Concrete repair methods
The need to carry out repairs of concrete structures is increasing exponentially. The service life of structures depends by different occasions, which are connected with repair by methods. [a]
Different concrete repair methods [b]:
Basic paint technology
Paints are surface coatings that are designed to fulfil a protective and/or decorative function for the substrate. While inorganic paints are known, organic coating predominate in paint technology.
Paint system may differ markedly from each other, and coatings designed primarily to protect can be formulated on different principles from those that apply to coatings whose function is largely cosmetic.
The major components of a paint formulation are the binder, the pigments, a solvent or blend of solvent, and various other substances which may be added at relatively low levels but have a marked effect on the paint.
The different type of basic paint technology:
Paint formulation:
The polymeric or resin binder of paint is the film-forming of the formulation. A large variety of polymers and polymer-precursors are used in paint.
Paint binders can be divided into two categories: convertible (to be considered here include alkyd, amino, epoxy, phenolic, polyurethane and silicone resins) and non-convertible (include chlorinated rubber, acrylic and vinsyl resins) types.
Convertible coatings are subdivided into:
Oils (are extensively used, however as modifying components in the preparation of oil-modified alkyd resins, which form one of the most widely used classes of binder in modern paint technology)
Alkyd resin (
Epoxy resins
Polyuretane resins
Silicone resins
[a]- Concrete durability and repair technology, Ravindra K. Dhir and Michael J. McCarthy; Thomas Telford, London, 1999;
[b]- Handbook of Coatings for Concrete, Dr R.Bassi and Professor S.K.Roy; Whittles Publishing, Scotland, 2002;