2013 03 22, ćwiczeniaid(269

Manners of articulation

  1. Plosives/stops – a complete closure and then a very sudden release of air p, b, t, d, k, g

  2. Fricatives – no closure but a narrowing causing friction which we hear ,,,,,,š, ž

  3. Affricates a closure at some point but the air is not released suddenly like an explosion rather there is friction č,

  4. Nasals a complete velum closure and the air escapes through the nose n, m, 

  5. Trill, roll – a series of intermittent closures (Polish r)

  6. Tap, flap

  7. Lateral – a partial closure, the air escapes by the sides of the tongue

Variants of /r/ in RP

/r/ has 3 variants in English

The spoken vs. written forms




Modern writing system

word or logographic system

syllabic writing

writing system employs a set of symbols which represent the pronunciations of syllables

modern Japanese can be written with a set of single symbols which represent spoken syllables and is consequently often described as having a (partially) syllabic writing system (syllabary)

both the Egyptian and the Sumerian writing systems evolved to the point where some of the earlier logographic symbols were used to represent spoken syllables; however the full use of syllabic writing system doesn’t appear until that used by the Phoenicians inhabiting what is modern Lebanon between 3 000 and 4 000 years ago

consonantal alphabet writing (alphabets consisting of consonants)

alphabetic writing

alphabetic writing systems are easy to learn, convenient to use and maximally efficient for transcribing any human language

most European alphabets used Latin (Roman) letters

Roman alphabet development

(Cyrillic alphabet – from Greek)


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