wordbuilder tłumaczenia słówek z grubsza, FILOLOGIA ANGIELSKA, konwersacje


Giant - any creature of exceptional size
Synonyms: monster, heavyweight, whale, hulk, colossus, giant star, goliath, titan, behemoth
Antonyms: small, little

Amazon - a large strong and aggressive woman
Synonyms: virago, amazon

Extremaly tall - a garment size for a tall person
Antonyms: dumpy, squabby, stumpy, thickset, credible, believable, low-set, heavyset, short-stalked, chunky, half-length, pint-sized, little, easy, pint-size, sawed-off, runty, squab, short, squat, unrhetorical, squatty, stocky, compact, sawn-off, thick

Tallish - somewhat tall
Antonyms: short, little

Above average height - więcej niż wysoki

Medium build - średnio zbudowany

Good figure - dobra figura

Well-built - dobrze z budowany

Stocky - krępy having a short and solid form or stature
Synonyms: dense, duncical, duncish, wooden-headed, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, blockheaded, summary, chummy, thick-skulled, thickset, deep, compact, stocky, succinct, compendious, heavyset, buddy-buddy, thick(p), fatheaded, thick, slurred
Antonyms: tall

Plump - pulchny sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure
Synonyms: plump, embonpoint, chubby
Antonyms: lean, thin

Corpulent - otyły excessively fat
Synonyms: pear-shaped, heavy, corpulent, obese, round, weighty, rotund, orotund, grave, telling, grievous, cogent
Antonyms: lean, thin

Built like a barrel - zbudowany jak beczka/mocny silny

As square as He's tall - tak gruby jak wysoki ?

as big round as he's tall - to samo xD

obese - otyły excessively fat
Synonyms: pear-shaped, heavy, corpulent, obese, round, weighty, rotund, orotund, grave, telling, grievous, cogent
Antonyms: thin, lean

overweight - gruby the property of excessive fatness
Synonyms: overweight, corpulence, adiposis, stalwartness, stoutness
Antonyms: lean, thin

muscular - of or relating to or consisting of muscle
Synonyms: mesomorphic, powerful, sinewy, hefty, brawny
Antonyms: powerless, weak

petite - drobny a garment size for short or slender women
Antonyms: large, big

thin - of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section
Synonyms: slender, fragile, flimsy, tenuous, sparse, lean, slight

skinny - being very thin
Synonyms: cheeseparing, stunted, tightly fitting, weedy, skinny, tight fitting, tight-fitting, penny-pinching, boney, tightfitting, underweight, scrubby, scraggy, jagged, close, near, bony, scrawny, jaggy
Antonyms: loose, fat, generous

like a pipe cleaner- baaardzo chuddy

there's nothing of her - tez chuda xD

like a lamp-post - chuda jak latarnia ?

puny-looking - ?

sight and slender - niewielki i szczupły

slim - being of delicate or slender build
Synonyms: flimsy, lissome, urbane, lithesome, sylphlike, lissom, tenuous, polished, thin, slender, slight, svelte, slim, little(a), refined, supple, lithe, fragile
Antonyms: large, fat, big

below average height - ponizej przeciętnego wzrostu

on the short side - ?

short - (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length
Synonyms: forgetful, poor, myopic, brusk, inadequate, shortsighted, curt, light, unretentive, scant(p), short(p), little, unforesightful, brusque
Antonyms: daylong, gangly, tall-stalked, far, long-range, long-legged, stretch(a), oblong, in height(p), protracted,

tiny - very small
Synonyms: fiddling, midget, tiny, trivial, flyspeck, picayune, piffling, diminutive, petty, footling, petite, bantam, lilliputian, little, piddling, niggling
Antonyms: large, big

a midget - a person who is markedly small
Synonyms: dwarf, nanus, midget, gnome
Antonyms: big, large

knee-high to a grasshopper -

all skin and bones - sama skóra I kości

there's more fat on a chip - tez chudy xD

From the neck up

Thick black hair - gęste czarne włosy

Curly brown hair - kręcone brązowe włosy

Crew cut - na jeża dla męszczyzn

Skinhead- zero włosów xD

Sideboards /sideburns - baczki

Shoulder-length hair - długie do ramion

Wavy - pofalowane

Swept back - zaczesane do tyłu

Side parting -

Neat style -

A fringe - grzywka

A few grey hairs - kilka siwych włosów

Receding - łysieć

Distinguished -

Balding - łysieć

Toupee - peruka

Bald - łysy

A few mousy strands - kilka wytartych kosmyków

Hair in bunches -

Slides - spinki

Grips -

Ribbon - tez jakjies spinki

Hair in plaits - warkocze

Straight - proste

In a bun -

Back-combed - zaczesane

Ponytail - kucyk

Blonde - blond

Brunette- czarne

Redhead - rude

Auburn - czerwono brązowe

Ash-blonde - biały

Dyed - farbowane

Frizzy - mocno kręcone

Streak - pasemka

Combed forward - zaczesane do przodu

Highlights - pasemka

Greying - siwieć

Thinning - przerzedzać

Wig - peruka

Going white - siwieje

Matted - potargany

Unmanageable - ciezko sobie z nimi poradzic

Rinse - zafarbować

Dry - suche

Normal - normalne

Greasy - tłuste

Split ends -rozdwajające się końcówki

Unisex - dla kobiet i meszczyzn

Trim - przycinać

Blow-dry - modelować za pomocą suszarki

Perm - trwała

Razor cutting - brzytwą

Highlights - pasemka

Forehead high lined - wysokie/zmarszczone

Cheeks rosy, hollow - różowe/zapadnięte policzki

Chin double,pointed - podwójny/spiczasta broda

Eyelashes false,long - sztuczne/długie rzęsy

Eyebrows bushy,pencil-thin - krzaczaste/cienkie brwi

Nose snub,hook - zadarty/ haczykowaty nos

Ears cauliflower,Pierced - kalafiorowate/przekute uszy

Eses piercing,hazel - świdrowate/ piwne oczy

Jaw square, upper - kwadratowa/górna szczęka

Lips thick, cherry - grube/ wiśniowe? Wargi

Mouth wide, mean - szeroki, skąpy pysk (tak bylo w slowniku ;P )

Smack your lips - cmokać jak jest dobre

Raise your eyebrows - ze zdziwienia

prick up your ears -

mouth something - poruszać ustami ?

flutter your eyelashes - trzepotać rzęsami

purse your lips - wziac usta w kolko jakos niewiem xD

blow your nose - wydmuchac nos

puff out your cheeks - nadymać

turn your nose up - zadrzeć nos

tongue - jezyk

eyelids - powieki

moustache - wąsy

complexion - cera

nostrills - nozdrza

brow - brew

beard - broad

gums - dziąsła

lobes - płatki uszu

temples - skronie

throat - gardło

skull - czaska

wrinkles - zmarszczki

wart - brodawka

bags dunder the eyes - worki pod oczami

a beauty spot - pieprzyk

freckles - piegi

a mole - znamie

sore - wrzód

pimples - pryszcz

dimples - dołeczki

boil - czyrak

scar - blizna

a stiff Neck -sztywna szyja

a sore throat -ból gardła

bloodshot eyes - przekrwione oczy

eyestrain - przemęczenie oczu

a headache or migraine - migrena

toothache - ból zęba

sore gums - bolące dziąsła

ulcer - wrzód

runny nose - katar

blocked-up nose - zatkany nos

black eye - podbite oko

swollen lips - spuchnięte wargi

nosebleed - krwotok z nosa

giddy,dizzy- zawroty

concussion -wstrząs

singed my eyebrwos -

grazed my chin -skaleczyc brode

scratched my cheek - zadrapać policzek

banged my head - uderzyć się w głowę

chipped one of my front teeth - wyszczerbić zęba

knocked the other front tooth out - wybić innego przedniego zęba

scalded my face - oparzyć twarz

split my lip open - rozciąć wargę

came out in a rash - dostać wysypki

earache - ból ucha

From shoulder to fingertips

Palm- dłoń


Thumb- kciuk

Forearm- przedramie

Upper hand-

Fist- pięść

Fingerprint- odcisk

Wrist- nadgarstek

Fingernail- paznokieć

Shoulder- bark

Elbow- łokieć

Armpit- pacha

Knuckle- kostka

Biceps- biceps

Index finger (forefinger) -palec wskazujący

Little finger- mały palec

Hand- ręka

Thumb through ( a book) -kartkować

Thumb a lift- złapać okazje

Hand someone (a pen)- podać

Palm someone off with something (second rate)-

Elbow your way- rozpychać sie łokciami

Shoulder responisibility-

Finger (a dokument) -podpisywać , to sign

From the bottom down

shin- piszczel, goleń, tibia

ankle- kostka u nogi

knuckle- kostka u ręki

knee- lap

foot- extremity of leg

Achilles tendon- ścięgno, sinew

calf- Lydka, sura

big toe- the first largest innermost toe,

heels- pięty, the back part of the human foot,

sole- podeszwa, the underside of the foot, planta

thigh- udo, upper leg

instep- podbicie, śródstopie, the arch of the foot, metatarsus

hamstring- ścięgno udowe, one of the tendons at the back of the knee

leg- that part of the limb between the knee and foot

pelvis- miednica, hips

twist- sprained

sprain- twist

knee-cap- rzepka, patella

rocked back on his heels-

put your foot in it-

on her knees-

toe the line-

haven't you got a leg to stand on-

be on your toes-

cramp your style-

stand on their own two geet-

Inside and outsider the torso

Bust- popiersie

Waist- talia

Hips- biodra

Breast- pierś

Stomach- brzuch, żołądek

Lap- łono

Navel (tummy button)- pępek

Leg- noga

Chest- klatka piersiowa

Abdomen- podbrzusze

Back- plecy

Belly- brzuch

Bottom (butty)- tyłek

Bad back- ból pleców

Fat-belly- tłuszcz na brzuchu

Breast-fed- karmiony piersią

Collar bone- obojczyk

Spine (backbone)- kręgosłup

Vertebra (vertbrae) -kręg

Heart- serce

Arteries- tętnica


Intestines- jelita

Ribs- żebra

Pelvis- miednica

Appendix- wyrostek

Lungs- płuca

Veins- żyły

Kidney- nerka

Bladder- pęcherz

Coumpand activities

warm-hearted- hearty; sympathetic.

king-hearted- kindly

hard-hearted- bezwzględny, Unsympathetic; inexorable; cruel; pitiless.

left-handed- Having the left hand or arm stronger and more dexterous than the right

big-headed- conceited; arrogant; haughty.zarozumiały


light-fingered- kieszonkowiec, pickpocket

dark-skinned- swarthy.

double-breasted- dwurzędowy

pot-bellied- brzuchaty, bulgy

cross-eyed- cockeyed, squint

strong-willed- RESOLUTE, uparty, zdecydowany. obstinate

fair-haired- jasnowłowy, blond


red-faced- empurpled, rubicund

knock-kneed- iksowate nogi, crooked, slanting

bow-legged- pałąkowate nogi, krzywe

broad-minded- tolerant,

cold-blooded- bezwzględny, bezlitosny, ruthless, merciless, cruel

round-shouldered- przygarbiony, stooping




hairy- owłosiony, hirsute,shaggy

cheeky- insolent; impudent; impertinent; bezczelny

bloody-cholerny, cursed

leggy- długonogi, long-legged

handy- zręczny, deft, agile, dexterous

nosey- wścibski, interfering, meddler

hearty- cordial; hearty; warm

skinny- thin; scanty; meagre.

heady- ekscytujący; (fig) uderzający do głowy.exciting, stirring, thrilling

chesty- podatny na przeziębienia, weak, sickly; unhealthy; puny.


gentle-mild, tender, kind

generous-plentiful, magnanimous

tolerant- forbearing

understanding- comprehension,

protective- caring, safety

affectionate- tender, doting


impulsive- impetuous., fitful; hot-tempered.

impetous- porywczy, impulsywny

impatient- irritable,

excitable- pobudliwy, ebullient, tetchy

rebellious- buntowniczy, disobedient) nieposłuszny., mutinous

revolutionary- rebellious

forgetful- absent-minded, scatter-brained

irresponsible- unreliable, reckless,

uncontrollable- untamed, wild, UNCHECKED

shy- bashful; embarrassing


timid- timorous; faint-hearted.shy

reserved- powściągliwy, restrained, temperate, self-controlled

sensitive- delicate, tender

imaginative- fanciful, thoughtful


emotional- affectional, excitant

unstable- unbalanced

THE SENSES- pp.36 and 37

Look at - look at carefully; study mentally
Synonyms: count, watch, view, consider, turn over, conceive, believe, take, deliberate, reckon, catch, take in, study,

See - look at carefully; study mentally
Synonyms: count, watch, view, consider, turn over, conceive, believe, take, deliberate, reckon, catch, take in, study,

Visible - capable of being seen; or open to easy view
Synonyms: visible, seeable, visible(a)
Antonyms: infrared, invisible, concealed, occult, lightless, ultraviolet, unavailable, nonvisual, camouflaged, undetectable, covert, hidden, unseeable, unseeyn, out of sight

In sight - at or within a reasonable distance for seeing
Synonyms: in sight
Antonyms: unseeable, invisible

Into view -

Eyesight- normal use of the faculty of vision
Synonyms: visual perception, beholding, seeing, sightedness, eyesight

Listen to - słuchać

Hear - perceive (sound) via the auditory sense
Synonyms: see, get word, get wind, discover, get a line, try, find out, listen, pick up, learn, take Reed

Sounds like - brzmi jak

Audible - heard or perceptible by the ear
Synonyms: hearable, audible
Antonyms: inaudible, voiceless, unheard, supersonic, ultrasonic, unsounded, silent, unhearable, infrasonic, breathed

Very clear sound - bardzo czysty dzwięk

Hearing - (law) a proceeding (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence
Synonyms: earshot, listening, auditory sense, earreach, audition, sense of hearing, audience, auditory modality

Smell - the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form
Synonyms: smell, olfactory sensation, olfactory property, flavour, feel, feeling, flavor, look, olfaction, spirit, sense of smell, aroma, odour, scent, smelling, tone, odor, olfactory modality, olfactory perceptron

Smells like - pachnie jak

Sense of smell - the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents
Synonyms: smell, olfactory sensation, olfactory property, flavour, feel, feeling, flavor, look, olfaction, spirit, sense of smell, aroma, odour, scent, smelling, tone, odor, olfactory modality, olfactory perception

Taste - the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus
Synonyms: perceptiveness, taste sensation, appreciation, mouthful, sense of taste, gustatory perception, predilection, gustatory sensation, taste perception, preference, tasting, taste, gustation, gustatory modality, penchant, discernment

Taste like - smakuje jak

After-taste - posmak a taste that stays in your mouth after you have eaten or drunk something

Palate - the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities
Synonyms: roof of the mouth, palate

Sense of taste - the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth
Synonyms: perceptiveness, taste sensation, appreciation, mouthful, sense of taste, gustatory perception, predilection, gustatory sensation, taste perception, preference, tasting, taste, gustation, gustatory modality, penchant, discernment

Touch - the event of something coming in contact with the body
Synonyms: jot, cutaneous senses, touch sensation, tactual sensation, touch modality, touching, touch, signature, sense of touch, skin senses, soupcon, speck, hint, trace, feeling, pinch, mite, tinge, ghost, spot, tactile sensation, contact

Feels as if - czuć się jak

Sensation - an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation
Synonyms: virtuoso, star, sentience, aesthesis, champion, superstar, whiz, mavin, esthesis, sentiency, sense impression, maven, ace, sensation, genius, sense datum, hotshot, wiz, adept, wizard, sense experience, sensory faculty, sense, whizz

Feeling - the experiencing of affective and emotional states
Synonyms: intuitive feeling, look, touch sensation, tone, notion, touch, opinion, tactile sensation, flavour, spirit, flavor, tactual sensation, belief, smell, impression, feel

Sense of touch - the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands)
Synonyms: jot, cutaneous senses, touch sensation, tactual sensation, touch modality, touching, touch, signature, sense of touch, skin senses, soupcon, speck, hint, trace, feeling, pinch, mite, tinge, ghost, spot, tactile sensation, contact

Tastefully - gustownie with taste; in a tasteful manner
Synonyms: tastily, tastefully
Antonyms: tastelessly

In rather poor taste - w złym guście

Tasteless - lacking flavor
Antonyms: bitter, nectarous, nutty, zesty, acid-tasting, flavorsome, toothsome, flavourful, full-bodied, pungent,

A good eye - dobre oko

A good ear - dobre ucho

Out of sight - poza zasiegiem wzroku

Out of earshot - poza zasięgiem słuchu

Out of reach - poza zasięgiem (ręki)

Psychic - a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception
Antonyms: normal, physical

Sense - czuć

Extra-sensory perceptron - pozazmysłowe

Feel it in my bones - feel that something is true even though you don't have any proof

Telepathic - communicating without apparent physical signals
Antonyms: sensorial, sensory

Intuition - instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)
Synonyms: hunch, suspicion

Instinct - inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli
Synonyms: inherent aptitude, instinct
Antonyms: empty

Short-sighted - krótko wzroczny

Long - sighted - daleko wzroczny

Go blind - oślepnąć

Wear glasses - nosić okulary

Contact lenses - soczewki kontaktowe

As blind as a bat - ślepy

Read Braille - czytać brajlem

Coulour blind - daltonista

An oculist - okulista

Hard of hearing - problemy ze słuchem

Go deaf - ogłuchnąć

Wear a hearing aid - nosić aparat słuchowy

Deaf as a post - głuchy jak pień

Lip-read -czytanie z ust

Sign language - język migowy

Tone-deaf - unable to see the difference between musical notes

Ear specialist - laryngolog

Sensible - rozsądny showing reason or sound judgment
Synonyms: fair, sane, reasonable, sensitive, sensible, fairish
Antonyms: asleep(p), imperceptible, anesthetic(a), benumbed, numb, unaware, anaesthetic(a), unperceivable, incognizant, insensible

Sensitive - wrażliwy someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead
Synonyms: spiritualist, mass medium, metier, medium, sensitive, culture medium
Antonyms: thick-skinned, tough-skinned, unaffected(p), unclassified, pachydermatous, insensitive, indurate, dull, dead, numb(p), insensible(p), painless, unreactive, soulless, dead(p), deadened, callous

Sensation - uczucie an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation
Synonyms: virtuoso, star, sentience, aesthesis, champion, superstar, whiz, mavin, esthesis, sentiency, sense impression, maven, ace, sensation, genius, sense datum, hotshot, wiz, adept, wizard, sense experience, sensory faculty, sense, whizz

Sensational - sensacyjny causing intense interest, curiosity, or emotion
Synonyms: stunning, sensory, arresting
Antonyms: unimpressive, unsensational

Sensual - zmysłowy marked by the appetites and passions of the body
Antonyms: cold, mental

Sensuous - działający na zmysły taking delight in beauty
Antonyms: inaesthetic, unaesthetic

Sensless - bezsensowny not marked by the use of reason
Synonyms: senseless, otiose, vacuous, nitwitted, inane, unmindful, witless, wasted, purposeless, soft-witted, reasonless, superfluous, fatuous, insensible, asinine, causeless, forgetful, mindless, pointless
Antonyms: conscious, smart, valuable, sensible, reasonable

Sense of humour - poczucie humoru

Sense of fairness - poczucie sprawiedliwości

Sense of discipline - poczucie dsycypliny

Sense of duty - poczucie obowiązku

Sense of adventure - poczucie przygody

Sense of Power - poczucie władzy

Sense of timing - wyczucie czasu

Sense of balance - poczucie równowagi

look at - take into consideration for exemplifying purposes.

look like - bear a physical resemblance.

Visible-that is obvious enough to be noticed.

in sight - at or within a reasonable distance for seeing.

Eyesight- the ability to see; faculty of sight.

Audible- that can be heard clearly.

sense of smell - the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents.

Vinegar- a liquid with a bitter taste made from malt or wine, used to add flavour to food or to preserve it.

Aftertaste- A taste persisting in the mouth after the substance that caused it is no longer present or A feeling that remains after an event or experience, especially one that was unpleasant.

Palate- the top part of the inside of the mouth.

sense of taste - the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth.

Sensation- a feeling that you get when something affects your body.

sense of touch - the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands).

Out of sight- used to say somebody will quickly be forgotten when they are no longer with you.

Out of earshot- too far away to hear somebody/something or to be heard.

out of reach - inaccessibly located or situated.

Psychic- seeming to have strange mental powers and to be able to do things that are not possible according to natural laws.

Extrasensory perception (ESP), involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind.

feel something in your bones- to know something is true, although it cannot be proved- I feel it in my bones.

Telephatic- able to communicate by telepathy.

Intuition-the ability to know something by using your feelings rather than considering the facts.

Instinct-a feeling that makes you do something or believe that something is true, even though it is not based on facts or reason.

Short-sighted- able to see things clearly only if they are very close to you.

Long-sighted- not able to see things that are close to you clearly.

As blind as a bat- completely blind.

Colour- blind-unable to see the difference between some colours, especially red and green.

hard of hearing-unable to hear well or partially deaf.

go deaf- unable to hear anything or unable to hear very well.

deaf as a post-to be completely deaf.

lip-read- To interpret utterances by lip Reading.

sign-language - used of the language of the deaf.

sense of humour - the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous.

Sense of fairness-ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty.

Sense of discipline-sense of responsibility and self-control.

sense of duty - a motivating awareness of ethical responsibility.

Sense of timing-can refer either to the perception of relatively short periods of time, or the perception of times which are a significant fraction of a person's lifetime.

sense of balance - a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head

Character and personality pp.39-42:

Aries- Baran

Taurus- Byk

Gemini- Bliźnięta

Cancer- Rak

Leo- Lew

Virgo- Panna

Libra- Waga

Scorpio- Skorpion

Sagittarius- Strzelec

Capricorn- Koziorożec


Pisces- Ryby

Outgoing- otwarty A: introverted, reclusive, shy

Extrovert- ekstrawertyk

Open- otwarty

Carefree- beztroski A: worried, anxious

Light-hearted- beztroski

Truthful- prawdomówny A: dishonest, hypocritical, inaccurate, lying, untruthful

Candid- szczery

Frank- szczery

Easy-going- spokojny, opanowany

Strong-willed- uparty

Determined- zdeterminowany

Self-assured- pewny siebie

Self-confident- pewny siebie

Dominant- dominujący

Ambitious- ambitny


Energetic- enargiczny

Competitive- nastawiony na współzawdonictwo

Proud- dumny



Boastful- chełpliwy

Selfish- samolubny

Vain- próżny

Self-centred- egocentryczny

Egocentric- egocentryczny

Snobbish- snobistyczny

Critical- krytyczny

Petty- małostkowy

Narrow-minded- ograniczony, o wąskich horyzontach

Fussy- wybredny, grymaśny

Stubborn- upatry

Obstinate- uparty

Materialistic- materailistyczny

Mercenary-wyrachowany, interesowny






Dishonest- nieuczciwy

Changeable- zmienny

Temperamental- zmienny, ulagający nastrojom

Insincere- nieszczery

Unreliable- niesolidny




Cowardly- tchórzliwy


Obedient- posłuszny

Secretive- tajemniczy

Humble- skromny

Modest- skromny

Sensible- rozsądny

Level-headed- zrównoważony




Fair-minded- bezstronny

Realistic- realistyczny

Rational- racjonalny

Logical- logiczny

Aggressive- agresywny

Violent- gwałtowny

Brutal- brutalny

Vicious- wściekły

Ruthless- bezwzględny

Unscrupulous- pozbawiony skrupułów

Malicious- złośliwy

Spiteful- złośliwy



Hot-blooded- krewki

Brave- dzielny

Courageous- odważny

Adventurous- odważny

Lively- żwawy, pełen życia


Devoted- oddany

Loyal- lojalny


Tender- czuły

Attitudes and beliefs pp43-45:

Regard- to think about somebody/something in a particular way

Suspect- to have an idea that something is probably true or likely to happen, especially something bad, but without having definite proof.

Suspicious- feeling that somebody has done something wrong, illegal or dishonest, without having any proof.

Despite- used to show that something happened or is true although something else might have happened to prevent it.

Disapprove of- To have an unfavorable opinion of; condemn

Reckon- to think something or have an opinion about something.

Fierce- Having a savage and violent nature

Opponent- a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition, argument

Opposed to- used to make a contrast between two things.

I Dread to think- something that you say when you do not want to think about something because it is too worrying or too unpleasant.

make up one's mind - reach, make, or come to a decision about something.

Convinced- completely sure about something.

To have a point- agree with somebody's idea or opinion.

Reject- to refuse to accept or consider something

Recommend- to tell somebody that something is good or useful, or that somebody would be suitable for a particular job, etc

Expect- to think or believe that something will happen or that somebody will do something

In favour of- favoring a proposition, opinion.

Presume- to suppose that something is true, although you do not have actual proof

Viewpoint- a way of thinking about a subject.

Advocate- To speak, plead, or argue in favor of.

Dismiss- to decide that somebody/something is not important and not worth thinking or talking about

Out of the hand- out of control;.

Adore- to love somebody very much or to like something very much

Rate- a measurement of the speed at which something happens

Be fond of- liking someone or something

Consider- to think of a person as a particular type of person

Preferable- more attractive or more suitable

Point of view- A manner of viewing things

Approach- to come near to somebody/something in distance or time

Open-minded- willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas

See eye to eye with- be in agreement

Issues- an important topic that people are discussing or arguing about

Sadist- a person who gets pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, from hurting other people

Agnostic- a person who believes that it is not possible to know whether God exists or not

Racist- a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others

Patriot- One who loves, supports, and defends one's country

Cynic- a person who does not believe that something good will happen or that something is important

Idealist- the belief that a perfect life, situation, etc. can be achieved, even when this is not very likely

Fatalist- anyone who submits to the belief that they are powerless to change their destiny

Romantic- Given to thoughts or feelings of romance

Optimist- One who usually expects a favorable outcome

Nationalist- one who loves and defends his or her country

Activist- a person who works to achieve political or social change.

Atheist- a person who believes that God does not exist

Pessimist- a person who always expects bad things to happen

Masochist- someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment

Anarchist- a person who causes disorder or upheaval

Perfectionist- a person who likes to do things perfectly and is not satisfied with anything less

Disciplinarian- a person who believes in using rules and punishments for controlling people

Philanthropist- a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money

Fanatic- a person who is extremely enthusiastic about something

Realist- a person who accepts and deals with a situation as it really is

Nonconformist- a person who does not follow normal ways of thinking or behaving

Concede- to admit that something is true, logical.

Thinking wanting and knowing pp 46-49

Contemplating - zastanawiać się look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought
Synonyms: ruminate, mull, chew over, think over, mull over, muse, study, speculate, reflect, excogitate, ponder, meditate

Picture in - ?

Envisage - form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case
Synonyms: ideate, opine, guess, reckon, conceive of, envisage, suppose, imagine, think

Lost in thought - zamyślony

world of someone's own - swój własny świat

imagine - form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case
Synonyms: ideate, opine, guess, reckon, conceive of, envisage, suppose, imagine, think

meditate - reflect deeply on a subject
Synonyms: hypothecate, shine, contemplate, theorise, speculate, theorize, reflect, chew over, excogitate, suppose, hypothesise, formulate, devise, mull over, study, contrive, ponder, invent, muse, ruminate, hypothesize, meditate, forge, reverberate, mull, conjecture, job, think over

visualize - wyobrazić sobię imagine;

collect thoughts - zbierać myśli

pull oneself together - wziąć się w garść


pre-occupied with - pochłonięty

dream of - śnić o

aware - świadomy

speculate - przypuszczać

have a lot on my mind - mieć dużo na głowie

weigh up - rozważać

balance the pros and cons - bring into balance or equilibrium
from each angle - pod każdym kątem

bear in mind - wziąć pod uwagę

realize - uświadomić sobie

exaggerated in one's mind -

invent an excuse - wymyśleć wymówkę

make up a story - wymyśleć historyjkę

day-dreaming- marzycielstwo

brainwave - olśnienie

suppose - przypuszczać

toy with the idea of - to think about an idea or possibility, usually for a short time and not very seriously

think of -

go over and over - go many times

make-believe - pozory

pretend - udawać

come to a decision- zadecydować

reach - osiągnać

mind begins to wander - someone is becoming unable to think clearly

guess- domyslać się

what is going on someone's head - co chodzi komuś po głowie

discovered -

decide- zdecydować

miles away - bardzo daleko xD

mind is a blank - you can't remember anything

resolve - determinacja
mind is Racing - you are thinking very quickly and hard about something because you are excited or frightened

made up my mind - to decide which of two or more choices you want

sleep on it - przespać sie z tym

think it over - to consider

on second thought - z drugiej strony

flash of inspiration - a sudden good idea

strike -

occurred to -przychodzic do głowy

reconsider - ponownie rozważyć

confused - zakłopotany

last thing i wanted - ostatnia rzecz jaką bym chciał

all i have ever asked for - wszystko o co prosiłem jak dotąd

determined to - zdecydowany aby/na

keen on - chętny na

love to - lubieć

appeal to - apel an urgent request for something important

like the sound of - lubieć jak coś brzmi ? wkurza mnie juz to nie ma nigdzie slowek ;((((((((

for two pins - to say that you would like to do something to someone because they have annoyed you

to be quite honest - będąc szczerym

don't feel like - don't want to have or doing something

in the mood for - w nastroju na

forced my self to - zmusić się

stop worrying - przestać się zamartwiać

glad if - zadowolony jesli

do with - need or want something

wouldn't say no to - nie powidział bym nie

wouldn't mind - nie miałbym nic przeciwko

undecided as to weather - niezdecydowany co do

feel tempted - ??

make a choice - dokonać wyboru

fancy - upodobanie

I would rather not to think - wolal bym raczej nie myslec o

Dream of - snic o

Settled for - to accept something even though it is not the best

Aim for - dążyć do

Make do with - to manage with the things that you have, even though this is not really enough

Give right arm for - do something what you really want

Resigned to - pogodzony z

Regrets -żałować

Have Intention of - a plan or desire to do something

Options - opcje

Alternatives - alternatywa

Flirted with - flirtowac ?

Yearn - pragnąć desire

Commited to - oddany

Turned my back on - return to doing something

Long for - strongly feeling of wanting something

Dread - starch

Give up - poddać się

Desperate to - zdesperowany aby

I would be more than happy just to - byłbym więcej niż szczęśliwy

Have no strong preference - nie mięć ochoty

Make a resolution to - promise to yourself to do something

Look forward - nie móc się doczekać

Face - stawiać czoło

Feel inclined - to want to do something but without having strong desire

Have an eye on - mieć oko na coś

Hale half a mind to - used to say that u would like to do something but you probably won't do it.

Can't wait to - nie móc się doczekać

Dying to - to samo

Mean to - mieć na myśli

Anxious to - pełen niepokoju

Hope to - mieć nadzieję

Plan to - planować

Drawn -

Attracted to - przyciągnięty

Like the idea of - lubić wizję o czymś

Moods pp 50-52:

Melancholic- depressed; melancholy; dejected; unhappy.,

pensive- zadumany ,zamyslony

thoughtful- zamyślony, zadumany, troskliwy, rozważny, uważający

nostalgic- nostalgiczny ,tęskny

full of longing-pełny tęsknoty,prgnienia yearning; hankering

sentimental-uczuciowy sentymentalny emotional

bored-znudzony TIRED

miserable-marny ,nędzny , nieszcześliwy unhappy, unlucky

moody-markoty,rozkapryszony,nastrojowy GLOOMY , PEEVISH


frustrated- udaremniony

fed up- mieć dosć

confused-zakłopotany,zdezorientowany embarrassed, bewildered

uncertain-niepewny ,wątpliwy unreliable, untrustworthy

introspective- introspekcyjny, rozmyślający nad sobą

unsure of- niepewny unsafe; insecure

oneself- się, sobie, siebie, sobą

restless-niespokojny,nerwowy ruchliwy TURBULENT ,

hopeful-optymistyczny ,pogodny,pełen nadzieji (człowiek) cheerful

edgy- zirytowany, drażliwy irritable, touchy

touchy-drażliwy, nadwrażliwy; przewrażliwiony irritable, oversensitive


irritable- drażliwy, nerwowy touchy, nervous


cheerful- radosny, wesoły, pogodny

optimistic-optymistyczny HOPEFUL

positive-pozytywny,dodatni (twierdzący) affirmative

excited- pobudzony, podniecony, podekscytowany incited, agitated

active-aktywny,czynny ,alive, WORKING

enthusuastic- entuzjastyczny, rozentuzjazmowany, passionate

thrilled- podekscytowany, zachwycony, podniecony , distraught

confident- pewny, pewny siebie, przeświadczony , perky, assured

calm- spokojny; spokó,opanowanie

refreshed- pokrzepiony,odswiezony

relaxed- zrelaksowany, odprężony, rozluźniony

idle/lazy- śmierdzący leń,obibok

content- zadowolony, szczęśliwy, ukontentowany


elated- zachwycony; wniebowzięty, delighted

triumphant- triumfujący, triumfalny, zwycięski

on top of the world-

up in the clouds- chmury, marzyciel, dreamer

ecstatic- zachwycony,nie posiadający się z radości

wild/rash-dziki, nierozważny; zawadiacki, reckless; foolhardy.

weary- zmęczony; wyczerpany,

drained-odwodniony,osuszony dehydrated.

exhausted- stan wyczerpania, wyczerpany

empty- pusty, próżny; opróżniać, wylewać, usuwać

disappointed- rozczarowany , disillusioned

heart-broken- ze złamanym sercem, zgnębiony

disillusioned- rozczarowany

gloomy- ciemny; (depressing) przygnębiający; (depressed) przygnębiony.mroczny

depressed- przygnębiony, przybity, zatroskany

disheartened- zniechęcony, przygnębiony

bewildered- oszołomiony, skonsternowany, zdezorientowany

dejected- przygnębiony, zdeprymowany, osowiały

easily upset- łatwo zdenerwowac

distressed- strapiony (z powodu), zbolały, wyczerpany

lonely- samotny, osamotniony, odludny, solitary

hostile- nieprzyjacielski, wrogi; nieprzyjazny,

bitter- gorzki; zawzięty; ( o mrozie) siarczysty

insecure- niepewny, niezabezpieczony

suicidal- samobójczy

easily annoyed-łatwo zirytowac

astonished/amazed- zdumiony; osłupiały

overwhelmed- onieśmielony, ogarnięty

light-headed- ROZTARGNIONY, distracked

sociable- towarzyski, przyjacielski

playful- swawolny, rozbrykany, wesoły, frisky

over the moon-

frivolous- bezsensowny, lekkomyślny, frywolny, reckless

merry- wesoły, radosny

self-satisfied- zadowolony z siebie

Attitudes and Relationship 53-54

Adore= admire

Loathe- nie cierpieć

Antonyms: like, love

Envy- zazdrościć

Envious- zazdrosny

Petrified- skamieniały

Grudge- uraza

A chip on his shoulder-


Have a lot in common- mieć ze sobą wiele wspólnego

Love-hate relationship- Miłość połączona z nienawiścią

Feel a bit uneasy- zaniepokojony

Wary of - nieufny

Amused- rozbawiony

Contempt- pogarda

Interiority complex- kompleks niższości

Pity- współczucie, współczuć

Captivated- urzeczony

Bored stiff by-

Fed up with- poirytowany

Sick to death of- chory do śmierci ? haha xD

Despise- gardzić

Despairs of- tracic nadzieje

Resent- urażony, mieć pretensje

Frowned on- patrzec z dezaprobatą

Hate the sight-

Have great respect- mieć wielki respect

Feel indifference- czuć obojętność

adoring- uwielbianie

tolerating- tolerowanie, znoszenie, broadminded

hating- nienawidzący

loathe- nienawidzić, nie cierpieć, czuć wstręt

hate the sight of-

envy- zadrość, zawiść,

envious of- zazdrosny, zawistny.

respect- szacunek, respekt; wzgląd;

fear- trach, obawa, lęk

frightens- straszyć, przestraszyć, trwożyć

keep out of his way-trzymac sie drogi

slightly afraid of-

terrified- przerażony, truchleć

petrified- skamieniały, sparaliżowany (ze strachu

a chip on his shoulder-

a grudge against-ponownie żałowac

ignore- ignorować; lekcewayć.

close- koniec, zakończenie, PRZYWIERAĆ, SZCZELNIE

enjoy each other's company-cieszyc sie wzajemnie z innymi z grupy

get on very well- dogadywać sie bardzo dobrze

have a lot in common- mieć wiele wspólnego

love-hate relationship-

jealous- zazdrosny, zawistny

feel a bit uneasy- zaniepokojony, skrępowany, anxious

relax in his company-

wary of feel a bit uneasy - wary- przezorny

trust- wierzyć, ufać, mieć zaufanie,

amused- rozśmieszony, rozbawiony

keeps their distance-

admires- podziwiać, zachwycać się

impressed- tłoczony, odbity, wyciśnięty

badly treated-żle traktowany

looks down on-

with contempt- z pogardą

inferiority complex- kompleks niższości

general sympathy-

pity- litość, współczucie

feel sorry-współczuc

very fond-


in love with-

get through- przebrnąć przez

fascinated- URZECZONY, OCZAROWANY, bewitched

captivated- czarować, urzekać

intriguing- intrygowanie

bored stiff by-

fed up with- mieć dośść

sick to death of-

detest- nienawidzić, nie cierpieć, nie znosić

despise- gardzić, pogardzać.

despair of- rozpaczać

resent- obrażać się, mieć pretensje., resentful; offended.

frowned on- wyrażony

miss- chybienie, spudłowanie; chybiać


Expressing oneself 56-61

Butting into- wtrącać się

Interrupted- przerywać

Hint- aluzja

Broke the news-

At length- obszernie

Reveal- odsłaniać

Phrasing my message- formułować wiadomość

Recite- recytować

Sermon- kazanie

preach - wygłaszać, prawić (kazanie)

read out- odczytywać

dictate- dyktować

chatter- paplać [chatter-box -gaduła]

put my message across- przedstawić wiadomość

declare- oznajmiać, deklarować

claim- twierdzić

refer to- wspominać

quote- cytować

mention- wzmianka

to reminisce- wspominać

recount- opowiadac



dry up- zaniemowić

utter- wypowiadać

be at a loss for words- nie wiedzieć, co powiedzieć

blurt out- wyrzucić z siebie

gabble- trajkotać

thinking aloud- głośno mysleć

contradict- zaprzeczać

ramble on - mówić bez ładu i składu

getting to the point-

come out with it- wyjść z czymś ( informacją, pomysłem)

spit it out- wyjdź z tym

Butting into- wtrącać się

Interrupted- przerywać

Hint- aluzja

Broke the news-

At length- obszernie

Reveal- odsłaniać

Phrasing my message- formułować wiadomość

Recite- recytować

Sermon- kazanie

preach - wygłaszać, prawić (kazanie)

read out- odczytywać

dictate- dyktować

chatter- paplać [chatter-box -gaduła]

put my message across- przedstawić wiadomość

declare- oznajmiać, deklarować

claim- twierdzić

refer to- wspominać

quote- cytować

mention- wzmianka

to reminisce- wspominać

recount- opowiadac



dry up- zaniemowić

utter- wypowiadać

be at a loss for words- nie wiedzieć, co powiedzieć

blurt out- wyrzucić z siebie

gabble- trajkotać

thinking aloud- głośno mysleć

contradict- zaprzeczać

ramble on - mówić bez ładu i składu

getting to the point-

come out with it- wyjść z czymś ( informacją, pomysłem)

spit it out- wyjdź z tym

Expressing oneself Part one

greeting- regards, compliment

introducing- presenting

inviting- encouraging

accepted- APPROVED, admited

acceptance- approval

decline- odrzucać, reject

suggesting- offer

offering- suggestion


hesitate- wachac się , być niezdecydowanym, undecided;indecisive; irresolute.


insisting- naleganie, solicitation


agreed- consent, aproval

warning- caution

advice- consult

apologising- to excuse; to express regret for

reassure- dodawać otuchy, to comfort; to console.

console- pocieszać, solace, to comfort

sympathetic- współczujący, compassionate

enquire- dowiadywać się, inquire,

complaining- ACCUSATORY,

demanding- wymagający, exacting,

threat- menace

insulting- obrażać, to offend

complimenting- to flatter

proposing- offer

congratulating- complimenting


Expressing onself Part II

Insult/insulting (obraza)

Complimenting/compliment - narzekać

Proposal/proposing - propozycja


Flattering/flattery- pochlebstwo

Praising/prasie -chwalić

Denouncing - denować

Interrogation/interrogating/questioning - przesłuchanie

Protesting/protest -

Urging/urgent - namowa

Refused/refusal - odmowa

Pleading/begging - prosić

Promising/promise -

Confidential poufny

Confiding -

confident -

heckling - przeszkadzać

ingored - disregarded
blaming /blame - winić
admitting/admission - przyznać się

confessing/confession -

mocking - kpiący

teasing - przekomarzanie się

boasting - chwalic się

accusing/accusation - oskarżenie

denying/denial - odmowa

reprimanding/scolding/telling - udzielac nagany

ordering - rozkazywać


requesting/request -prośba

reminding/reminder - przypomnienie

Reacting to events 62-63


Get the shock of our lives-

Make everybody jump- Przestrasyć wszystkich

Nearly jumped out of her skin- Niemal wyskoczyć ze skóry

Believe it or not- wierz lub nie

Caught their breath-

No-one could really believe their eyes- niekt nie mógł uwierzyć własnym oczom

Faint- mdleć

Blinking, as if he had seen a ghost- Do cholery, jak gdyby zobaczył ducha

Speechless- oniemiały

Her eyes were going to pop out of her head- oczy jej wyszły z orbit

You could have knocked all of us over with a feather-


Tears were already trickling down- łzy juz spływały

A lump had come to my throat- bryła podeszła do mojego gardła - mieć serce w gardle?


Burst out crying- wybuchnąć płaczem

Break down- załamać się

Overcome- pokonany?

Tears were rolling down- łzy spływały

Burst into tears- wybuchnać do łez

Touching- dotykające

Moved to tears- wzruszony do łez


Calling sb names- obrzucic wyzwiskami

Take offence- obrazić się

Lose her temper- nie ma nastroju?

Blew his top-

Going berserk- wpadać w furie


Insulting- obrażając

See red- wściec się

Went-mad- oszleć

Furious- wściekły

Seething- kipieć ( ze złosci? )

Hit the roof- wściec się

Quietened down- uspokojny


Scared stiff- wystraszony umarlak xD

Kept cool-

Go as white as a sheet- biały jak ściana

Panicked- przestraszony

Hair stand on end- włosy stanęły dęba

Run a mile- dać nogę

My heart missed a beat-

Twitching- drżąc

Winced- skrzywić się

Shaking- trząść się

Trembling- drżeć

Shuddered- zadrżeć

Flinch- wzdrygnąć się

Didn't turn a hair-


Dying of embarrassment- umrzeć ze wstydu

On her conscience- mieć na sumieniu

Blushing- rumienić się

As red as a beetroot- czerwony jak burak

Had a terribly guilty look in her eye-

Had guilty written all over her face- mieć wine wypisana na twarzy

Stammering- jakająć

Didn't know where to put myself- nie wiedzieć gdzie sie podziać

About two foot tall-

Hoping a hole would open up in the floor and swallow me- chcieć zapaść sie pod ziemie



Burst out laughing- wybuchnąć śmiechem

Laughed his head off-

Nearly died laughing- umrzeć ze śmiechu

Couldn't help laughing- nie móc powstrzymać się od śmiechu

See the funny side of things -


Chuckling- chichoczący

Couldn't believe my ears- nie móc uwierzyć własnym uszom

Nearly split my sides laughing-

Sounds people make pp 65-66

moaning- beczenie

sobbing- łkanie, szlochanie, płacz

muttering- MAMROCZĄCY

suck- zasysać, wysysać, ssać, wciągać

hiccups- czkawka

burp- czkać, czknąć; odbicie się, beknięcie

yawning- ZIEWANIE

hums- szum; brzęczenie, buczenie.

snoring- chrapanie

marmur- marble

sigh- wzdychać; westchnienie

shouting- krzyki, krzyczenie

yelling- wrzeszczeć

barks- szczekać (na), ujadać, warcze


grumbling- gderanie; gderający

mumbles- mamrotanie; mamrotać

bites my head off-

stammering- Jąkanie, jąkanie się

stuttering- jąkanie się

whispering- SZEPTANIE

clearing their throats-

clapping- klaskanie

cheering- zachęcający, podnoszący na duchu, podniecający

calling out- wołanie; powołanie; zawód, zajęcie


whistling- GWIZDANIE

booing- wygwizdanie, szykanować

hissing- syczenie

chanting- spiewanie; odśpiewanie; adj. śpiewający

groaning- jęczenie; stękanie

sniffing- szperanie, węszenie, wdychanie, węszenie

sneezing- kichanie

gargling- płukać gardło.

wheezing- Świsty, świszczący oddech

panting- zadyszany

croaking- rechotać

laughed- wyśmiany; wyśmiewany

chuckling- chichot

sniggered- chichotać, parskać

shrieked- wrzask, pisk

howled with laughter- wyc ze śmiechu

tittered- chichot

laughed like a drain-

Gesture, mannerism and body language pp 67-70

licking his lips- oblizywać się

smiling, grinning- uśmiechanie

frowning- marszczenie

scowling- popatrzyć gniewnie

winking- mruganie

pouting- nadymanie

raising his eyebrows, pointing-

shrugging her shoulders, grimacing, making(pulling) a face- wykrzywianie twarzy,

nodding- kiwanie

shaking her head-

blowing her a kiss-

sneering- szydzenie; naigrawanie się; natrząsanie się

beckoning to- skinąć na kogoś

poking her tongue out at him-

scratching his head-


glanced- ukradkowe spojrzenie

gazed- rozglądać się.

peeped- zrknięcie

peered- spoglądający, równy

stared- wypatrzony

wringing his hands- ściskać

streched to his full height-

blinking- migotanie, mruganie, migoczący, cholerny

catch a glimpse of- przelotne spojrzenie

fidgeting- wiercić się,

fiddling- małostkowy

pursing her lips-

biting- zjadliwy, uszczypliwy, zgryźliwy, przenikliw

blew the final whistle-

chewed- przeżuty

puffed- zadyszany

nibbled- skubnięty

sipped- Popijał

swallowed- połknięty; pochłonięty

blew- dmuchnięty

sucked- ssany

rumbling- grzmot, dudnienie, stukot, odgłosy niezadowolenia

chattering- zębami


sweating ( perspiring)- pocenie się

itching- swędzenie, świąd

shivering- dreszcze

tossing- podrzucanie

exhaled- wydychany

tickled- połaskotany

patted- poklepał

smacked- cmoknięty

having my hair pulled-

my ear flicked-

stamped- cupnięty

trodden on- zdeptany, udeptany

my face stepped on-


caressing- pieszczotliwy

slapping- KLASKANIE

poked- szturchnął

pushing- POPYCHANIE,

shoving- pchnięcie

wrestle- borykać się, mocować się, zmagać się,powalic

punch- dziurkacz; uderzyć

butted- cieniowana

sat cuddling-

squeezed- upchnięty, upakowany, NĘKANY, ściśnięty

embraced- obejmował

hugged- przytulił


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