8)12 09 Przedimki a,an,the Va

Lesson plan

Teacher's name: Janusz Rybski

Date: 12th September, 2012

Class: Va - elementary school

Number of students 15

Level of the class Elementary

Topic: Przedimki a,an.the


Groupings: - Whole class and work in pairs

Students can: -how to put appriopriate article

Student know: - some of the articles rules

Teaching aids: - blackboard, handbooks

Language items to be taught:

Structural: - vocabulary connected with classroom objects

Functional: - using articles

- structures this is, these are

Anticipated problems: -Students may have problems with the discipline

-Students may have problems with pronounciation

Sugested solution: -Give the troublesome student a yelow card

-Correct them after speech

Teacher asks student to work individually and try to match words with the pictures, at the same time teacher writes this words on the blackboard. To check the task students one by one come to the desk, choose one picture and stick to the appropriate word.

- to introduce new vocabulary

-to check the task




Teacher explains the rules of articles a, an, the, gives examples and asks students to focus on exercise in Students' Book. Students work individually then check as a whole class.

- to complete the task



Teacher gives students more tasks and students work in pairs. Students decide whether plural or singular and complete sentences with appropriate article.

- to give students more practise with articles




Teacher orders students to do few exercises in the book connected articles.

- to provide students further practise of articles







Teacher asks students to open the books. Then plays the CD and asks students to listen and repeat.

- to be aware of the meaning of the questions and answers in the pictures




Student's signature Supervisor's signature

…............................. ….................................


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3-7.12.09, Studia, IV rok, IV rok, VII semestr, Waloryzacja przyrodnicza, wyklady cwiczenia w word
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