pulitzer Prize).

- - -. Véra. Señora de Nabokov. Trans. Miguel Martínez-Lage. (Alianza Literaria). Madrid: Alianza, 2002.*

Sexton, David. "Nabokov in Trinity." Trinity Review (1980): 8-9.

Struve, Gleb. "Dnevnik chitatelya: Pamyati V. V. Nabokova." Novoe Russkoe Slovo 5 June 1979.

- - -. "Iz moikh vospominaniy ob odnom russkom literaturnom kruzhke v Berline." Novoe russkoe slovo 4 Oct. 1981. Rpt. in Tri yubileya Andreya Sedykh.Ed. Leonid Rzhevsky. New York: Literaturnyy Fond, 1982. 189-94.

- - -. "K smerti V. V. Nabokova." NRS 7 August 1977: 5.

Verstermann, William. "Nabokov's Second Fiancée Identified." American Notes and Queries (Sept.-Oct. 1985).

Vishnyak, Mark. Gody emigratsii, 1919-1969, Paris-New York. Stanford: Hoover, 1970.

- - -. "Sovremennye Zapiski": Vospominaniya redaktora. Bloomington: Indiana University, School of Slavonc and East European Studies, 1957.

Wetzsteon, Ross. "Nabokov as Teacher." In Triquarterly 17 (Nabokov Special Issue, 1970): 240-47. Ed. Alfred Appel and Charles Newman. Rpt. as Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations, and Tributes. Evanston [Ill.] Northwestern University Press, 1970.

- - -. "Vladmir Nabokov: A Student's Recollection." Cornell Alumi News (Feb. 1968): 12-15.

Wilson, Edmund. Upstate: Records and Recollections of Northern New York. New York: Farrar, 1971.


A., A. "Vladimir Nabokov (Sirin) igraet N. N. Evreynova." Russkaya Mysl' 29 December 1977.

Ackerman, Gordon. Interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Weekly Tribune 28 January 1966.

Adamovich, Georgy. Odinochestvo i svoboda. New York: Chekhov Publishing House, 1955.

- - -. Komentarii. Washington, D. C.: Victor Kamkin, 1967.

Adams, Robert Martin. "Fiction Chronicle". Hudson Review 15 (Autumn 1962): 420-30.

- - -. "After Lolita—Is This Nabokov Just Pulling Our Legs? ".London Daily Mail 8 November 1962: 12.

- - -. "Nabokov's Game." New York Review of Books. 4.14 (1965): 18-19.

- - -. "Nabokov's Show." New York Review of Books 18 Dec. 1980.

Albright, Daniel. Representation and the Imagination: Beckett, Kafka, Nabokov, and Schoenberg. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1981.

Aldridge, A. Owen. "'Lolita' and 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses'." Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 2 (Fall 1961): 20-26.

Aletrus [Irina Guadanini]. "Tunnel." Sovremennik 3 (1961): 6-23.

Alexander, Victorian N. "Martin Amis: Between the Influences of Bellow and Nabokov." Antioch Review 52.4 (1994): 580-90.

Alexandrov, Vladimir E. Nabokov's Otherworld. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991.*

- - -. "The Defense." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 75-88.*

- - -. "Nabokov and Evreinov." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 402-5.*

- - -. "Nabokov and Gumilev." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 428-33.*

- - -. "Nabokov and Uspensky." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 548-553.*

- - -. "Nature and Artifice." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 553-56.*

- - -. "'The Otherworld'." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 566-71.*

- - -, ed. The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. New York: Garland, 1995.*

All, Nikolay. Interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Novoe Russkoe Slovo 23 June 1940.

Allan, Nina. Madness, Death and Disease in the Fiction of Vladimir Nabokov. Brimingham: Dept. of Russian Language and Literature, U of Birmingham, 1994.

Allen, Walter. "Fiction". Spectator 6149 (3 May 1946): 462-64.

- - -. "Simply Lolita". New Statesman 58 (7 November 1959): 631-32.

Alloy, V. "Iz arkhiva V. V. Nabokova." Minuvshee 8 (1989): 274-81.

Allsop, Kenneth. "I am a Pornographer." Spectator 21 October 1960.

Alpert, Robert David. "Formal Consolations: Parody, Figure, and Modernity in the Work of Vladimir Nabokov." Ph.D. diss. Boston College, 1992.

Alter, Robert. "Nabokov's Ardor". Commentary 48 (August 1969): 47-50. Rpt. in Nabokov: The Critical Heritage. Ed. Norman Page. London: Routledge, 1982. 212-20.

- - -. "Nabokov and the Art of Politics." (Invitation to a Beheading). Triquaterly 17 (1970): 41-59. Rpt. in Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations, and Tributes. Ed. A. Appel and C. Newman. Evanston [Ill.] Northwestern University Press; New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970.

- - -."Mirrors for lmmortality". Saturday Review 11 November 1972: 72-76.

- - -. Partial Magic: The Novel as a Self-Conscious Genre. Berkeley: U of California P, 1975.*

- - -. "Ada, or the Perils of Paradise." In Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute. Ed. Peter Quennell. New York: Morrow, 1980. 103-18.

- - -. "Nabokov and Memory." Partisan Review (1991): 620-629.

Amis, Kingsley. "Russian Salad." The Spectator no. 6744 (27 September 1957): 403.

- - -. "She Was a Child and I Was a Child." Review of Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov. Spectator 203.6854 (6 Nov. 1959): 635-636.

- - -. "She Was a Child and I Was a Child."What Became of Jane Austen? And Other Questions. 1970.

- - -. "She Was a Child and I Was a Child." Rpt. in Nabokov: The Critical Heritage. Ed. Norman Page. London: Routledge, 1982. 212-20.

- - -. "The Sublime and the Ridiculous: Nabokov's Black Farces." 1980. In Quennell, Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute 73-87.

Amis, Martin. "Out of Style." New Statesman 25 April 1975.

- - -. Visiting Mrs. Nabokov and Other Excursions. London: Cape, 1993.*

Anastas'ev, Nikolai A. Fenomen Nabokova. Moskva: Sovetskii pisatel', 1992.

Anderson, Quentin. Review of Despair, by Vladimir Nabokov. 1966. Rpt. in Page, Nabokov: The Critical Heritage 295-202.

- - -. "Nabokov in Time." In Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987.

Anderson, Terry P. "A Formal Analysis of the Theme of Art in Nabokov's Russian Novels." Ph.D. diss. McGill U, 1974.

Andrews, Larry R. "Deciphering 'Signs and Symbols'." In Nabokov's Fifth Arc: Nabokov and Others on His Life's Work. Ed. J. E. Rivers and Charles Nicol. U of Texas P, 1982. 139-152.

Antonov, S. "Assotsiativnye i obraznye vidy tekstovoi sviazi v proze V. Nabokova (na materiala rasskaza 'Pil'gram'." Russkii tekst 1: 83-93.

Appel, Alfred, Jr. "Lolita: The Springboard of Parody." Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 8 (1967).

- - -. "Lolita: The Springboard of Parody." In Nabokov: The Man and the Work. Ed. L. S. Dembo. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1967. 106-43.

- - -. "Nabokov's Puppet Show." New Republic Jan. 14 and 21 (1967).

- - -. "An Interview with Vladimir Nabokov." Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 7.2 (Spring 1967): 127-52.

- - -. "The Art of Nabokov's Artifice." University of Denver Quaterly 3 (Summer 1968): 25-37.

- - -. "Ada Described." Tri-Quarterly 17 (1970): 160-86. Rpt. in Nabokov. Ed. Appel and Newman. New York: Simon and Schuster. 160-86.

- - -. "Backgrounds of Lolita." TriQuaterly. 17 (1970): 17-40.

- - -. "Backgrounds of Lolita." In Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations and Tributes. Ed. Alfred Appel, Jr., and Charles Newman. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970. 17-40.

- - -. Introduction to The Annotated Lolita. By Vladimir Nabokov. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970. ix-lxxvi.

- - -. Nabokov's Dark Cinema. New York: Oxford UP, 1974.*

- - -. "Nabokov: A Portrait." Atlantic (Sept. 1971). Rpt. in Nabokov's Fifth Arc: Nabokov and Others on his Life's Work. Ed. J. E. Rivers and Charles Nicol. Austin: U of Texas P, 1982. 3-21.

- - -. "Memories of Nabokov." TLS 7 Oct. 1977: 1138-42. Rpt. as "Remembering Nabokov." In Quennell, Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute. 1980. 11-3.

Appel, Alfred, Jr., and Charles Newman, eds. Triquarterly 17 (Nabokov Special Issue; Northwestern University, Winter 1970). Rpt. as Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations, and Tributes. Evanston [Ill.] Northwestern University Press, 1970.

Arbatov, Z. "Nollendorfplatzkafe." Grani 41 (1959): 106-22.

Armstrong, Terence. "Nabokov." Letter to Editor. TLS 21 Oct. 1977: 1239.

Arndt, Walter. "A Reply to Vladimir Nabokov: Goading the Pony." New York Review of Books 3 (1964): 16.

Averin, Boris, ed. Vladimir Nabokov: Pro et Contra. Lichnost' i tvorchestvo Vladimira Nabokova v otsenke russkikh i zarubezhnykh myslitelei i issledovatelei. Antologiia. Saint Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Khristianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta, 1997.

Bader, Julia. Crystal Land: Artifice in Nabokov's English Novels. Berkeley: U of California P, 1972.

Bailey, Paul. Review of A Russian Beauty and Other Stories. Observer.

Baker, George. "Lolita: Literature or pornography?" Saturday Review 40 (22 June 1957): 18.

Bakhrakh, Aleksandr. "Ot Sirina k Nabokovu." Russkaya mysl' 29 Dec. 1977: 8-10. Rpt. in Bakhrakh, Po pamyati, po zapisyam: Literaturnye portrety. Paris: La Presse Libre, 1980.

Banville, John. Rev. of The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Dmitri Nabokov. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996. The Observer Review14 July 1996.*

Barabtarlo, Gennady. "Onus Probandi." (Nabokov). Russian Review 47 (1988): 237-52.

- - -. Phantom of Fact: A Guide to Nabokov's Pnin. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1989.

- - -. Aerial View: Essays on Nabokov's Art and Metaphysics. Bern: Peter Lang, 1993.*

- - -. "A Skeleton in Nabokov's Closet." In A Small Alpine Form: Studies in Nabokov's Short Fiction. Ed. Charles Nicol and Gennady Barabtarlo. New York: Garland, 1993. 15-23. (On "Mest'").

- - -. "English Short Stories." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 101-17.*

- - -. "Pnin." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 599-608.*

Barbedette, Gilles. "Nabokov et le roman paradoxal." Literature, Philosophie, Art. 21 (1988): 46-53.

- - -. "Entre l'exil et la parodie." Magazine littéraire 233 (1986): 18-22.

Barnstead, John H. "Nabokov, Kuzmin, Chekhov and Gogol: Systems of Reference in 'Lips to Lips'." In Studies in Russian Literature in Honor of Vsevolod Setchkarev. Ed. Julian W. Connolly and Sonia I. Ketchian. Columbus: Slavica, 1986. 50-60.

Barreras Gómez, María Asunción. "Doubles, Deceit, and Reflexive Narrative in Two Novels by Vladimir Nabokov ." Miscelánea 15 (1994): 15-36.*

- - -. "Nabokov's Use of the Doppelgänger." In Amor, odio y violencia en la literatura norteamericana. Ed. José Antonio Gurpegui. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad, 1994. 27-40.*

- - -. "Reflexive Narrative in Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov." Miscelánea 16 (1995): 45-64.*

- - -. "An Exercise in Nostalgia in Nabokov's 'Spring in Fialta'." In The American Short Story: New Perspectives. Ed. C. González Groba et al. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1997. 119-28.*

- - -. El juego intelectual: Ironía y textualidad en las narraciones breves de Vladimir Nabokov. (Biblioteca de Investigación, 35). Logroño: Universidad de La Rioja, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2003.*

Barzakh, Anatolii. Obratny perevod: Neskol'ko soobrazhenii o proze V. V. Nabokova. Saint Petersburg: Mitin zhurnal, 1995.

Bayley, John. Rev. of Eugene Onegin, by A. Pushkin; trans. V. Nabokov. Observer 29 Nov. 1964.

- - -. "Under Cover of Decadence: Nabokov as an Evangelist and Guide to the Russian Classics." 1980. In Quennell, Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute 42-58.

Beaujour, Elizabeth Klosty. "Prolegomena to a study of Russian Bilingual Writers". Slavic and East European Journal (1984): 58-79.

- - -. Alien Tongues: Bilingual Russian Writers of the 'First' Emigration. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989.*

- - -. "Bilingualism." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 37-43.*

- - -. "Nikolka Persik." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 556-61.*

- - -. "Translation and Self-Translation." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 714-24.*

Begnal, Michael H. "Fiction, Biography, History: Nabokov's The Gift." Journal of Narrative Technique 10.2 (1980): 138-43.

Belleval, Guy de. Interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Journal de Genève 13 March 1965.

Benítez Reyes, Felipe. "El hechicero meticuloso." El cultural 4 (1999): 18-20.

- - -. "Vladimir Nabokov: El espejismo en el espejo." Clarín 23 (2000): 3-11.

Berberova, Nina. "Nabokov in the Thirties." In Berberova, The Italics Are Mine. Trans. Philippe Radley. New York: Harcourt, 1969.

- - -. "Nabokov in the Thirties." Triquarterly 17 (Nabokov Special Issue, 1970). Ed. Alfred Appel and Charles Newman. Rpt. as Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations, and Tributes. Evanston [Ill.] Northwestern University Press, 1970.

- - -. "The mechanics of Pale Fire." TriQuaterly 17 (Winter 1970): 147-59.

- - -. Kursiv moy. 1972. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: Russica, 1983.

- - -. The Italics are Mine: An Autobiography. London: Longman; New York: Harcourt Brace and World, 1969. Rpt. 1992.

Beretzky, Nurit. Interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Ma'ariv. 19 Jan. 1970. Typescript in the Vladimir Nabokov Archive, Library of Congress.

Berman, Jeffrey. "Nabokov and the Viennese Witch Doctor." In Berman, The Talking Cure: Literary Representations of Psychoanalysis. 1985. 211-38.

Bethea, David M. "Izgnanie kak ukhod v kokon: Obraz babochki u Nabokova i Brodskogo." Russkaia Literatura (St. Petersburg) 1991.3: 167-75. (On "Christmas").

- - -. "Nabokov and Blok." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 374-82.*

- - -. "Nabokov and Khodasevich." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 452-63.*

- - -. "Style." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 696-704.*

Bienstock, Beverly Gray. "Focus Pocus: Film Imagery in Bend Sinister." 1982. In Rivers and Nicol, Nabokov's Fifth Arc 125-38.

Bitsilli, P. M. "The Revival of Allegory." TriQuarterly 17 (1970): 102-19.

Blot, Jean. Nabokov. (Écrivains de toujours). Paris: Seuil, 1995.*

Bodenstein, Jürgen. "The Excitement of Verbal Adventure: A Study of Vladimir Nabokov's English Prose." Ph.D. diss. Ruprecht-Karl Universität Heidelberg, 1977.

Boegeman, Margaret Byrd. "Invitation to a Beheading and the Many Shades of Kafka." 1982. In Rivers and Nicol, Nabokov's Fifth Arc 105-24.

Bok, Sissela. "Redemption Through Art in Nabokov's Ada." Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction 12.3 (1971): 110-20.

Borland, Hal. "Strategy of Terror." New York Times Magazine 15 June 1947: 10.

Bou, E. A dialogue at Lake-Wayan-Guillen and Nabokov. Wellesley: Insula, 1993.

Boyd, Brian. Nabokov's Ada: The Place of Consciousness. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1985.

- - -. "... and the eluding." (Nabokov). TLS 24 April 1987: 241.

- - -. "Novel with Cocaine." (Nabokov). Letter to editor. TLS 6 March 1987: 241.

- - -. The Problem of Pattern: Nabokov's Defense. Auckland: University of Auckland, 1987.

- - -. "The Problem of Pattern: Nabokov's Defense." Modern Fiction Studies 33 (Winter 1987): 575-604.

- - -. "Vladimir Nabokov." Letter to editor. TLS 17-23 June 1988: 677.

- - -. "Ada." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 3-18.*

- - -. "Nabokov and Bely." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 358-66.*

- - -. Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001.

Boyd, Michael. "Nabokov and the Self's Effacement." In Boyd, The Reflexive Novel. London: Associated UPs, 1983. 146-67.*

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Tiedeken, Richard. "Memory Pattern as Thematic Idea and Structural Principle in the Autobiographical and Selected Fictional Prose of Vladimir Nabokov." Ph.D. Cornell U, 1977.

Todd, William Mills, III. "A Hero of Our Time.' In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 178-83.*

Toffler, Alvin. Interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Playboy (Jan. 1964). In Nabokov, Strong Opinions. New York: Random House-Vintage International, 1990. 20-45.*

Toker, Leona. "Self-Conscious Paralipsis in Vladimir Nabokov's Pnin and 'Recruiting'." Poetics Today 7 (1986): 459-69.

- - -. "Nabokov's 'Torpid smoke'." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 12.2 (1988): 239-248.*

- - -. "Fact and Fiction in Nabokov's Biography of Gaunibal, Abram". Mosaic —A journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature (1989): 43-56.

- - -. Nabokov: The Mystery of Literary Structures. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989.*

- - -. Rev. of Worlds in Regression: Some Novels of Vladimir Nabokov. By D. Barton Johnson" Poetics Today 11.3 (1990): 703-705.*

- - -. "Nabokov and Bergson." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 367-73.*

- - -. "'Signs and Symbols' In and Out of Contexts." In A Small Alpine Form: Studies in Nabokov's Short Fiction. Ed. Charles Nicol and Gennady Barabtarlo. New York: Garland, 1993. 167-80.*

Tolstaia, Natalia. "V. V. Nabokov Stages a Play." Trans. Steve Eschner and Conrad Vispo. In A Small Alpine Form: Studies in Nabokov's Short Fiction. New York: Garland, 1993. 65-72. (On "A Busy Man").

Tolstaia, Nataliia, and Mikhail Meilakh. Trans. Maxim D. Shrayer. "Russian Short Stories." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 644-60.*

Tookey, Mary. "Nabokov's 'Signs and Symbols'." The Explicator 46.2 (Winter 1988): 34-36.

Toynbee, Philip. "In Love With Language." The Observer 8 November 1959: 22. (Nabokov).

- - -. "Nabokov's Conundrum." The Observer 11 November 1962: 24.

- - -. "Too Much of a Good Thing." The Observer 5 October 1969: 34.

Trahan, Elizabeth Welt. "Laughter from the Dark: A Memory of Vladimir Nabokov." Antioch Review 43 (Spring (1985): 175-82.

Trilling, Lionel. "The Last Lover." Rev. of Lolita. By Vladimir Nabokov. The Griffin (August 1958).

- - -. "The Last Lover: Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita." Encounter 11 (1958): 9-19.

Updike, John. Review of Nabokov's Dozen. Sunday Times.

- - -. "Grandmaster Nabokov." Review of The Defense. By Vladimir Nabokov. New Republic 26 Sept 1964. Rpt. in Page, Nabokov: The Critical Heritage 154-8.

- - -. "Profesor Nabokov." Quimera 3 (1981): 16-21.*

- - -. "Van Loves Ada, Ada Loves Van." Rev. of Ada. By Vladimir Nabokov. New Yorker 2 August 1969: 67-75.

- - -."The Translucing of Hugh Person." New Yorker 18 Novem­ber 1972: 242-45.

- - -. "Picked up" New Yorker1975: 34.

- - -. In The New Yorker (18 July 1977)

- - -. "Proud Happiness." In Updike, Hugging the Shore: Essays and Criticism. New York: Knopf, 1983. 243-44.

Uphaus, Robert W. "Nabokov's Künstlerroman: Portrait of the Artist as a Dying Man". Twentieth Century Literature 13(1967):104-10.

Vander-Closter, Susan. "Nabokovian Towers in the Mist: The Narrative Structures of Artistic Memory." Ph.D., 1981.

Vasil'ev, G. K. "Stranitsa iz rasskaza nabokova 'Vesna v Fial'te': Opyt lingvisticheskogo analiza." Filologicheskie Nauki 3 (Moscow, 1991): 33-40.

Veeder, William. "Technique as Recovery: Lolita and Mother Night" In Vonnegut in America. Ed. Jerome Klinkowitz and Donald L. Lawler. New York: Delacorte, 1977. 97-132.

Vladimir Nabokov. L'Arc (1964).

"Vladimir Nabokov: A Profile." The Last Word (Wellesley, April 1943): 19-21.

"Vladimir Nabokov Visits Spelman." Spelman Messenger (Nov. 1942): 5-9.

Vladimir Nabokov: The art of Fiction. Paris Review (Summer-fall 1967)

Vladimir Nabokov. Saturday Review (1972).

Vladimir Nabokov. Magazine Littéraire 233 (1986).

Vortriede, Werner. "Die Masken des Vladimir Nabokov." Merkur 20 (1966): 138-51.

Wain, John. Rev. of Eugene Onegin. By A. Pushkin, trans. V. Nabokov. Listerner 29 April 1965.

Wakashima, Tadashi. Ranshi dokusha no boken. ["The Adventures of an Astigmatic Reader"] Tokyo: Jiyu Kokuminsha, 1993.

Walker, David. "The Viewer and the View: Chance and Choice in Pale Fire." Studies in American Fiction 4 (1976): 203-21.

- - -. "The Person from Porlock: Bend Sinister and the Problem of Art." In Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987.

Weaver, Warren. Alice in Many Tongues: The Translations of Alice in Wonderland. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1964.

Weeks, Edward. "The Peripatetic Reviewer." Atlantic Monthly (December 1972): 141-42.

Weidle, Vladimir. "Pervaya Lolita." Russkaya mysl' 29 Dec. 1977: 9.

Weil, Irwin. "Odyssey of a Translator." Triquarterly 17 (Nabokov Special Issue, 1970): 266-84. Ed. Alfred Appel and Charles Newman. Rpt. as Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations, and Tributes. Evanston [Ill.] Northwestern University Press, 1970.

Weiler, Rudolf. Nabokov's Bodies: Description and Characterization in His Novels. Ph. diss. Universität Zurich, 1975. Aarau: Keller, 1975.

White, Edmund, John Updike, Erica Jong, Philippe Sollers. "Pour Nabokov." Magazine littéraire 233 (1986): 38-40.

Whiting, Frederick. "The Strange Particularity of the Lover's Preference: Pedophilia, Pornography and the Anatomy of Monstrosity in Lolita." American Literature 70.4 (December 1998): 833-62.*

Whitman, Alden. Interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Unpublished. 6 Oct. 1967. Vladimir Nabokov Archive, Library of Congress.

Wickliff, Gregory Alan. "The Politics of Reception: Vladimir Nabokov's Images of the 1940s." Ph.D. diss. Purdue U, 1992.

Wiesner, Annette. "Behind the Glass Pane: Vladimir Nabokov's 'Perfection' and Transcendence." International Fiction Review 25.1/2 (1998): 21-28.

Williams, Carol T. "'The Web of Sense': Pale Fire in the Nabokov Canon." Critique 6 (Winter 1963): 29-45.

- - -. "Nabokov's Dozen Short Stories: His World in Microcosm." Studies in Short Fiction 12 (1975): 213-22.

Williams, Robert C. "Memory's Defense: The Real Life of Vladimir Nabokov's Berlin." Yale Review 60.2 (1971): 241-50.

- - -. Culture in Exile: Russian Emigrés in Germany. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1972.

Williams, Ronald John Andrew. "Maps, Chronologies and Identities in Three Novels of Vladimir Nabokov." Ph.D. diss. 1986. (The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, Pnin, Lolita).

Wills, Garry. "The Devil and Lolita". New York Review of Books 21 February 1974: 4-6.

Wilson, Edmund. "Review." New York Times Review of Books 15 July 1965. Rpt. in Nabokov: The Critical Heritage. Ed. Norman Page. London: Routledge, 1982.

- - -. "The Strange Case of Pushkin and Nabokov." Rev. of Eugene Onegin. By A. Pushkin. Trans. V. Nabokov. New York Review 26 August 1965. Rev. version in Wilson, A Window on Russia. New York: Farrar, 1972; London: Macmillan, 1973.

- - -. Letter to Editor. New York Review of Books 17 Feb. 1966.

- - -. Letter to Editor. New Statesman 5 Jan. 1968.

Winer, Bart. In Donoghue, "VN: The Great Enchanter."

Wood, Michael. "Tender Trousers." New York Review of Books16 November 1972: 12-13. (Nabokov).

- - -. "Consulting the Oracle." Essays in Criticism 43.2 (Oxford, England, April 1993): 93-111. (On 'Signs and Symbols').

- - -. The Magician's Doubts: Nabokov and the Risks of Fiction. London: Chatto and Windus, 1994.*

Zaleski, Philip. "Nabokov's Blue Period." Harvard Magazine (July-August 1986): 34-38.

Zapadov, V. "Derzhavin i Pnin." Russkaja Literatura (Leningrad) 8 (1965): 114-19.

Zholkovskii, Aleksandr. "Philosophy of Composition (K ntkotorym aspektam struktury odnogo literaturnogo teksta)." In "Readings in Russian Modernism / Kul'tura russkogo modernisma" UCLA Slavic Studies, n. s. 1 Moscow: Nauka, 1993. 390-98. ("Spring in Fialta"). Rev. version in Zholkovsky, Inventsii. Moscow: Gendal'f, 1995.

Zimmer, Dieter E. Interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Die Zeit 1 Nov. 1966. Typescript in the Vladimir Nabokov Archive, Library of Congress.

- - -. "Mary." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 346-58.*

Ziolkowski, Theodore. "Vladimir Nabokov: Illusions of Reality and the Reality of Illusions."

- - -. Dimensions of the Modern Novel. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1969.

Zschirnt, Christiane. "2. Amor. Gottfried von Strassburg: Tristán e Isolda. William Shakespeare: Romeo y Julieta. Choderlos de Laclos: Las amistades peligrosas. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Julia o la nueva Eloísa. Jane Austen: Orgullo y prejuicio. Stendhal: Rojo y negro. Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Las afinidades electivas. Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary. Lev Tolstói: Ana Karenina. Theodor Fontane: Effi Briest. Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita." In Zschirnt, Libros: Todo lo que hay que leer. Madrid: Santillana-Taurus, 2004. 53-82.*

Zunshine, Lisa, ed. Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries. New York: Garland, 1999.

Zverev, Aleksei. "Literary Return to Russia." Trans. Anna K. Primrose. In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 291-305.*

- - -. "Nabokov, Updike, and American Literature." Trans. Anna K. Primrose. In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 536-48.*


Bloom, Harold, ed. Vladimir Nabokov. (Modern Critical Views). New York: Chelsea House, 1987.

- - -, ed. Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. (Modern Critical Interpretations). New York: Chelsea House, 1987.

Page, Norman, ed. Nabokov: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge, 1982. Introd. 1-42.

Roth, Phyllis A., ed. Critical Essays on Vladimir Nabokov. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1984.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias

Alexandrov, Vladimir E., ed. The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1474). New York: Garland Publishing, 1995.*


Boyd, Brian. "Nabokov Bibliography: Aspects of the Emigré Period." Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter 11 (Fall 1983): 21-24.

- - -. "Nabokov's Russian Poems: A Chronology." Nabokovian 21 (Fall 1988): 13-28.

- - -. "Manuscripts." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 340-46.*

Field, Andrew. Nabokov: A Bibliography. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Juliar, Michael. Vladimir Nabokov: A Descriptive Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1986.

Nabokov bibliography.


Parker, Stephen Jan. (Bibliography of Nabokov criticism). Garland Press. Forthcoming 1992.

- - -. "Library." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 283-90.*

Schuman, Samuel. Vladimir Nabokov: A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1979.

- - -. "Criticism of Vladimir Nabokov: A Selected Checklist." Modern Fiction Studies 25.3 (1979): 527-54.

"Vladimir Nabokov: Bibliography." Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature (1967).

Zimmer, Dieter E. Vladimir Nabokov: Bibliographie des Gesamtwerks. Reinbek, 1963.

- - -. "Vladimir Nabokov: A Bibliography of Criticism." With additions by Jeff Edmunds. Zembla web page.*


Lolita. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. Based on Vladimir Nabokov's novel. Cast: Sue Lyon, Peter Sellers, James Mason, Shelley Winters, Marianne Stone, Diana Decker. UK, 1962. (Screenplay by Nabokov credited but actually not used).

Lolita. Dir. Adrian Lynne. Screenplay by Stephen Schiff, based on Nabokov's novel. Cast: Jeremy Irons, Melanie Griffith, Dominique Swain, Frank Langella, Suzanne Shepherd. UK/France, 1997.

The Luzhin Defence. Dir. Marleen Gorris. Screenplay by Peter Berry based on the novel by Vladimir Nabokov. Cast: John Turturro, Emily Watson, Geraldine James, Stuart Wilson, Christopher Thompson, Fabio Sartor. Photog. Bernard Lutic. Ed. Michael Reichwein. Prod. Des. Tony Burrough. Exec. prod. Jody Patton. Prod. Caroline Wood, Stephen Evans, Louis Becker and Philippe Guez. Prod. Renaissance &Y ICF / Lantia Cinéma, Magic Media, France 2 Cinéma. UK / France: Renaissance Films / Clear Blue Sky Productions, 2000. (Spanish VHS: La Defensa Luzhin. Manga Films, 2002.*)

Internet resources

Vladimir Nabokov Forum



Zembla website.



Nabokov Studies

Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina

Vol. 2 (1995).

In Literature Online.* http://lion.chadwyck.co.uk


The Nabokovian.

(Formerly The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter).

Semi-Annual. University of Kansas.

Vol. 19 (1987)

Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter 10 (1983).


Prokosch, Frederic. Voices: A Memoir. New York: Farrar, 1983.

Related works

Corliss, Richard. Lolita. From the novel by Vladimir Nabokov. London: BFI, 1994.

Lichberg, Heinz von. "Lolita." In Die Verfluchte Gioconda. Stories. 1916. (Alleged "plagiarism" case).



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