Temporal Lobes

  1. Temporal Lobes - contain auditory cortex. memory, perception, emotion, language comprehension

  2. Frontal Lobes - contain motor cortex (voluntary movements). Ability to make plans, think creatively

  3. Occipital Lobes -contain visual cortex. Damage to the visual cortex can cause problems with sight or even blindness

  4. Parietal Lobes - contain somatosensory cortex (temperature of the body). Tell what moveable parts of the body are doing.


  1. Left hemisphere is in 95% responsible for language production (Broca's Area)

  2. Meaning and comprehension (Wernickle's Area)

  1. Language Production (Broca's Aphasia):

  1. disorder of language outputs

  2. close to motor regions concerned with articulation

  3. prevents person from producing speech, yet a person understands it

  4. words are not properly formed

  5. speech is slow and slurred

  1. Language comprehension (Wernickle's Aphasia)

    1. Sensory or receptive aphasia

    2. Close to the region of brain concerned with auditory

    3. Loss of the ability to understand the language

    4. A person speaks clearly but the words put together makes no sense

  2. Brain elements:

    1. LIMBIC SYSTEM - group of brain areas involved in emotional reactions and motivated behavior

    2. CEREBRAL CORTEX - thin layer of cells covering cerebellum


    4. CORPUS CALLOSUM - line between 2 hemispheres

  3. Brain stem:

    1. At the top of the spinal cord. Responsible for heartbeat, sleeping, walking, dreaming.

  4. Cerebellum:

    1. Essential for control of walking movements. Gives ability to maintain an upright posture.

  5. Memory and its types:

    1. Capacity to retain and retrieve info

    2. Without memory we could be as helpless as infants

    3. Memory preserves the past and guides the future

  6. Phases of memory:

    1. Encoding

      1. The process whereby info is thought to be put in memory

      2. First step is selection - what we want to remember

      3. We can distinguish 2 processes (input, output)

      4. In order to remember language we have to see it

      5. Language is remembered through 2 channels (hearing, seeing)

      6. Depends on age (children don't have as well developed memory as adult)

    2. Storage

      1. Relates to the methods to retain info

      2. 3 factors influence it:

        1. Situation - external factor

        2. Intelligence

        3. How often do we revise

      3. Sleep prevents 2/3 of forgetting

    3. Retrieval

      1. Relates to the process of recovering stored info in memory

      2. Reconstruction (poem/painting)

      3. Recognition (finding a surname on the list)

  7. Features of Memory:

    1. Speed of encoding (encoding)

    2. Memory span (encoding)

    3. Persistence of storage (storage)

    4. Fidelity (retrieval)

    5. Readiness (retrieval)

  8. Types of Memory:

    1. According to stimulus:

      1. Visual

      2. Auditory

      3. Kinetic

    2. According to the way we memorize:

      1. Mechanical (without associations)

      2. Logical (with associations)

    3. According to the participation of brain:

      1. Voluntary (full concentration)

      2. Involuntary (subconsciously)

    4. According to the storage of info:

      1. Short term memory (2-3 minutes)

      2. Long term memory


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