16 Passive Voice, Tragedia Piotra Włostowica, Moje dokumenty

16 Passive Voice

1 Wybierz poprawną formę. (5 punktów)

  1. The house is painted / will be painted next week.

  2. The meeting has been / have been cancelled.

  3. The car has been servicing / had been serviced before we went on holiday.

  4. They were informed / have been informed yesterday.

  5. The festival is organising / is organised every year.

2 Przepisz podane zdania w stronie biernej. (8 punktów)

  1. They haven't invited us yet. ______________________________________________________________________.

  2. We'll deliver the furniture tomorrow. ______________________________________________________________________.

  3. They had checked the building very carefully. ______________________________________________________________________.

  4. Someone attacked her in the street last week. ______________________________________________________________________.

  5. The storm has damaged a lot of buildings. ______________________________________________________________________.

  6. Experts write these reports. ______________________________________________________________________.

  7. They hadn't prepared the room before we arrived. _________________________________________________ before we arrived.

  8. They have broken the window. ______________________________________________________________________.

3 Napisz pytania w stronie biernej do wyróżnionych informacji. (4 punkty)

  1. ______________________________________________________________________?

The house was built in 1856.

  1. ______________________________________________________________________?

The reports are sent to the main offices.

  1. ______________________________________________________________________?

Three books have been published so far.

  1. ______________________________________________________________________?

The World Cup is held every four years.

4 Wstaw czasowniki z nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie w stronie czynnej lub biernej. (8 punktów)

  1. The resort is very popular. It ____________________________ (visit) by thousands of holidaymakers every summer who _______________________ (come) here for the wonderful beaches and lovely countryside.

  2. We ___________________________ (already / see) their new offer on the Internet but the new catalogue _______________________________ (not send) yet.

  3. We couldn't see the performance last week. All the tickets ______________________________ (sell) before we ____________________________ (get) to the theatre.

  4. I'm afraid our car _______________________________ (not repair) until next week. They say they __________________________ (receive) the parts this Friday.

Total: __________/ 25


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