Night cooling
File: Night Cool.doc
Last edition: 2003-03-04
Author: Mikael Krantz
History: 96-02-13/MK First released version.
96-10-03/MK Updated to Menta 1.20
97-08-29/MK Updated to Menta 3.0
98-12-29/MK New file name
2003-03-04/MK Updated to Menta 4.0
Night cooling function starts when;
a. The summer flag is true.
b. The room sensor is connected.
c. The night heating function has not been on since last normal run period.
d. The "Outdoor temperature" exceeds the "OutdoorLimit". Night cooling
stops when the "Outdoor temperature" goes below the "OutdoorLimit" with
a hysteresis of 1.0C.
e. The "Outdoor temperature is below the "Room temperature" with at least
the "NightDiff" value. As soon as the difference between the
"Outdoor temperature " and the "Room temperature" is less than 1.0C
the night cooling function stops.
f. The "Room temperature is at least 1.5C greater when the
"NightCoolSetpoint". The night cooling function stops when the
"Room temperature" goes below the "NightCoolSetpoint".
g. It is less than 10 hours to next normal start.
(Real) Room temperature, C.
(Real) Outdoor temperature, C
(Binary) Summer flag
(Binary) Night heating flag
(Binary) Normal run
(Integer) Time left to normal start. minutes
(Binary) Night cooling
(Real) NightCoolSetpoint 20 C
(Real) NightDiff 3 C
(Real) OutdoorLimit 10 C
Public signals
(Binary) NightCooling
(Real) NightCoolSetpoint
(Real) NightDiff
(Real) OutdoorLimit