Rhythm, foot Þfinicje i przykÅ‚ady

Rhythm- is a strong regular repeated pattern of movement of sound. The measured flow of words and phrases in verse or prose, as determined by the relation of long and short or stressed or unstressed syllables. - noticeable event happening at regular intervals of time - is detectable in the regular occurrence of syllables - English language is rhythmical. Stressed time to rhythm implies that stressed syllables will tend to occur with relatively regular intervals whether they are separated by unstressed syllables or not. The times from each stressed syllable to the next will tend to be the same irrespective in the number of unstressed syllables.

Foot- the unit of rhythm; begins with stressed syllable and includes all following unstressed syllables up to the following stressed syllable.

I/ like your/ hat, E/lise. That/ isn't my/ hat, it's my hair. Your /hair? You/ can't have/ hair like /that. E/lise, it's br/illiant green! Old/ women can/ dye their hair /blue. These are/ plenty who/ paint their nails /red.


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