cv4 report


Cross Validation Report


Thu Jun 06 10:23:23 2013

Data Source

Source Data File Name: D:\Maciej Hasior\2 B E M(12pon.8.00).xls (sheet 'Arkusz1')

X Column: A

Y Column: B

Z Column: C

Gridding Rules

Gridding Method: Inverse Distance to a Power

Weighting Power: 2

Smoothing Factor: 0

Anisotropy Ratio: 1

Anisotropy Angle: 0

Search Parameters

Search Ellipse Radius #1: 2190

Search Ellipse Radius #2: 2190

Search Ellipse Angle: 0

Number of Search Sectors: 4

Maximum Data Per Sector: 2

Maximum Empty Sectors: 1

Minimum Data: 1

Maximum Data: 8

Data Counts at Validation Points

Active Results: 701

Blanked Results: 2

Attempted Results: 703

Requested Results: 704

Univariate Data Statistics




Minimum: 53322.5 41589.82 1.4

25%-tile: 54438.49 42418 35.7

Median: 55348.62 42807.42 55.9

75%-tile: 56083.85 43214.03 77.8

Maximum: 56995.46 43817.46 259.2

Midrange: 55158.98 42703.64 130.3

Range: 3672.96 2227.64 257.8

Interquartile Range: 1645.36 796.03 42.1

Median Abs. Deviation: 825.49 399.66 21.2

Mean: 55260.42746077 42821.83296719 61.742368045649

Trim Mean (10%): 55267.219730586 42822.109413629 58.413787638669

Standard Deviation: 1012.4862571741 484.65399954188 40.195666079415

Variance: 1025128.4209664 234889.49927194 1615.6915715678

Coef. of Variation: 0.65102242352765

Coef. of Skewness: 1.3934116564756


Univariate Cross-Validation Statistics


Estimated Z Residual Z Data Used


Minimum: 4.7088205510305 -82.121609592379 4

25%-tile: 39.94767028369 -7.1123967750255 7

Median: 54.921663233439 -0.70479815185053 7

75%-tile: 74.801267410461 6.5760986741555 7

Maximum: 195.36365620454 120.92075094621 7

Midrange: 100.03623837779 19.399570676913 5.5

Range: 190.65483565351 203.04236053858 3

Interquartile Range: 34.85359712677 13.688495449181 0

Median Abs. Deviation: 16.364274482757 6.7202894094229 0

Mean: 61.627169074714 -0.11519897093542 6.8701854493581

Trim Mean (10%): 58.799921947254 -0.21557896642648 6.958795562599

Standard Deviation: 35.008558358515 18.315035192726 0.45509773196213

Variance: 1225.5991583416 335.44051411079 0.20711394563707

Coef. of Variation: 0.56807020157088 -1 0.066242423194654

Coef. of Skewness: 1.2721207456598 0.64105268735832 -3.7673450438871

Root Mean Square: 70.876703693844 18.315397481728 6.8852423380886

Mean Square: 5023.5071265049 335.4537849137 47.406562054208


Most under-estimated data:

X = 53962.45 Y = 42488.66 Z = 178.7

E = 96.578390407621 ID = 97

Most over-estimated data:

X = 53618.86 Y = 42493.81 Z = 7.3

E = 128.22075094621 ID = 41

Residual Regression at Validation Points: R = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters




Parameter Value: 0.00025264570639943 0.0014595612799648 -76.577598038716

Standard Error: 0.00069205629180813 0.001445768497349 77.518269208907




Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F


Regression: 2 358.43618619436 179.21809309718 0.5328

Residual: 698 234785.36420547 336.36871662675

Total: 700 235143.80039166


Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.0015243276054795

Inter-Variable Correlation at Validation Points


X Y Z Estimated Z Residual Z


X: 1.000 -0.151 -0.395 -0.449 0.008

Y: 1.000 0.135 0.174 0.037

Z: 1.000 0.890 -0.493

E: 1.000 -0.043

R: 1.000


Rank Correlation at Validation Points


Z Estimated Z Residual Z


Z: 1.000 0.866 -0.476

E: 1.000 -0.086

R: 1.000



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