Real Estate Interview Questions

Real Estate & Home Improvement Interview Questions

This document contains interview questions for the following business categories:

Carpet Cleaner


Exterminator/Pest Control

Fences / Gates


Handy Person (Handyman)

Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Home Inspector

House Painting Contractor

Interior Designer

Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeler



Real Estate Agent or Real Estate Broker

Real Estate Appraiser

Roofing Contractor

Security Systems

Siding Contractors

Tree Company

Window Installer

Carpet Cleaners

Why is it important for homeowners to regularly have their carpets cleaned, if they are interested in preserving the value of their homes?

How soon can people walk on a carpet after it's cleaned?

How should homeowners deal with recurring spots & stains (e.g. pet stains, children, etc.)?

How frequently should homeowners have their carpets cleaned?

How long does it take for a home's carpets to be cleaned?

Can carpet cleaners do anything about bleached or faded spots?

Who is typically responsible for moving the furniture, before and after a carpet is cleaned?

What is "stain protection" and why is this important?

Are there any types of stains that carpet cleaners usually can't improve or remove?

Can deep indentations in carpets, from heavy furniture, be fixed?

Are the chemicals, used to clean carpets, safe for pets?

What should people do with their pets on the day that they have their carpets cleaned?

Can carpet cleaning remove pet odors in addition to pet stains? Do additional services typically need to be purchased for this?

What is the best method for having carpets cleaned and what are the differences between these applications?


How can an electrician help homeowners who are interested in increasing the value of their home or preserving the value of their home?

Are electricians typically licensed and/or insured? If so, how?

Are there any ways to verify that an electrician is licensed or insured?

Can a homeowner hire an electrician who does "commercial" work?

Is it customary for a homeowner to ask an electrician to provide references?

How do electricians normally charge their customers, hourly or based on the job?

Is it typical to receive a written estimate?

Do electricians usually provide service agreements, guaranteeing their work? What's standard?

Will electrical work requires holes in walls or other structural changes? If so, who is responsible for fixing these things?

What are some of the things that electricians can do to help homeowners ensure that the wiring in their homes is safe?

What should someone beware of when hiring an electrician?

What are some good questions that homeowners can ask an electrician to ensure that they make the right hiring decision?

Exterminator/Pest Control

How can a homeowner work with an Exterminator / Pest Control company, to help preserve the value of their home?

What are some of the specific ways that insects and pests can depreciate the value of a home?

If a homeowner doesn't appear to have a pest control problem, are there preventative types of services that a Pest Control company can offer? If yes, please explain how these services work.

What should someone be aware of when hiring an Exterminator?

Are Exterminators required to be licensed or insured in any way? If yes, how?

How can a homeowner be certain that they are hiring a Pest Control company that is reputable?

How can a homeowner look for signs that they might have a pest problem that requires the services of a Pest Control service?

Do Pest Control services typically offer humane pest removal services?

What are some of the standard service contracts that Pest Control companies offer?

What types of guarantees or warranties are typical, when a homeowner hires a Pest Control company to solve a specific problem?

Does a homeowner need to be home when their home is serviced?

Are the chemicals that pest control companies use safe?

Why should someone hire a pest control service as opposed to just spraying or doing similar things themselves?

Can pets be harmed by certain services that pest control companies offer? What precautions should be taken with children and pets, for certain pest control services?

Fences / Gates

How can gates or fences preserve or increase the value of a home?

What are some situations where homeowners are required to have a fence?

How can a homeowner find out if they are required to have a fence?

Should a homeowner's neighbor also contribute to the cost of having a fence installed or replaced? How are situations like this typically handled?

If a homeowner's neighbor's fence is broken, who is responsible for having this fixed?

What are some of the different types of fences and gates that homeowners can have installed? What are the advantages or disadvantages of these options?

Do fence companies typically have insurance? If so, what type of insurance should they have?

Are there any types of licenses of permits that are needed for installing a fence?

What is an "invisible fence"?

What types of fences are available for child safety purposes?

When someone is looking to hire a fence company, what should they look out for?

What are the most important questions that a homeowner should ask a fence company, prior to hiring them?

How can a homeowner figure out where their property line is, when they're having a fence installed? Why is this important?

What is a standard type of warranty that most fence companies offer, with regard to installation and the fence material itself?


How can a homeowner's flooring help to preserve or increase the value of their home?

What types of flooring are best for preserving or increasing the value of a home?

What factors should someone consider when shopping for a floor?

Do wood floors typically get scratched up quickly, if someone has children or pets? What can be done to help prevent this from happening?

Can a new hardwood floor be stained to match the old wood floors already in a home?

What are the right questions that a homeowner should ask a flooring installer?

How can a homeowner remove carpet that's laid over hardwood floors?

Does sunlight lighten or darken a floor's color?

If a homeowner purchases flooring through the company that does the installation, will they save money on the cost of the materials?

What types of licensing and/or insurance should a flooring company have?

Who typically handles the delivery of the flooring material, the company that sells the flooring material or the flooring installer?

What type of flooring is best for someone who has allergies or asthma?

Is it better to buy flooring with a wax or urethane finish?

Are steam cleaners an effective way to keep wood floors clean? How else can wood floors be kept in the best possible condition?

Handy Person (Handyman)

What are some ways that a handy person can help a homeowner preserve or increase the value of their home?

How can a homeowner tell if a handy person is licensed and insured?

Why should a homeowner hire a licensed and insured handy person instead of having a friend or family member do the work for them?

What is the customary way to pay a handy person, before or after the job is done?

Is it ok to ask for a written estimate, even for a small job?

What should a homeowner do if they are not happy with the work their handy person did?

What should a homeowner do if a job is taking much longer to complete than they were told it would take?

What types of guarantees are typical, after a handy person has completed a job?

Can homeowners typically hire a handy person to do work when they are not going to be home?

How can a homeowner be sure that they can trust the handy person as well as the workers that a handy person brings in to the customer's home?

How do homeowners typically get charged by a handy person? Per hour or per job?

If a handy person charges per hour, how can a homeowner be sure that the handy person isn't purposely working slow, to make more money?

What should a homeowner do if a handy person continues to not show up to do scheduled work?

Is it customary for a handy person to do work for other customers, while they're in the process of completing a job? How can a homeowner be sure that they are not going to hire a handy person that is working on too many other jobs to complete their project in a timely manner?

Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC)

How can an HVAC contractor help a homeowner preserve or increase the value of their home?

What are the different types of heating systems that a home owner could have installed and what are the pros and cons to each one?

What is the "Energy Star" label and why is this important?

What is the process for installing central air conditioning in a home?

What steps can homeowners take to reduce their energy costs?

How often do heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems typically need to be serviced?

How can homeowners protect themselves against carbon monoxide pollution?

How can homeowners tell if they have a ventilation problem in their homes?

What can a homeowner do to improve the ventilation in their home?

What is two-stage cooling and what are the advantages of this type of cooling system?

What type of training or certification do HVAC contractors have?

What should a homeowner do if they recognize the value of getting a new system, but they don't want to layout the entire cost for a new system all at once?

What are some questions that a homeowner should ask a company, when considering purchasing a new heating, ventilation, or air conditioning system?

Can a new thermostat save homeowners money? If yes, how?

Home Inspector

What is a home inspection?

What can a homeowner do to improve their home, to help it receive a favorable home inspection?

When a homeowner is selling their home, who typically pays for the home inspection?

Is there any reason to get a home inspection if a homeowner is not selling their home?

What are some of the common misunderstandings that people have about home inspections?

How does a home inspection differ from a home appraisal?

What should a homeowner do if they believe that there are errors in a home inspection report?

Why would a homeowner need a home inspection?

How much does a home inspection typically cost?

Do home inspectors typically provide references upon request?

Is it possible for a house to "fail" a home inspection?

How can a homeowner find a reputable home inspector?

Do home inspectors need to be licensed? If so, how are they licensed and how can their credentials be verified?

Does a homeowner have to be home when their home is being inspected?

What should a homeowner do if their home inspection report reveals problems?

House Painting Contractor

How can a painting contractor help a homeowner preserve or increase the value of their home?

How can a homeowner find out if a painting contractor is licensed?

Is it customary to ask for references? If so, when is it a good time to ask?

How can a homeowner determine if they need to completely re-paint an area or just do touch-up work?

What is "priming" and how can a homeowner decide if an area needs to be primed first?

How many coats of paint are typically needed?

What colors are the best choices for increasing the value of a home?

What is "sheen" and when/where should different types of sheen be used?

How long does it typically take for an interior job to be completed? How long does it typically take for an exterior job to be completed?

Does the homeowner usually need to be home when a job is being completed?

Should anything be done to ensure that plants and shrubs are not damaged? What happens if they are damaged during a job?

How should a homeowner prepare their home, prior to having their house painted?

How does payment typically work, with regard to placing deposits and paying the balance?

Can a homeowner save money on paint if they purchase it through their painting contractor?

Interior Designer

How can an Interior Designer help a homeowner increase the value of their home?

What are the advantages of hiring an Interior Designer as compared to a homeowner doing their own design?

What is the difference between an Interior Designer and an Interior Decorator?

What information should a homeowner have before contacting an Interior Designer?

How much should a homeowner budget/set aside for hiring an Interior Designer?

What are some good questions a homeowner should ask, when first meeting with an Interior Designer?

Is it ok to ask an Interior Designer for references? If so, when is the most appropriate time to request references?

What are some of the most common misunderstandings or misconceptions that people have about Interior Designers?

What typically happens at the first meeting with an Interior Designer?

How much of a "voice" can the homeowner have in the decision making process?

How do Interior Designers typically get paid, with regard to deposits and paying the balance?

What should a homeowner be careful of when selecting an Interior Designer to work with?

Can a homeowner typically save money by purchasing furniture or other home items through an Interior Designer?

How does the entire process work, from start to finish, after hiring an Interior Designer?

Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeler

How can a kitchen and bathroom remodeler help a homeowner preserve or increase the value of their home?

Where should a homeowner start, when they are considering remodeling their kitchen and/or their bathroom?

What is the difference between a kitchen and bath designer, contractor and architect?

How can a homeowner help to ensure that they hire a reputable company?

How much does it typically cost to remodel a kitchen and a bathroom?

How do kitchen and bathroom remodelers usually charge for their services, with regard to deposits and the payment of balances?

What are some of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make when they decide to have their kitchen and bathroom redone?

What are some steps that homeowners can take, to help ensure that the remodeling of their kitchen and bathroom goes as smoothly as possible?

How can a homeowner decide if they should reface their existing cabinets or replace them?

How long does it usually take to remodel a kitchen or a bathroom?

Why are kitchens and bathrooms such important rooms, when it comes to the value of a home?

What if a job is taking much longer than the homeowner was told it would take?

What types of licenses and insurance should a kitchen and bathroom remodeler have?

How can a homeowner use their kitchen and bathroom while it's being remodeled? What do homeowners normally do while these rooms are being remodeled?


How can a landscaper help a homeowner increase or preserve the value of their home?

What are some of the services that most landscapers offer?

Is it true that certain types of landscaping can help homeowners save energy inside their home? If so, what type of landscaping can homeowners have done to help save on their energy costs?

Will new landscaping make a homeowner's property more labor intensive and high maintenance?

How much does it typically cost for a new landscaping project?

Which is better, mulch or rock?

How does the process, from start to finish, usually work, when a homeowner decides they want landscaping done on their property?

Do homeowners typically have to pay for an initial consultation or estimate?

How will homeowners know how to care for new plants and materials after they're installed?

What time of year is best to have new landscaping installed?

How can a homeowner know, ahead of time, if they're going to like the way new landscaping will look on their property? Don't they have computer software that can help in this area? How does that type of software work?

What are the advantages of hiring a landscaper over a homeowner doing this type of work on their own?

What should a homeowner be cautious of when hiring a new landscaper?

What are some important questions that a homeowner should ask a landscaper, before hiring them?


How can a plumber help a homeowner increase or preserve the value of their home?

What are the different options that a homeowner can choose from, when selecting a new plumbing system? What are the pros and cons of these different options?

What are some questions that a homeowner should ask a plumber before hiring them?

What should a homeowner be cautious of when hiring a plumber?

What types of licensing and insurance should a plumber have and how can a homeowner verify that a plumber has these things?

Will plumbers typically install items that a homeowner has already purchased?

Can a homeowner save money on plumbing materials and supplies if they purchase it through the plumber who installs it?

What are some of the common mistakes that people make when it comes to the plumbing in their homes?

Do plumbers generally provide estimates? If so, how does this typically work and does the homeowner usually pay for an estimate?

If a homeowner is having their entire plumbing system replaced, how long does a job like this typically last?

Why is it better to hire a professional, licensed plumber, as opposed to a homeowner attempting to do a job themselves?

What types of guarantees and warranties are standard on completed plumbing work?

What types of plumbing products can help homeowners save money on their monthly bills?

Is it true that homeowners can get a tax rebate on new plumbing products and installations? If so, how does this work?

Real Estate Agent or Real Estate Broker

What are some simple things that a homeowner can do to increase the value of their home?

If someone is getting ready to sell their home, what should they NOT do to their home?

How can a real estate agent help a homeowner get the maximum asking price for their home?

What are the benefits to using a real estate agent, as compared to a homeowner selling their home on their own?

What should a homeowner ask a real estate agent, when considering hiring them to help sell their home?

What is the difference between a real estate agent and a real estate broker?

What's the difference between an exclusive listing and a multiple listing and what are pros and cons to each of these?

What should a homeowner look out for when they're considering hiring a real estate agent?

If a homeowner feels that their real estate agent is not helping to get their home in front of enough potential buyers, what can they do?

What should a homeowner expect from their real estate agent?

How does the process typically work when a homeowner hires a real estate agent?

How does an Open House typically work and how many of these should a homeowner have?

What can a homeowner do to help facilitate a smooth, quick sale, and still get the price they want for their home?

Is it possible for a real estate agent to show a home when the homeowner is not there? If so, how does this work and is this safe?

What is the licensing process for real estate agents and how can a homeowner verify the credentials of a real estate agent?

Real Estate Appraiser

What can a homeowner do to preserve or increase the value of their home?

What is a real estate appraisal?

What does a real estate appraiser do?

What are some of the most common misconceptions that people have about real estate appraisals?

Would someone only need a home appraisal if they're buying or selling a home? If not, what would be the other circumstances under which someone would need a real estate appraisal?

What are the differences between a real estate appraisal, a "comparative market analysis", and a home inspection?

What is included in a real estate appraisal report?

Can commercial real estate appraisers also do real estate appraisals for residential homes?

Are real estate appraisers required to take continuing education classes? If so, what are the requirements in this area?

How can a homeowner be certain that the results of a real estate appraisal are accurate?

How are appraisers licensed and how can their credentials be verified?

Do real estate appraisers work for the home buyer or the home seller in a real estate sale?

What information does an appraiser use to estimate the value of a home?

What is ''market value?''

Who actually "owns" the appraisal report?

Roofing Contractor

How can a roofing contractor help a homeowner increase or preserve the value of their home?

How can a homeowner tell if they need work done on their roof?

What are the typical options that a homeowner has if they decide to get a new roof?

Do homeowners, with leaks in their house, always need to have their entire roof replaced?

Why is it not a good idea for a homeowner to replace or repair their own roof?

How long should a new roof typically last?

How much does a new roof usually cost?

How long does it take for a new roof to be installed?

Should a homeowner be home when their new roof is being installed?

Is it ok for a homeowner to have their cars in their driveway, while their roof is being installed?

What preparations should a homeowner make, around their home, prior to having a new roof installed?

What should a homeowner be wary of when selecting a roofing company?

Is it normal for homeowners to find nails and other items from their roof, around their property, after a new roof has been installed?

What types of licensing and insurance should all roofing companies have?

What are some good questions that a homeowner should ask a roofing contractor?

Security Systems

How can a security system help preserve or improve the value of a home?

Is it true that people with security systems can usually get discounts on their homeowner's insurance? If so, what's the typical savings?

What is central monitoring?

In addition to protecting a home against burglary, what are some other ways that security systems can protect a home?

Can't someone just get some signs for their front yard and stickers for their doors and windows, to make it appear as if they have an alarm system? What are pros and/or cons to doing this?

If someone has pets, won't that cause the alarm to go off?

Besides getting a security system, what are some other steps that homeowners can take to make their homes safer and less prone to burglary?

Will a homeowner need to have new wiring installed when they get a home security system?

What happens if an alarm goes off accidentally?

Do security systems go off if there is a power outage, after the power comes back on?

Will a security system still work if the power goes out for an extended period of time?

Doesn't a barking dog provide the same security that an alarm system does?

What questions should a homeowner ask an alarm company when choosing who to hire?

What are some of the common misconceptions that people have about home security systems?

Siding Contractors

How can a siding contractor help a homeowner preserve or increase the value of their home?

What types of siding can homeowners have installed and what are the pros and cons to each kind?

What are the benefits to getting siding as compared to just repainting a home?

How does the cost of vinyl siding compare to the added resale value it provides?

Why is vinyl siding so popular?

How can a homeowner be sure they are hiring a reputable siding contractor?

How should a homeowner maintain their vinyl siding?

Is one season better than another to have new siding installed?

What should a homeowner look out for when choosing a siding contractor?

What are some of the common misconceptions that homeowners have about getting new siding?

What types of licenses and/or insurance should a siding contractor have and how can a homeowner verify these items?

How and when is payment typically made for a siding installation?

What types of warranties are standard with a new siding installation?

Tree Company

How can a tree service company help a homeowner preserve or increase the value of their home?

What is the difference between trimming and pruning?

What should a homeowner ask a tree service company, when considering who to hire?

What should a homeowner look out for, when hiring a tree service company?

Why is it a bad idea for a homeowner to try to remove a tree on their own?

Why would someone want or need to get their trees pruned?

If a dead or diseased tree is on a property line, who Is responsible for removing it?

If a neighbor's tree is hanging over a property line, can the homeowner, who does not own the tree, do anything about the part of the tree that is on their property?

Is stump removal a normal part of removing a tree?

What is meant by the term "standing dead"?

How long does it take to remove a tree?

Why is the tree removal and stump removal usually estimated out separately?

What is the process for removing a stump?

What is the normal depth that a stump gets removed to?

Window Installer

How can new windows maintain or increase the value of a home?

Is it true that the savings on energy that occurs, as a result of installing new windows, exceeds the cost of installing windows? If so, how long does it take to make up the cost in energy savings?

What are some of the different types of window options, with regard to the thickness of the glass? How do these options differ from one another?

What are some of the other options that are available, when selecting new windows? What are the pros and cons of these various options?

How long does the installation take if a homeowner is replacing all of their windows?

What are some of the most common misconceptions that people have about getting new windows?

What is the standard way to usually pay for a window installation, with regard to placing deposits and paying the balance?

Does the cost of windows typically include the cost of labor? If not, how much more does labor typically cost?

Can windows be installed if it's raining out or if the weather is bad in some other way (snow, wind, etc.)?

What questions should a homeowner ask when they are considering which company to hire for a new window installation job?

Does the homeowner typically need to be home when a window installation is taking place?

What is the customary guarantee/warranty on new windows and on the labor associated with installing them?

What are the safest and most secure types of locks to have installed on windows?

What if a wall or another part of the home gets damaged during the installation process?


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