tile instructions

KitchenDraw UK Supplementary Tiling Catalogue.

To extract the catalogue and textures files from the zipped files requires you to have a suitable 'ZIP' utility installed on your computer. If you are not sure if you have one, locate the files in the directory to which you downloaded them and double click one of them. If you have a ZIP utility installed this will automatically open and 'unzip' the file. If you do not have a ZIP utility installed, Windows will warn you by opening a window asking you which programme you wish to use to open the file. In this case, close the window and obtain a Zip utility. One is freely available on the Internet as a free download from www.winzip.com.

Unzip the file '@uktiles.zip into the 'catalogues' directory in the KitchenDraw directory - usually 'C:/KD/catalogues', and the 'tiles.zip' into the textures directory (C:/KD/textures').

The catalogue contains over 250 tile patterns/textures including border tiles.

To use the tiles, in the KitchenDraw scene, use the 'shape' tool to create a shape around the area you wish to tile (either on the floor in Plan View, or on a wall in 2D Realistic Elevation), select a tile from the catalogue and select the 'Place Now' button just to the right above the tile preview picture.

To replace individual tiles, select any tile and 'delete' it, select an alternative tile and drag and drop it into the empty space. (Note: obviously the replacement tile must be the same size as the one it is used to replace.)

To place a border tile around a tiled surface, first place the border tiles in the scene manually by dragging and dropping them. Once the border tiles have been placed, use the shape tool to draw a shape around the remaining area to be tiled, select the tile and select the 'Place Now' button.

Alternatively, the tiles can be placed individually by using drag and drop, placing them where you want them.

To add your own tiles to the catalogue requires you to know a little about 'Mobiscript' the inbuilt catalogue tool. See the Turorial covering this at www.phps.co.uk in the Tutorial section.

For further assistance contact info@phps.co.uk.


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