Report 1 20 EXERCISES

Report 1

Fill in the subject, aim, recommendations and conclusions. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: Reasons of War in Iraq................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

The aim of this report is to give a full information about the reasons of war in Iraq. ...............................................................................................

According to Bush Administration, USA and the coalition countries, especially after 9/11 attacks, had reasons to start the war. This war was directed against Sadam's regime and the terrorism supported by him, and his disobedience to UN resolutions on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The war is conducted to the detailed plan, which anticipates:

During this war US soldiers may expect opposition to be active, especially Bath party

and its militants, the Fedayeen people, mujahedins from other Muslim countries and tribal warriors. There will probably be guerrilla tactics against US rear units conducted by practicing snipers, suicidal attackers and more organized insurgents as well. They do not exclude struggles particularly in bigger cities and areas of residence of Sadam's Regime supporters.

The first days of war were mentioned as tough fights in the south of Iraq, especially in Basra but it is hoped that international coalition will end this war with least fatalities.

It is concluded that the war can prevent expanding terrorism on other countries. People can avoid similar terrorism act like 9/11 if the operation will not get out of the control. .........................................................................................................


It is recommended that ..................................................................................................



2Lt John Brown

Report 2

Fill in the subject, aim, recommendations and conclusions. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

The purpose of this report is to .........................................................................................

The Polish 1st Brigade had beed ordered to cooperate with the German 7th Armoured Division within the framework of Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC). Conducted joint exercises proved that our tanks T-72 are not as accurate and reliable as the German Leopards. This fact has its impact on the effectiveness, operability and compatibility of the whole ARRC. The only way to improve the situation is to purchase tanks fully compatible and interoperatible with the German ones.

Sixty percent of the Brigade soldiers are of the opinion that their uniforms, especially BDU trousers are of poor quality. This fact indicates that the majority of personnel is not satisfied with their clothing.

A large number of soldiers claim that they are accommodated in very poor conditions. Their rooms are located in old barracks, which have not been renovated for many years. There is neither hot running water nor central heating. The soldiers' dissatisfaction may have direct impact on their service.

To sum up, all the problems deriving from the considered points indicate that a lot of things must be changed and improved in the A Brigade. The requirement to exchange armament, uniforms and improve soldiers' living standard is of the highest priority. This is the precondition if the soldiers are to be content with their service in the special NATO structure, responsible for a short notice action anywhere and in any time.

It is concluded that.........................................................................................................


It is recommended that ..................................................................................................



2Lt John Brown

Report 3

Translate the words in the brackets. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

The aim of this report is to present the Mine awareness briefing 1) cared out (przeprowadzone) for the community of Cesna Vilka by the NATO EOD experts with the focus on its weak and strong points.

The above mentioned talk was given on 16th November in the Town Hall of Cesna Vilka for the local population. The lecturer spoke English and his speech was translated by the local 2) interpreter(tłumacz) with a satisfactory knowledge of the language. However, military terminology was 3) neglected (zaniedbane) or omitted. The choice of the venue was conditioned by the fact that recently there had been several mine accidents involving children and adults 4) also (również).

It has to be stressed that the presentation was conducted on a high professional level, but there was nothing addressed to the children and teenagers 5) that's something (chociaż) they 6) account for (stanowią) the highest rate in mine and IEDs accidents.

It has to be noticed that the local authorities were 7) deaply (głeboko) engaged in the preparation and propagation of the above mentioned event. They arranged all the necessary 8) convenience (udogodnienia), for example, conference room, OHP, slide projector, slides and photos. Unfortunately, it turned out that the video recorder was out of order. Additionally, the hall had poor acoustics and the collection of mines did not show all the 9) kinds (rodzaje) of mines used in the area.

It was observed that the people were very interested. Yet the hall was overcrowded and the seats were prepared in insufficient number.

10) To sum up (Podsumowując), one has to admit that the events like this are to be organised periodically if the international forces want to be perceived well and with credibility by the local representatives and local people.

2Lt John Brown

Report 4

Complete the text with a suitable word from the box. Fill in the missing subject.

civilian fluently describe fluent

took place as at last opponents

representatives at least both passing

domestic held international within

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: International peace conference

Date: 22nd March 2006

The purpose of this report is to 1) describe the peace conference, which was 2)took place from 5th to 8th May 2003 in Paris. This conference was prepared by the UN and the topic was the stabilization of Iraq in the post-Hussein era.

The above mentioned meeting was attended by 3) representatives of the twelve European countries, Canada, the USA and the leaders of Iraqi opposition.

The conference was devoted to the organization of International Forces capable of supporting Iraq in its transition to democracy. It was conducted in English and all the attendants were able to speak 4) fluently English at third level.

After the current situation had been presented the auditorium was divided into the three groups. Each of them was tasked to prepare the concept of operation in one of three Iraqi zones. 5) As a result, it was established that 6) __________ three International Divisions are needed to fulfill the given tasks.

At the conference the UN undersecretary submitted request to members of the conference to contribute to the 7) international effort. It is expected that Poland will attend with a Mechanized Brigade and a group of 8) civilian specialists. Our official reply is expected from us by the UN officials 9) within 10 days.

To sum up, I would like to stress that our participation in the stabilization of Iraq would be useful and profitable for Poland, 10) both politically and economically.

2Lt John Brown

Report 5

Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: FXT at Drawsko Pomorskie

Date: 22nd March 2006

The 1) aim/objective of this report is to assess the Field exercise training at Drawsko Pomorskie in which my platoon 2) taken part/participated between 26 February and 3 March.

The exercise went 3) according to/on schedule. The platoon fulfilled all the objectives. The soldiers improved their combat skills. During the exercise there were 4) no/neither casualties 5) no/nor damage to the equipment.

In the first part of the exercise the soldiers practised live firing with all the platoon weapons (pistol, rifle, MG, RPG). They also practised on the CQB and FIBUA courses in simulated battle conditions. In 6) additionally/addition, they improved skills in using individual protective equipment, teamwork 7) as well as/ as soon as coordination with other subunits.

During the second part of the exercise the soldiers were trained in a night patrolling and attacking heavily fortified enemy positions. All the new skills were acquired fast and efficiently as was demonstrated in an inner-section battle skills competition.

8) It is concluded/In conclusion that the FXT at Drawsko Pomorskie was well organized and conducted in a satisfactory manner. 9) Although/However, there were some problems with accommodation and food supply.

10) It is/ we recommended that we should improve the accommodation facilities and reconsider a supply contract with our present catering company.

2Lt John Brown

Report 6

Multiple choice. Decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

To: Col. Scott, Head of the NATO research team

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: 1) ___________ intensive training course in English

Date: 22nd March 2006

The purpose of this report is to 2) ___________ a five-month intensive training course in English held between 27 January and 28 June in Salona and to make recommendations 3)___________ future courses.

The course was well organized 4) ___________ accommodation and classrooms. The participants stayed in 5) ___________ double rooms and were provided with necessary facilities such 6) ___________ TV sets, cassette recorders and the Internet link. The classrooms were well 7) ___________ with audio-visual aids, although most trainees commented that the size of the rooms was not satisfactory and suggested that they should be renovated and better maintained.

As far as the teachers are 8) ___________, their teaching experience and performance were considered to be a good value. Each class was well prepared and conducted in 9) ___________ interesting way. Still there were some complaints about the quality of military English taught. The participants thought that too 10) ___________ time was devoted to practise of vocabulary connected with military topics. On a more positive 11)___________, the materials provided both for classes and homework assignments were considered to be very well catered for.

12) ___________, most trainees were satisfied with this intensive course and felt that they made substantial progress in the four skills taught. No conclusions were 13)___________ regarding the final exam results.

It was agreed that more military English should be 14) ___________ in future courses as this would enable the students to make better practical use of English. 15)___________, it was proposed that the classrooms should be better maintained.

2Lt John Brown

1. A) Five months B) A five-month C) A five month D) A fifth-month

2. A) assessed B) count C) calculate D) evaluate

3. A) in B) for C) with D) by

4. A) in case B) in terms of C) in case of D) in the period of

5. A) comfortable B) snug C) cosy D) neat

6. A) like B) us C) as D) likes

7. A) equipped B) equiped C) equipment D) equippment

8. A) concerned B) connected C) connecting D) concerning

9. A) a B) an C) the D) -

10. A) a little B) a few C) few D) little

11. A) side B) hand C) tone D) note

12. A) On balance B) In balance C) As general D) General

13. A) got B) reached C) achieved D) given

14. A) implemented B) implements C) introduced D) introduces

15. A) Fundamentally B) Additionally C) Basically D) Initially

Report 7

Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the word in brackets into an appropriate form. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

The aim of this report is to 1) __________ (assessment) the results of the exercise on the fire range as well as the technical issues, discipline and 2) __________ (moral) of the soldiers of the Company A.

The exercise was conducted on the garrison fire range on 20 June 2005. It was scheduled to check the level of military training of the soldiers of company A. As many as 90 percent of 3) __________ (participation) passed the test with good and very good results.

The exercise was organised and conducted on a very high level of professionalism. All soldiers were 4) __________ (depth) involved in all parts, which 5) __________ (indicator) that their morale and discipline were at least on satisfactory level and all the 6)__________(prepared) works had been realised 7) __________ (proper). The technical support was provided by the support platoon and there was nothing to complain about.

It is suggested that 8) __________ (add) training should be organised for the remaining 10 percent of soldiers to give them the opportunity and chance to improve their 9)__________ (skillfully).

Summarising, one can only be proud of the high discipline, morale and skillfullness presented during the above mentioned exercises. The Company A once again proved that its soldiers were trained well and long enough to fulfill any mission both in national and 10)__________(national) environment.

2Lt John Brown

Report 8

Tenses. Complete the sentences by changing the word in brackets into an appropriate form. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006


The purpose of this report is 1) __________ (assess) the possibility of Beaumont Catering 2) __________ (employ) 3) __________ (cater for) our annual awards ceremony dinner on 3rd July this year.


Beaumont Catering 4) __________ (be) a family-run business and 5) __________, in fact, (enter) its twenty-fifth successful year. Based in London, with a staff of 180, it 6)__________ (be) the largest company of its kind in the United Kingdom. Using its own air service, it 7) __________ (specialise) in food delivery to places as far away as Somerset and the Midlands.


The company 8) __________ (offer) a varied menu, although it 9) __________ (cater) mainly French cuisine and therefore it is not always suitable for less formal occasions. Their delivery service 10) __________ (bring) tables and chairs, tableclothes, napkins, crockery, cutlery, table decorations, flowers, and, of course, the food and wine required for the meal. However, they 11) __________ (not offer) a bar service, which 12) __________ (can be) inconvenient. Waiters 13) __________ (also supply) for the evening.


On the whole, it 14) __________ (not recommend) that Beaumont Catering Company 15) __________ (hire; cater for) our awards dinner. In spite of BCC 16) __________ (have) an excellent reputation, it 17) __________ (feel) that a bar service 18) __________ (be) necessary for this type of social function. That is why, it 19) __________ (conclude) that our local army canteen 20) __________ (provide) a venue for this ceremony.

2Lt John Brown

Report 9

Translate the linking words in the brackets. And think of the appropriate headings and subject. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006


The aim of this report is to propose changing the food supplier as the current one is not reliable.


1) __________ (Obecnie) the quality of food is not sufficient enough and is not suitable for eating. 2) __________ (Na przykład), the products are often unfresh and their “best before” date is often expired. 3) __________ (Co więcej), the existing food provider delivers poor quality food, 4) __________ (w szczególności) vegetables and bakery products, which are very often stale. 5) __________ (Co gorsze), the meat and meat products are sometimes rotten. 6) _________ (Pomimo faktu że) this problem has been brought to the attention of the provider the quality of the food keeps deteriorating all the time. 7) _________ (Oprócz tego), the food is too fat 8) _________ (i) it comes from uknown sources 9)_________ (gdyż) it does not carry any labels.


The present supplier has offered a limited range of products. 10) _________________

(W dodatku) the same things are always delivered. 11) _________ (Dlatego też) our staff expects a change of the menu 12) _________ (ale) 13) __________ (na chwilę obecną)it is nearly impossible to change the selection of the food provided.


14) __________ (Na początku), the prices of the delivered food were exorbitant and our unit could not afford it. 15) _________ (Chociaż) I spoke to the provider about the prices, he lowered the prices, 16) ___________ (ale) they are still relatively high.


Deliveries are not on time. The fact impedes the preparation of meals. 17) _________ (W rezultacie), meals are often late. 18) _________ (Co więcej), the food provider by the current is often in bad condition.


19) _________ (Podsumowując), if we wanted to improve food quality, we should change the food supplier 20) _________ (z powodu) the worsening service of the current food provider. Recently our Purchasing Department has received a few interesting offers. It is recommended to select a number of new food providers, a different one for each kind of food. It would be beneficial for our unit.

2Lt John Brown

Report 10

Multiple choice. Decide which preposition A, B, C or D best fits each space. And think of the appropriate headings and heading.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006


The purpose of this report is to describe the unsatisfactory condition 1)__________ the security system in your base, which was discovered 2)__________ the last base inspection.


First of all, the security plans are not realistic 3)__________ all. The base has changed considerably but the plans have not. Moreover, the procedures 4)__________ guards are the same 5)__________ all 6)__________ them. This is main reason why the security plans should be altered and new procedures implemented.


Secondly, the video installation is faulty and often 7)__________ 8)__________ order. Furthermore, it should be upgraded. The quality of picture is mediocre. Consequently, the base is not being well monitored what can result 9)__________ burglary or occupational accident. Besides, there is not any fence and ground sonic detectors. Despite the lack 10)__________ financial resources everything must be done to purchase the detectors.


Thirdly, the patrols 11)__________ the base go often enough. The sentry are very well manned and equipped. They have night vision, GPS, walkie-talkies and guard dogs. They have also got numerous sentry boxes scattered 12)__________ the garrison. The number 13)__________ soldiers is sufficient but they are not very mobile 14)__________ vehicles. However, the patrol routes are the same and this has to be changed 15)__________ once.


Summing 16)__________, it is concluded that the discovered problems have to be eliminated as it might lead 17)__________ the serious security breaches. It is felt that the necessary projects can be financed 18)__________ the MoD due 19)__________ the startegic importance 20)__________ our base.

2Lt John Brown

1. A) off B) of C) on D) under

2. A)at B) with C) up D) during

3. A) on B) in C) to D) at

4. A) for B) into C) back D) from

5. A) on B) to C) for D) of

6. A) up B) of C) down D) above

7. A) over B) in C) out D) into

8. A) of B) off C) with D) within

9. A) around B) in C) beneath D) underneath

10. A) to B) into C) of D) at

11. A) round B) forth C) down D) around

12. A) over B) up C) back D) around

13. A) off B) through C) of D) to

14. A) from B) for C) with D) without

15. A) at B) down C) up D) in

16. A) up B) down C) form D) forward

17. A) in B) into C) to D) onto

18. A) down B) by C) on D) onto

19. A) above B) to C) over D) about

20. A) down B) by C) of D) with

Report 11

Translate the report into English.

Do: Pułkownik Gabriel Jasnowski

Od: Sierżant Tomasz Gugała

Temat: Ocena jakości i ilości uzbrojenia oraz sprzętu

Data: 20 marca 2006

Celem tego raportu jest ocenić jakość i ilość uzbrojenia i sprzętu w 10 Brygadzie Zmechanizowanej oraz wyjaśnić dlaczego nowy sprzęt jest potrzebny.

Moim zadaniem jest działać w ramach Połączonych Sił Szybkiego Reagowania z 7 Dywizją Zmechanizowaną z Wielkiej Brytanii. Ostatnie wspólne ćwiczenia udowodniły, że nasze czołgi, moździerze i wozy opancerzone nie są tak dokładne i niezawodne jak sprzęt brytyjski. To pokazuje, że współpraca pomiędzy polskimi i brytyjskimi oddziałami nie jest wydajna i istnieje duża potrzeba zdobycia nowego uzbrojenia w celu pełniejszej współpracy z partnerami z Anglii.

50 procent tejże brygady sądzi, że ich umundurowanie, w szczególności mundur polowy z oporządzeniem nie są wystarczająco dobre. To oznacza, że większość żołnierzy nie jest zadowolona ze swojego ekwipunku. Potwierdziłem, że jako nowy członek NATO otrzymamy nowe mundury w przeciągu najbliższych tygodni i sytuacja się diametralnie zmieni.

Duża część żołnierzy uważa, że warunki zakwaterowania nie są na najwyższym poziomie. Ich pokoje znajdują się w starych barakach, które nie były remontowane od dłuższego czasu. Nie ma w nich centralnego ogrzewania i ciepłej wody. Co więcej, żołnierze ogólnie nie są zadowoleni z warunków sanitarnych. W budynkach roi się od szczurów i karaluchów i to może mieć bezpośredni wpływ na ich służbę wojskową. Co gorsze, w warunkach polowych nie ma dostępu do świeżej wody pitnej co może doprowadzić do zwykłego rozwolnienia albo nawet do wybuchu żółtaczki, czerwonki lub nawet zapalenia wątroby. Osobiście obiecałem im, że nasze dowództwo zajmie się tym natychmiast.

Podsumowując, wydaje się, że należy podjąć natychmiastowe kroki, aby zapobiec demoralizacji wśród żołnierzy oraz aby przeciwdziałać wybuchowi epidemii. Zaleca się, aby przeprowadzać częstsze inspekcje, aby nie dopuścić do podobnych sytuacji w przyszłości.

Sierżant Tomasz Gugała

Report 12

Match the words form the text and the definitions below the text. There are some unnecessary definitions. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

The aim of this report is to 1) outline the possibility of organizing an anti-terrorist training in our 2) unit.

The anti-terrorist training can be located in the 11th Mechanized Brigade in Krosno Odrz from 2nd July 2003 to 6th July 2003. Taking into consideration the fact that our unit is capable of 3) accommodating 60 soldiers, it is suggested the participation of 50 trainees to assure them 4) appropriate conditions.

Food may be served by the officers' mess. The participants can be served 3 meals per day. Pea soup is a must. In the evenings the official functions are planned with 5) refreshments.

The program of this training includes 40 hours and it is divided into the theoretical part and practical one. 10 hours are devoted to theoretical lectures whereas the practical exercises will 6) last 30 hours. All the 7) lectures are to be conducted by the experienced instructors from the unit, who were trained overseas.

The main topics during the theoretical lectures are the following: terrorist 8) profile, structure of terrorist groups, terrorist operations, terrorist tactics and training.

The main topics during the practical exercises are the following: presentation of

9) hostage rescue actions, short-range live shooting inside building, delayed drop parachutting, demonstration of anti-terrorist activities in a built-up area.

From the above mentioned facts the possibility of conducting the anti-terrorist training is a real objective, which can meet all the 10) requirements of the base in our unit.

2Lt John Brown

  1. someone who is taken as a prisoner by an enemy in order to force the other people involved to do what the enemy wants

  2. food and drinks

  3. someone who threatens other people with violent action for political purposes

  4. a small group of about 10 or 12 soldiers, with a lieutenant in charge of it

  5. something necessary

  6. give someone instructions or information about what they should do or say

  7. a short description of someone's life, work, character

  8. tactical army grouping of two or more battalions or regiments

  9. military grouping, usually a battalion, with its own organization and command structure

  10. meals provided when you are stating somewhere, usually for money

  11. providing with a place to live or to be stored in

  12. continue to exist

  13. give the main facts about something

  14. standard military clothing worn by members of the same arm or grouping

  15. simple indirect-fire weapon, which is designed to fire projectiles at very high trajectories

  16. suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion

  17. a formal talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people

report 13

Fill in the necessary prepositions. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

The purpose of this report is to assess the effectiveness 1)_____ six-day training 2)_____ Wesola Battle Camp and to give recommendation 3)_____ possible using this camp 4)_____ the near future.

The training was conducted last week 5)_____ 11th 6)_____ 27th May 2006 7)_____ Wesola Battle Camp 8)_____ the 1st Armoured Brigade 9)_____ Warsaw.

10)_____ the training my soldiers were taught and mastered their individual battle drill. The main task was to practise various kinds 11)_____ training, which can be useful 12)_____ the battle field. Firstly, soldiers were trained 13)_____ the battle simulation area in order to improve their skills 14)_____ real situations both as individuals and the section. Another important activity was to receive instruction and practise 15)_____ survival skills. Each soldier learned the simple skills that may help him to survive 16)_____ the field. 17)_____ our stay 18)_____ the camp we devoted one day 19)_____ practising live firing 20)_____ all platoon weapons. 21)_____ 14 days 22)_____ intensive training we arranged an activity 23)_____ which we fullfilled a practical exercise to check how well the soldiers were trained. We mostly concentrated 24)_____ assault and survival. 25)_____ addition, we succeeded 26)_____ organizing the FIBUA and CQB course. Finally, there was a competition to master and test section battle skills.

All the tasks were performed 27)_____ a proper way. Soldiers were well prepared 28)_____ training and they improved their skills and abilities 29)_____ a visible degree. It is recommended to organise such a training twice a year 30)_____ various weather conditions, possibly in summer and winter.

2Lt John Brown

14report 14


To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader


Date: 22nd March 2006

Report on strange disease with 1st Battle Group soldiers

  1. The aim of this report is to inform about symptoms of a strange disease which are benig observed with 12 soldiers of 1st Battle Group.

  1. During the last two weeks 12 soldiers from 1st Battle Group have reported their a deteriorating health conditions. The symptoms are the same with all the soldier - high temperature, lack off appetite and rash that can be seen on their whole bodies. Those soldiers are unable to fulfill their tasks in the time being. According to cpt dr Steven Sal this symptoms are typical for people who have just arrived in Iraq from Europe and it should disappear in next 2 weeks. However, after series of talks with my soldiers I am convinced that the symptoms should not been ignored and some measures must be introduced immediately.

  1. After consultations with Medical Section from Camp Echo and Camp Zulu. I decided to separate ill soldiers from the others. At presently, we are trying to establish what they had eaten and drunk and where. Due to the fact that the conditions in our base are not sufficient to recognize the reasons of the illness and administer a proper treatment. It is needed to transport them tomorrow to Camp in Al-Hillah. There is also a urgent necessity for thorough check up other soldiers to ensure if they have any health problems within last 2 weeks. Today, I will conduct short briefings to remind all the procedures, especially concerning health issues. Taking that all aside, the absence of 12 soldiers have caused problems with conducting every-day patrols. Although, I asked for permission to appoint 12 officers from the MND-CS staff to support us on patrols, MND HQ refused, saying that officers have to high ranks to participate in routine patrols. That fact adversely affected my soldiers - some of them have feeling of being treated like cannon - fodder.

2Lt John Brown

15report 15

PUT THE SENTENCES IN CORRECT ORDER. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

  1. They were reported to have had nausea, strong headaches and some of them had a blurred vision.

  1. As my soldiers take part in stabilization mission in Iraq they carry out a number of various tasks in different areas in the country, both urban and open.

  1. After completing their last task they started to complain about their intestinal problems.

  1. This matter has become the major issue of my concern. I suggest more thorough examination of the patients and, if necessary, putting them into hospital in order to find an appropriate treatment.

  1. I have made the arrangements to isolate sick soldiers in separate rooms in order to prevent the others from contracting the disease.

  1. I submit this report to ensure that preventive measures should be taken.

  1. Finally, I would like to ask you for help in investigation on the reasons of the disease.

  1. The purpose of the report is to present my observation concerning symptoms of a strange disease with my soldiers.

  1. They were sent to see a doctor; however he did not find any alarming symptoms.

  1. Since the symptoms have persisted for 3 days I think that doctor's diagnose might have been wrong.

2Lt John Brown

16report 16

Fill in the missing linking words. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006


As ordered, I am writing to present two possible candidates for a three-month training course in information technology which is organized by NATO HQ from 22nd March to 15th May and to recommend one of them for the above mentioned course.


There are two candidates in our military unit. They are: Lt.Kowalski and Lt.Nowak.


Lt.Nowak graduated from the High Military Signal School in Zegrze. His current position is a platoon commander in our battalion. He is responsible for the level of training of his soldiers. On the one hand, Lt.Nowak is a clever commander, 1)__________ he does not have required skills to operate the computer what is extremely important in the contemporary duty. 2)__________ he participated in similar last year but he failed it. 3)__________, he is more interested in working with soldiers than in office.


Lt.Kowalski graduated from the Military University of Technology, department of computer science. He has 4)__________ graduated from the Military Academy of Defence this year. His current position is a signal company commander. 5)__________ he was promoted to that position he had been a platoon commander for thre years. Lt.Kowalski is a brilliant commander who has proper skills and abilities for this position. He is a good candidate 6)__________ his excellent computer-literacy. 7)__________, he is really interested in this field. Lt.Kowalski is a determined person 8)__________ he likes scrutinizing everything.


9)__________ consideration, I have no hesitation in recommending Lt.Kowalski for training course in information technology. I am convinced that he is a better candidate than Lt.Nowak. 10)__________, I strongly believe that Lt.Kowalski will cope with the course and successfully pass the final exams.

2Lt John Brown

17report 17

Fill in the missing linking words from the list. Fill in the missing subject.

Taking everything into consideration


As requested


What is more




For this reason

The advantage of

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

1)__________, I am writing to present two possible military bases for your radio programme. The possible places are the 100th Signal Battalion Multinational Corps North East and 2nd Signal Brigade.

The 2nd Signal Brigade is situated 50km from Warsaw. It is equipped with equipment which was produced in the 1970s. There are very modern recreation facilities like a gym or a fitness club. 2)__________, the brigade has not enough training facilities. It is a fact that there is the battle simulation area 3)__________ it is too small for such a big unit. 4)__________ this place is that the city of Sieradz is located near the capital, 5)__________ it has a very good transport system with Warsaw.

The second place is Walcz which is based in the north of Poland about 40km from one of the biggest battle simulation area in our country. The 100th Signal Battalion is equipped with digital equipment which is considered to be the most advanced signal system in Poland. There are extremely modern recreation and training amenities such as a gym, a cinema, a virtual and traditional firing range, officers' club etc. The battalion cooperates with German and Danish units. 6)__________, there work a lot of professional and experienced soldiers who speak English fluently. 7)__________, its commanders work according to NATO procedures. 8)__________, there is an airfield where helicopters can land and take off.

9)__________, I have no hesitation in recommending the 100th Signal Battalion from Walcz for the BBC radio programme. I am convinced that the Battalion is a better place than the Brigade for this programme. 10)__________, I feel that the Signal Battalion has more advantages and it will be a good venue for your radio programme since there are many interesting things which are worth seeing.

2Lt John Brown

18report 18

Fill in the missing headings. Fill in the missing subject.

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006

1) ..........................................................

As requested, this is a report regarding the matter of officer cadet training system in Poland.


Polish officer cadet training system is based on five military schools which specialize in training in different services. There are three schools for Land Forces and one for Navy and Air Force. Studies last from four to five years and appropriate syllabus is tailored for each service.

2) ..........................................................

As I mentioned, Land Forces has got three military schools. There are:

There is one Military College in Deblin for Air Forces which specializes in training pilots for helicopters and different kinds of planes. Navy has got Military College in Gdynia which educates commanders for war ships.

3) ..........................................................

Officer cadet should fulfill the following requirements:

5) ..........................................................

Polish training system for officer cadets is divided into parts which give possibility to gain knowledge about commanding both section and battalion. It is not only theory but also functional skills in real military exercises area that are taught. During this time officer cadets check their abilities in shooting and organizational skills as well. It is also time for teachers and instructors to assess cadets' performance and to give them marks. There are three internships after each year. Officer cadets are sent to military units where they gain experience on various positions like platoon commander or chief of staff. Additionally, training comprises different subjects, for example, psychology or philosophy. Cadets can develop their knowledge during history and economics classes. The most valuable fact is that these lessons are lectured by experienced and well-known professors from civilian universities.

6) ..........................................................

There are difficult exams for officer cadets after four years. Examiners test cadets' knowledge from all the subjects. The officer cadets must pass physical exercise test too. Each successful cadet is promoted to rank of lieutenant by the President of Poland.

7) ..........................................................

Polish system is based on specialized military schools. It gives opportunity to form bahaviour of future officers. Polish cadets obtain wonderful and comprehensive knowledge. They have their own view about political or economic events what is different from foreign officer cadets trainings.

2Lt John Brown

19report 19

Find the synonyms in the text. Fill in the missing subject.

  1. crash b. furthermore

  1. hurt d. prevent

  1. Next f. to sum up

  1. as a result h. lower

  1. aim j. atrocious

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006


The purpose of this report is to give an account of the car accident and to recommend changes which could help us to avert a similar situation in the future.

Time and place

The accident happened on February 28 at about 07.00 hours on the road from the hotel to the Signal Battalion in eastern England where I am currently serving.


The weather conditions were very bad. This means it was a cloudy and snowy morning. What is more, the road was covered by ice and that is why it was very slippery. I was driving very slowly on the left side as I am not an experienced driver. When I was approaching the crossroad the jeep which was being driven by Capt. Robertson started to overtake my car. I started to brake what caused a skid. As a consequence, my jeep landed in a ditch. Then, Capt. Robertson stopped his car and came to my rescue.


Fortunately, nobody was injured. The only person who suffered in the accident was me with a a few bruises and cuts. I was taken to the hospital twenty minutes after the crash where I got the first-aid.


My jeep had a smashed windscreen and a right front light. The body of the car was not seriously damaged but the right door was dented and it needs repainting. Besides, the clutch should be replaced.


Each Polish soldier who will be on his new posting in British Army unit should attend a special course on the British Highway Code. Before they drive themselves they must be taught how to use a steering wheel as it is situated on the opposite side to ours. Every driver should be better prepared for averse weather conditions and emergency situations on the road.


Taking everything into consideration, I am convinced that it was an unfortunate accident which was caused by bad weather conditions and lack of driving experience on the British road. Thus, it would be useful if you could accept my proposals to decrease a number of car accidents.

2Lt John Brown

20report 20

Replace the informal expressions from the text with the formal ones from the list. Fill in the missing subject.

a. witnessed

b. taking everything into consideration

c. overtaking

d. respected

e. there were no fatalities

f. unfortunate

g. an inexperienced

h. came to casualties' rescue

i. I am writing to report on

j. As a consequence,

k. returning

l. vehicle

To: Capt. Tom Smith, Company Commander

From: 2Lt John Brown, Platoon Leader

Subject: ................................................

Date: 22nd March 2006


As ordered, I want to tell about the accident which took place in Drawsko Pomorskie. A group of German soldiers and a Dutch driver took part in this event during the joint military exercise under the code name of “Crystal Eagle 2006.


The accident happened on May 11 at about 07.00 hours on the way from Drawsko to Prostynia.


I saw the accident while I was performing a duty at the military car park which is situated 50m from the place where the accident happened. The weather conditions were very difficult. It was a rainy and cloudy evening. The German platoon was coming back to their accommodation from the battle simulation area. The Dutch van was being driven by a rookie driver who remembered about the Polish Highway Code. Although the driver was driving very slowly his van struck the German van during the manoeuvre of going faster than other car. The Dutchman stopped his car and helped the casualties.

Casulties and damages

So six German soldiers and the Dutch driver were injured but nobody was killed. All of the victims were taken to the hospital by ambulance ten minutes after the accident. The Dutch van had a broken windscreen and a front light.


Lastly, I am convinced that it was an unhappy accident which was caused by averse weather conditions on the road.

2Lt John Brown



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