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In the dog house puberty occurs between 6 and 12 months of age, both male and female, although this period, in the case of larger breeds, can be extended to two years of age. Dog's adolescence is defined between the 12 and 15 months of age. As with most domesticated, so domestication in dogs has led to increasing libido and earlier and more frequent breeding cycles than in their wild ancestors.
In heat
Some females have a few days before the expected start lick crotch excursions, they become restless, lose their appetite and feel the need for more frequent urination. Their reproductive cycle is as follows:
Phase I - (proestrus)
From this beginning is the day on which started bleeding. Frequently we have the opportunity to see the drops of blood on the floor (dark blood). This is the time in which the uterus prepares to receive the fertilized ova. Some of the females at the time they eat less, seem a bit broken, do not allow dogs to each other (or play with them, but did not consent to the opacity). During this period external sexual organs are much more blood supply, may be swollen and more prominent. This phase takes approximately 7 - 10 days.
Phase II - (estrus)
The blood of the animal seems to be very thin, or slimy. Our ward is then even more greedy for affection - is a clear willingness to copulation. It is a sign that ovulation occurs - female instinctively will try to implement the reproductive urge. This cycle usually lasts about 4 days longer in some individuals. During this time the bitch is factory pheromones that attract the opposite sex, sometimes very determined by sexual desire. If you plan on offspring of our ward, it is the ideal time to leave for mating (preferably between 9 and 13 day cycle, twice at an interval of 48 hours). Frequent urination during the excursions associated with intentional distribution of pheromone, the males call with a ready to procreate.
Phase III - (metoestrus
Lasts from 1 to 5 days, during which the yellow bodies are formed. They produce hormones to stimulate the membrane of the uterus and prepare it to receive the fertilized cell. If it exists it comes to pregnancy. Vaginal secretions may have at this time again, the darker the color - it will be is escaping for a few days. Genitalia of our ward are becoming softer, no longer so strongly react to human touch or the dog grooms courtship.
Phase IV - (anestrus)
The bitch comes into it smoothly, actually unnoticed, from the previous phase. It is a time of sexual rest. Progress to the next excursions (on average 6 to 8 months). Females with age do not experience menopause, although their cycles become irregular and unpredictable fertility. Males aged about 7 or 8 years are not usually taken into account when it comes to reproduction, but they still remain fertile.

Breeding of dogs
Mating dance

Dog Art is different from human sexual intercourse, because the first man's penis tightens, then fall into a woman, dogs penetrate the first females, then their penises swell, and only then experience an erection.
Male dogs have a bulb of acorns, a spherical area of ​​the cavernous tissue at the base of the penis, which ties the penis inside the female vagina during copulation, as the vagina is then filled with blood.
As soon as the penis is blocked by the bulb of acorns in the vagina, the male will usually rise and swings her leg over the back of female, turning.
Dogs mating faces, facing backwards. The penis is still trapped in the vagina while ejaculation occurs, which reduces the leakage of semen from the vagina.
After some time, typically 5 - 20 minutes (but sometimes longer), pad acorn, exempts "the penis and allows the couple to hang up.


The actual length of pregnancy is a time lag between the maximum concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and the date of birth. This amounts to 64 - 66 days. If kryliśmy bitch three times at intervals of one day, it is the first day of pregnancy, we consider the second mating.

The first week (1 - 7 days of gestation)
During this period occurs in the fallopian tube to fertilize females, the emergence of dwukomórkowych embryos, relatively resistant to external factors.

Second week (8 - 14 days of gestation)
Embryos consisting of 16-32 cells reach the uterus.

Week Three (15 - 21 days of gestation)
Approximately 21-23 day comes to implantation (implantation) embryo in the uterine wall, the placenta is formed. According to some data to increase the amount of fat in feed during the implant may have a positive impact on the number of nested embryos (increase the number of pups).

Week Four (22 - 28 days of gestation)
Already 23 days after mating may perform an ultrasound scan. In the picture you will see the embryonic discs, and from the 25th day of pregnancy on ultrasound image you can see fetal heartbeats.

Fifth week (29 - 35 days of gestation)
About 35 of gestation is completed the process of organogenesis, the closing period of transition from embryo to fetus. Reach the size of the fetuses from fifteen to thirty millimeters.
It begins with a period of intensive growth of fetuses. The fastest growth of the fetus is observed between 32 and 55 of gestation. During this time, are visible on the ultrasound image of fetal limb buds. It is easy to distinguish his head already, chest and abdomen.

Sixth week (36 - 42 days of gestation)
From 35 days of pregnancy can feel fetal previously Ampoules elongate and substantially increase. During this period, it is already difficult wymacać fetuses or fetal membranes. The USG made around 36 of gestation limb buds appear.

Seventh week (43-49 days of gestation)
After the forty-fifth day of pregnancy, the uterine horns bend upward, fetuses still constantly increasing in volume. Since the end of the seventh week of pregnancy by applying his hand to his belly bitches we can clearly feel the fetal movements.
From about 48 on can be heard by fonendoskopu fetal heart rate, the more advanced the pregnancy the better. It is easy to distinguish the sound of the fetal heart from the pulse mother, because fetal heart beats twice as fast as the heart of female and fetal heart rate is 150-220 beats per minute.

Week Eight (50 -57 days of gestation)
Over 55 days of pregnancy again, it is possible to determine the presence of fetuses by abdominal obmacanie bitch .. It is easier to perform this test, if you will rise slightly forward females (eg front feet are standing on a step), because it will move to the rear of the uterus.

Week Nine (58 - 65 days)
Practically from day 60 of pregnancy fetuses are fully shaped and capable of living outside the mother.

Changes in Females
For 52 -24 hours before giving birth in the crack vagina mucous discharge appears. At the end of pregnancy under the influence of hormones, abdominal muscles and ligaments of the uterus are relaxed. It is said that belly falls, we see the collapse of the abdomen and sides.


Childbirth and postnatal period in females
Symptoms of impending birth
The characteristic signs by which you can recognize the impending birth are:

- The accumulation of milk in nipples
- Voltage mammarial
- Severe swelling of the vulva
- The collapse of the sides and belly collapse
- A characteristic change in body temperature - first, it drops to 37 degrees Celsius, and then the bears to 38.5 degree C
- The appearance of the crack mucous discharge labia (which is dissolved mucous plug, which clogged the cervix and protect fetuses)
- Bitch becomes restless, scratching his front paws
- Refusal of a bitch eating

The first stage of labor lasts about 8 hours. The first occurs when the uterine contractions, or labor pains. Labor pains, make the bitch feel concern, it nervously through the house, looking at their own belly, beeps, scratches den, it can also feel the need to go for a walk (to be with her then go out), or give small amounts of urine and feces.

The second stage of labor is the expulsion phase of the fetuses. The bitch takes the lying position (on side) or in the squat and starts to strongly push and the world comes out of the first puppy wrapped in fetal membranes. The bitch should figure out the same membrane surrounding the baby, and bite off the umbilical cord (if you do not do this, we need her help with this). Displacement of the first fetus may take several hours. Subsequent puppies are born in a maximum two-hour intervals. They are blind and deaf. After the birth of each puppy bitch expels greenish colored ball.
Each puppy should be the mother licked and cleaned. Every baby should immediately be przystawiony the breast and start sucking. Mother's milk for puppies is very important and valuable food as it contains protective antibodies that will give him immunity in the first weeks of life.

The last stage of labor is the expulsion of bearing (if the bitch has not done this before). After the delivery, the bitch should rest. You should also wash their vulva with warm water and soiled with blood, paws and fur.

Postpartum Period
After birth, the babies will be the bitch Dressed and fed properly should be allowed to rest after a difficult experience. Then you will need to pin her for a walk. In the early days of female reluctant to leave the pen, so you need to walk it is often forced. We need to ensure continuing access to fresh clean water and food 3-4 times a day with high protein content.

It is recommended to provide A family dog ​​calm during the first three weeks after birth. During this time the mother cares much about the puppies, feeding them often, heating, licks, rubs them the language bellies to stimulate the gut to work, cleaning the feces of puppies. Puppies are limited to the intake of milk and sleep. Between 10 and 14 days old puppies open their eyes, a little earlier start to hear. Soon it begins to crawl. After 3 weeks of birth, babies begin to take their first steps and have fun. They become very contact.

Caesarean section
Caesarean section is a fairly common method of solving the heavy labor (Partus gravis) in females.
There are some racial predisposition to the occurrence of delivery complications, such as in English bulldogs, French bulldogs and some terriers. It may happen that the owner of the dog wants a caesarean section, with a view to preventing perinatal puppy losses.


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