

Gridding Report


Mon Mar 21 11:41:51 2011

Elasped time for gridding: 0.03 seconds

Data Source

Source Data File Name: C:\D & S\Administrator\Pulpit\Bud Ziemne\punkty z surfer.xls

X Column: A

Y Column: B

Z Column: C

Data Counts

Active Data: 14

Original Data: 14

Excluded Data: 0

Deleted Duplicates: 0

Retained Duplicates: 0

Artificial Data: 0

Superseded Data: 0

Univariate Statistics




Minimum: 0 0 180.003

25%-tile: 20 40 180.593

Median: 100 60 184.773

75%-tile: 120 100 186.423

Maximum: 140 140 187.743

Midrange: 70 70 183.873

Range: 140 140 7.74

Interquartile Range: 100 60 5.83

Median Abs. Deviation: 40 40 2.55

Mean: 71.428571428571 67.142857142857 183.67371428571

Trim Mean (10%): 71.666666666667 66.666666666667 183.6405

Standard Deviation: 54.883922035139 40.431347708814 2.9182491431035

Variance: 3012.2448979592 1634.693877551 8.5161780612245

Coef. of Variation: 0.015888224150376

Coef. of Skewness: -0.023910021921197


Inter-Variable Correlation




X: 1.000 0.079 -0.979

Y: 1.000 -0.012

Z: 1.000


Inter-Variable Covariance




X: 3012.2448979592 175.51020408163 -156.76530612245

Y: 1634.693877551 -1.376530612245

Z: 8.5161780612245


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters




Parameter Value: -0.052320924690181 0.0047754051477588 187.09028884652

Standard Error: 0.0031205702386399 0.0042360481009974 0.38691024097698


Inter-Parameter Correlations




A: 1.000 0.079 -0.518

B: 1.000 0.690

C: 1.000




Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F


Regression: 2 114.7374519803 57.368725990149 140.58

Residual: 11 4.4890408769134 0.40809462517394

Total: 13 119.22649285721


Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.96234862932444

Nearest Neighbor Statistics


Separation |Delta Z|


Minimum: 20 0.10000000000002

25%-tile: 20 0.25999999999999

Median: 28.284271247462 0.57999999999998

75%-tile: 44.721359549996 1.68

Maximum: 56.568542494924 2.53

Midrange: 38.284271247462 1.315

Range: 36.568542494924 2.43

Interquartile Range: 24.721359549996 1.42

Median Abs. Deviation: 8.2842712474619 0.36999999999998

Mean: 31.704979009626 0.98214285714286

Trim Mean (10%): 30.60843030332 0.92666666666667

Standard Deviation: 11.73249542324 0.88384047180011

Variance: 137.65144885634 0.78117397959184

Coef. of Variation: 0.37005214290405 0.89991029856011

Coef. of Skewness: 0.6359542409831 0.76873904606251

Root Mean Square: 33.806170189141 1.3212791421303

Mean Square: 1142.8571428571 1.7457785714286


Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.00071428571428571

Clark and Evans: 1.694702412984

Skellam: 71.807832082052

Exclusion Filtering

Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering

Duplicate Points to Keep: First

X Duplicate Tolerance: 1.6E-005

Y Duplicate Tolerance: 1.6E-005

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering

Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Gridding Rules

Gridding Method: Kriging

Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model

Component Type: Linear

Anisotropy Angle: 0

Anisotropy Ratio: 1

Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters

No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid

Grid File Name: C:\D & S\Administrator\Pulpit\Bud Ziemne\punkty z surfer.grd

Grid Size: 100 rows x 100 columns

Total Nodes: 10000

Filled Nodes: 10000

Blanked Nodes: 0

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 0

X Maximum: 140

X Spacing: 1.4141414141414

Y Minimum: 0

Y Maximum: 140

Y Spacing: 1.4141414141414

Grid Statistics

Z Minimum: 179.94633949679

Z 25%-tile: 181.73746476528

Z Median: 184.05218597561

Z 75%-tile: 185.96275756153

Z Maximum: 187.73837309924

Z Midrange: 183.84235629802

Z Range: 7.7920336024455

Z Interquartile Range: 4.2252927962455

Z Median Abs. Deviation: 2.0557058182167

Z Mean: 183.83838270242

Z Trim Mean (10%): 183.85688354188

Z Standard Deviation: 2.2744474953681

Z Variance: 5.1731114091861

Z Coef. of Variation: 0.01237199469411

Z Coef. of Skewness: -0.16863165088705

Z Root Mean Square: 183.85245189024

Z Mean Square: 33801.724066052


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