After night cooling
File: After Night Cool.doc
Last edition: 2003-03-04
Author: Mikael Krantz
History: 96-02-13/MK First released version.
96-10-03/MK Updated to Menta 1.20
97-08-29/MK Updated to Menta 3.0
98-12-29/MK New file name
2003-03-04/MK Updated to Menta 4.0
After the night cooling has ended, it is a waste of energy to allow a higher supply temperature than the actual room temperature. Because of this, the setpoint for the supply temperature is minimised to the actual room temperature, until the room temperature reaches its setpoint, or at the end of a normal run period.
(Binary) Night cooling flag
(Binary) Normal run
(Real) Room temperature, °C.
(Real) SP Room temperature, °C.
(Real) SP Supply temperature, °C
(Real) Minimized SP Supply temperature, °C
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