ox ex progress testa

3 Dom

Test 3A


Poziom podstawowy


1 New Exam Builder, page 33 Read the text and complete sentences 1-5 with the best answer A, B, C or D.

1 The first impression of the city of Beverly Hills is that of
A wealth.
B poverty.
C cleanliness.
D modernity.

2 The name of Beverly Hills is misleading because
A there are no hills at all.
B most of the city is flat.
C it's south of Sunset Boulevard.
D it's far away.

3 Which of these will you find in Beverly Hills?
A Graveyards.
B Factories.
C Billboards.
D Residences.

4 Tourists in Beverly Hills
A are most welcome.
B are likely to be asked questions by the police.
C can buy tickets to enter celebrities' mansions.
D can only enter the city on organized tours.

5 On Rodeo Drive you might
A find a bargain or two in Bijan.
B go into any shop you want.
C buy fresh fish on one of the stalls.
D spot a film star.

___ / 5


2 Complete sentences 1-8 with the correct words.

1 We can't buy these curtains. They don't m_ _ _ _ the colour of the carpet.

2 In student flats, the bathroom and kitchen are often c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (shared).

3 If you want to buy a house, you need to contact an e_ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ _.

4 The rent is £300 a month, plus electricity, gas and phone b_ _ _s.

5 All good-quality hotels provide their guests with bed l_ _ _ _.

6 With brown wallpaper and only a small window, the room looked really d_ _ _.

7 The flat is fully f_ _ _ _ _ _ed with all the necessary appliances.

8 The washing machine's broken down; I'll have to inform the l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ about it.

___ / 8

3 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. There are three phrases which you do not need to use.

well-kept peaceful mansion mow shutters cellar sweep detached house cluttered take out

1 They have a lot of wine in the _______________. (underground room)

2 If you have a garden, you have to _______________ the lawn at least once a week. (cut)

3 The house is located in a _______________ neighbourhood. (calm and quiet)

4 His desk was _______________ with papers, empty cups and broken pencils. (covered)

5 The neighbourhood was dangerous, so we had to install _______________ to feel safe. (a pair of covers outside the window)

6 I'd like to be a celebrity and live in a _______________ in Los Angeles. (bigimpressive house)

7 Oh, no! I've broken the glass. Now I have to _______________ the floor. (clean using a broom)

___ / 7


4A Complete sentences 1-5 with enough or too.

1 I'm afraid this house is not big __________ for our family.

2 Have we got __________ money to pay for the tickets now?

3 I decided the job was __________ much for me, so I left the company.

4 The story was much __________ long for a five-year-old child.

5 Is this flat good __________, or do we need to find a better one?

4B Complete sentences 610 with who, which, whose or where.

6 I don't like people __________ always complain.

7 That man over there is the teacher __________ never comes to school without a tie.

8 I think the house __________ Mr Green lives has the most beautiful garden in the city.

9 She is the lady __________ bag was stolen last week.

10 Is this the letter __________ hasn't been sent yet?

___ / 10

5 Write questions to complete the dialogues. Ask about the information in the phrases in bold.

1 ________________________________
When I was a student, I shared the flat with two friends of mine.

2 ________________________________
She was excited because her boyfriend was going to visit.

3 ________________________________
My mum is helping me to do the maths homework.

4 ________________________________
It takes me hours to clean the whole house

5 ________________________________
Shakespeare lived in Stradford upon Avon few centuries ago.

___ / 5


6 Read a fragment of the exam task and complete the dialogue.

Ustalasz warunki wynajmu pokoju w Londynie. Rozmawiasz z właścicielem domu. Porusz następujące kwestie:

* wysokość czynszu,

* termin płatności.

Student (start a conversation)
1 ___________________________

Examiner Yes, sure.

Student (ask about the rent)
2 ___________________________

Examiner It's £250 a month plus the cost of electricity, cable TV and the Internet.

Student (agree politely)

3 ___________________________

When is the rent due?

Examiner I'd like the money by the fourth of each month.

Student (disagree politely, giving reasons)
4 ___________________________

(provide another solution)

5 ___________________________

Examiner That sounds OK to me.

___ / 5


7 Do the exam task.

Otrzymałeś/Otrzymałaś zadanie przeprowadzenia ankiety wśród nastolatków na temat ich wymarzonego domu. Opracuj pytania dotyczące:

* lokalizacji,

* rodzaju domu,

* wyposażenia,

* dekoracji.

___ / 5


8 Translate the phrases in brackets into English.

1 I wouldn't like to have a (współlokatora, który) ____________________ listens to loud music.

2 (Czy myślisz, że wycieranie kurzu) ____________________ is typically a woman's job?

3 The picture shows a room ____________________ (który wygląda bardzo przytulnie)

4 ____________________! (Chyba sobie żartujesz!)

5 ____________________ (Po drugie), the Internet is ____________________
(zbyt wolny).

___ / 6

Total: ___ / 25

3 Dom

Test 3A


Poziom rozszerzony


9 New Exam Extender, page 19 Read the text and match the descriptions of the houses A-D with the information 1-6.

Which house, A, B, C or D

1 was built by the people who live there? _____

2 has three floors? _____

3 can both move and remain stationary? _____

4 was not a residence until it was bought by its current owner? _____

5 would look like a luxurious building if it was
built above the ground? _____

6 is both energy-efficient and famous? _____

___ / 6

Use of English

10 Translate the phrases in brackets into English.

1 (Nie stać nas na wynajęcie) __________________ a flat in the city centre.

2 It's high time we __________________ (żebyśmy kupili) a bigger house.

3 He always buys food in the shop down the road, __________________ (co jest bardzo drogie).

4 I (nie oddałam roweru do naprawy) __________________, so I cannot go for a ride with you.

___ / 4


11 Complete the gaps 1-4 with the correct words.

1 appliances which use very little electric energy:
____________-e____________ appliances

2 the costs of using a flat:
m____________ c____________

3 a flat that has its own entrance, bathroom and kitchen:
a s____________-c____________ flat

4 health centres, shops, post offices etc. near the place you live:
l____________ a____________

___ / 4

12 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.

half a metre four-leaf double-sided ice-cold densely-populated two-storey free-standing deeply-held

1 The only thing I dreamed about during the heat was a glass of __________ coke.

2 It is a(n) __________ belief that the death penalty is the right punishment for the most violent crimes.

3 That new printer prints __________ documents quickly and easily.

4 There was a narrow gangway, about __________ wide, between the seats in the cinema.

5 What we need to our kitchen is a __________ fridge.

6 New York is one of the most __________ cities in the world.

___ / 6


13 Rewrite the sentences. Begin as suggested.

1 The neighbours are not only very friendly, but also very helpful.
Not only _______________ but _______________.

2 The hostel is located near the Tatra Mountains and offers a lot of attractions for tourists.
Located _________________________.

3 I do the cleaning on Friday, so I can enjoy free time on Saturday.
Doing _________________________.

4 It cannot be denied that the house has a peaceful atmosphere.
Undeniably _________________________.

5 My father loves cooking meals most.
What _________________________.

___ / 5

Total: ___ / 25


Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Oxford Excellence for matura Test 2 B


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