
Fit Results

Fit 1: Polynomial

Equation Y = 0.7785746184 + 1.379497234 * X - 0.005512863369 * pow(X,2) + 2.60995778E-005 * pow(X,3)

Degree = 3

Number of data points used = 100

Average X = 77.04

Average Y = 88.09


Degree 0 = 0.7785746184

Degree 1 = 1.379497234

Degree 2 = -0.005512863369

Degree 3 = 2.60995778E-005

Degree: 0

Residual sum of squares = 344986

Coef of determination, R-squared = 1.11022E-016

Degree: 1

Residual sum of squares = 27791.1

Coef of determination, R-squared = 0.919443

Degree: 2

Residual sum of squares = 27232.8

Coef of determination, R-squared = 0.921061

Degree: 3

Residual sum of squares = 26538

Coef of determination, R-squared = 0.923075


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