egzamin 14 am lit

chyba 2014

Co było wcześniej:

Alexis de Tocqueville suggested in Democracy in America that Puritanism was the very thing that provided a firm foundation for American democracy. As Sheldon Wolin puts it, "Tocqueville was aware of the harshness and bigotry/fanaticism of the early colonists". However, on the other hand, he saw them as "archaic survivals, not only in their piety and discipline but in their democratic practices".[50] The theme of a religious basis of economic discipline is echoed in sociologist Max Weber's work, but both de Tocqueville and Weber argued that this discipline was not a force of economic determinism, but one factor among many that should be considered when evaluating the relative economic success of the Puritans.

What makes good novel according to Henry James

He believed that novel is ‘a personal and direct impression of life’. He believed that a novel is a good or bad according to the intensity of impression it makes – how well it deals with human experience. Humanity is vast and complex and that is why experience is never complete. In his writings one of the most important things is reality, showing all the aspects of human life, with all its struggles that don ot need to be considered morally good. Characters are presented as subjects of fate. His novels are mostly devoted to psychological character development

One od Poe's stories and relate it to principles in The Philosophy of Comp. How close relation?2. Model of Christian charity by Joseph Wintrop.3. Bret Harte, George Cable, Lew Wallace. Cutbacks po 3 przyklady.4. A good novel - H. James.5. Naturalism.6. The Hemingway code.7. Great awakening.8. James Cooper contribute.9. 4 czegos T. Jefferson.10. Richard Hakhyt( chyba inaczej ma byc nazwisko:/)11. Great Gatsby as a romance. What did he want to achieve and why he failed.12. Main tenants of American transcendentalism.13. Huck Finn a special novel. What does it mean.

Christian Charity,
American Dream in the Great GAtsby
POe's poetry
John Smith
Hemmingway code
Henry Jones' poetry
Mark Twains popularity (door2door sell, newspapers etc., like Mickiewicz)
Huck finn (why everything started from that)
wits ... (yale university)
aninomity problem with the puritans

transcendentalism, quakerism, federalist papers, determinism, great awakening, o Hakluyta

1. Discuss the concept of evil in N. Hawthorne’s ‘The Scarlet Letter’ or in H. Melville’s ‘Moby Dick’.
2. Discuss the fate of the American Dream in the 20th century on the basis of the Great Gatsby or Seize the Day.
3. Discuss the concept of self-reliance as understood by B. Franklin or Ralph Waldo Emerson.
4. “No ideas but in things”. Show the relevance of W.C. Williams’ credo for the American poetry of the 20th century.
5. Discuss in what way a literary trend or technique (such as realism, naturalism, symbolism or impressionism) help the author of a text of your choice render the existential predicament of the central character.

Comparative Essay

1. Compare and contrast Huck’s and Holden’s attitudes toward American reality in Mark Twain’s ‘Adventures…’ and J.D. Salinger’s ‘The Catcher…’
2. Discuss the differences in Ernest Hemingway’s and Faulkner’s use of language and narrative techniques as manifestations of their different approaches to modern human condition.
3. On the basis of Streetcar Named Desire and Light in August show the image of the American South in modern American literature.
4. Poetry as the perception of experience. Compare and contrast the poetic means which R. Frost and W.C. Williams use in their poetry to render their perception of experience.
5. European versus American sensibility: discuss the differences (if any) between the two on the basis of H. James’s ‘The Portrait…’ and Twain’s ‘The Adventures…’.


1. What did Richard Hakluyt’s contribution to the discovery of America consist in?
2. Who were the Connecticut Wits?
3. List the achievements of T. Jefferson.
4. What were the Federalist Papers about?
5. What was the Great Awakening?
6. List three features of American culture which fed into commercial vitality of M. Twain’s work.
7. List five characteristics of transcendentalism.
8. Give a brief description of determinism.
9. Give the titles of two novels by Henry Miller and one by Anais Nin.
10. Give the titles of one novel for each of the following authors:
William Styron
John Updike
Flannery O’Connor

Co było na moim pierwszym terminie:

1. what did Richard haklyut’s contribution to the discovery of America consist in?

3.List 4 achievements of Thomas Jefferson

4.James Fennimore cooper contribution to american literature

5.Works of George Washington cable Old Creole Days, The Grandissimes, and Madame Delphine, are historical "period" fictions, Harte, Wallace (ci regional writers)

6.What was the great awakening

7.List 3 features of am culture which fed into the commercial vitality of mark twain’s work


9.A good novel according to Henry James

10.Hemingway’s code

11.Poe,s work to discuss /features of Poe's poetry or novel wg cech idealnego dziela w Philosophy of Composition i dac przyklad jakiegos jego utworu wg tych cech napisanego


13.Characteristics of huck finn novel/ what is special about it

15Why Gatsby failed in his pursuit/Great Gatsby jako romance, co chcial osiagnac ale mu sie nie udalo

features of christian charity wg J. Winthropa autora tego MODEL OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY
antinomian controversy


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