HANDOUT Wales and Scotland


1. The Royal National Eisteddfod - annual bardic Welsh festival of music, literature and drama. It takes place in the 1st week of August alternately in North and South Wales and is conducted exclusively in Welsh. The name eisteddfod derives from the Welsh word meaning "chairing" referring to the tradition that the winner

sat on the chair. Eisteddfods started in the 12th century as bard gatherings and have

been continuously held since then apart from the period 1594 - 1789. In 1901 a

similar festival was established in Brittany, France.

2. The International Music Eisteddfod - international festival of folk dancing and music held every July in Llangollen, North Wales. It has no bardic tradition and is conducted in English.

3. The name of numerous similar folk festivals in England.


The longest name in the world


[St Mary's church in a hollow by the white hazel, close to the rapid whirlpool, by the red cave of St Tisillio.]


Famous Scottish Names.

Campbell, Douglas, Erskine, Fraser, Gordon, Graham, Hamilton, Hay, Hepburn, Hume, Keith, Kennedy, Leslie, Lindsay, Montgomery, Murray, Ogilvie, Scott, Sinclair, Stewart, and all others beginning with Mac or Mc [Scots Gaelic for son].


English in Scotland

The English language in Scotland is known as Scots and is one of the most distinctive varieties of English both in pronunciation and vocabulary, e.g.,

aye -

bon -

burgh -

den -

dyke -

firth -

glen -

-ie -

kirk -

lad -

lass -

loch -

pinkie -

Sassenach -

strath -

wee -

ye -


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