Egzamin Enterprise1 units 1 6 test B

Enterprise 1

Final Examination










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1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (30 points)


The same but different: the world's only all-girl sextuplets.

Weatherhead High School is a large school near Liverpool in the north-west of England. There are 1,350 pupils at the school. Weatherhead is unusual for two reasons: first, because it is an all-girls' school, and second, because the Walton sisters are pupils there.

Graham and Jan Walton live in Wallasey, a town on the River Mersey, opposite Liverpool. They have got six children and they are all girls. There's nothing unusual about that, but the Walton sisters are unique. They are the only all-girl sextuplets in the world.

The sisters are the same age and have the same parents but in other ways they are different. Four of them have got blonde hair and two have got light brown hair. They have got different personalities and they like different things.

Kate is quiet and likes music. Hannah is clever and likes school. Lucy is the bossy one and is very good at sports. `She's a real star on the sports field,' says her mother. Sarah is the funny one and likes jokes. Ruth loves danger and likes to do things her own way. `You can't tell her anything,' says her mother. And Jenny likes dancing and singing. Her dream is to go into show business and work in Spain.

Naturally, they have got lots of friends. `Sometimes there are about twenty teenagers in the house at the same time. But I like it,' says their mother.

Have they got any pets? `Well, we've got a dog called Peggy. She's also female,' says Graham, their father, `so I'm completely outnumbered!'


2. Choose the correct item (30 points).

1 A: Do you work on Saturday?

B: No, I work on Saturday.

A usually B never C sometimes

2 How many are there in your class?

A child B children C children's

3 those your pencils?

A Is B Isn't C Are

4 A: do koalas live?

B: In Australia.

A When B Why C Where

5 Tom was born 1989.

A on B in C at

6 There are three in the car.

A men B men's C man

7 Susan go to school?

A Do B Does C Don't

8 do you eat for dinner?

A Who B When C What

9 I sometimes go out with my friends


A in B on C at

10 How legs does a cat have?

A many B much C long

11 A: Is this your sweater?

B: No, it's sweater.

A her B hers C she

12 is an orange juice, please?

A How B How many C How much

13 They going to the cinema at the weekend.

A doesn't like B like C likes

14 He always reads a magazine the evening.

A at B on C in

15 The plane leaves 9 am in the morning.

A at B in C on

16 long do elephants live?

A Where B How C Why

17 Pam wakes up very early. She starts work at 7 am in the morning.

A never B always C rarely

18 A: is your best friend?


A Who B When C What

19 Jim and Bill like playing football?

A Are B Doesn't C Do

20 Mum does the shopping Friday mornings.

A at B on C in

21 A: Has she got brown eyes?

B: No, she She's got green eyes.

A haven't B hasn't C has

22 A: What's his favourite sport?

B: His favourite sport football.

A are B am C is

23 A: Can speak French?

B:Yes, I can.

A you B he C she

24 A: Have you got a bicycle?
B:Yes, I

A haven't B have C has

25 A: Are Juan and Carlos from Brazil?
B:Yes, are.

A you B he C they

26 Greg can cook but he swim.

A can B is C can't

27 A: they from Portugal?

B: No, they're from Spain.

A Are B Is C Am

28 A: Can Larry sing?
B:Yes, he

A is B can C can't

29 Ito and Oko are from Tokyo. They


A 're B 'm C 's

30 Tonia is nurse.

A an B - C a


3. Choose the correct item (10 points).

1. Paul loves playing the piano. He's a(n) ……………… A surgeon B musician C engineer

2. Ann is my brother's daughter. She's my ……………… A niece B nephew C cousin

3. This flat is a bargain. It is really very ……………… A expensive B cheap C huge

4. People from Africa have got ……………… A light brown skin B dark brown skin C a pale complexion

5. There is a comfortable ……………… in the living-room. A sofa B cooker C mirror

4. Underline the correct word (10 points).

1. There is usually a washbasin / bookcase in the bathroom.

2. My brother is twenty-five years old. He's quite middle-aged / young.

3. People from Sweden have usually got fair / grey hair.

4. Who's / Whose cat is it? It's Anna's.

5. Mark is a very good student. He's really lazy / clever.


5. Write a letter to a pen-friend. Say who you are, what your job is, where you live, what you look like, talk about your family, your house, say what you like or do not like doing (20 points).


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