V-814 ABE. KOBO / The Woman in the Dune*

V-2014 AUDEN. W. H. / Collected Longer Poems v-2015 AUDEN. W. H. / Collected Shorter Poems 1927-1957 V-102 AUDEN, W. H. / Solectod Poetry of W. H. Auden V-691 AUDEN. W. H. ANO PAUL B. TAYLOR (tran*.) / The Elder Edda V-20 BABIN, MARIA-THERESA AND STAN STEINER (ed*.) / Bor.nqucn: Aft Anthology ot Puerto-Rican Literaturę V-271 BEDIER, JOSEPH / Tristan and Iseult

V-523 BELLAMY. JOE OAVID (ed.) / Superfiction or The Arrerican Story Trans-tormed: An Anthology

V-72 BERNIKOW. LOUISE (ed.) / The World Split Open: Four Centunes of Women Poeta in Eng'and and America 1552-1950 V-32l BOLT. ROBERT / A Man for Ali Seasors V-2t BOWEN. ELIZABETH / The Death of the Heart V-294 BRADBURY. RAY / The Vintage Bradbury

V-670 BRECHT, BERTOLT (ed. by Ralph Manheim and John Willelt) / Collocted Plays. Vol. 1

V-7S9 BRECHT, BERTOLT (ed. by Ralph Manheim and John Willelt) / Collocted Ptays. Vol. 5

V-216 BRECHT. BERTOLT (ed. by Ralph Manheim and John Willett) / Collocted Playa. Vol. 7

V-819 BRECHT, BERTOLT (ed. by Ralph Manheim and John Willett) / Colloctod Playa. Vol. 9

V-841 BYNNER, WITTER AND KIANO KANG-HU (ed».) / The Jadę Mountain: A Chmese Anthology

V-207 CAMUS. ALBERT / Caliguia f. Three Other Playa V-281 CAMUS. ALBERT / Ex.le and the Kingdom V-223 CAMUS. ALBERT / The Fali V-865 CAMUS. ALBERT / A Happy Death: A Novel V-626 CAMUS. ALBERT / LyricaJ and Critlcal Esaay*

V-75 CAMUS. ALBERT / The Myth of Suyphus and Othor Eisaya

V-258 CAMUS. AL8ERT / The P ague

V-245 CAMUS. ALBERT / The Possosscd

V-30 CAMUS. ALBERT / The Rcbcl

V-2 CAMUS. ALBERT / Tho Stranger

V-?8 CATHER. WILLA / Fnm Sto-ies

V-705 CATHER. WILLA / A Lo»! Lady

V-200 CATHER. WILLA / My Morlal Enemy

V-179 CATHER. WILLA / Obscure Destm os

V-252 CATHER. WILLA / One of Oura

V-9t3 CATHER. WILLA / The Professor-s House

V-434 CATHER. WILLA / Sapphira and the Slave Girl

V-880 CATHER. WILLA / Shadowe on tho Rock

V-684 CATHER. WILLA / Youth and the Brlght Medusa

V-140 CERF. BENNETT (ed.) / Famou* Ghost Storie#

V-203 CERF, BENNETT (ed.) / Four Contemporary American Playa V-127 CERF. BENNETT (ed.) / Groot Modern Short Storie*

V-326 CERF, CHRISTOPHER (ed.) / The Vintage Anthotogy of Science Fantasy V-293 CHAUCER, GEOFFREY / Tho Canterbury Tato* (a pro*o vor*ion In Modom Engllsh)

V-142 CHAUCER. GEOFFREY / Troilu* and Crewida V-723 CHERNYSHEVSKY, N. G. / What Is to Be Oone?

V-173 CONFUCIUS (tran*, by Arthur Waley) / Analects

V-155 CONRAD, JOSEPH / Three Great Tale*: The Nigger of the Nardsau*. Heart of Oarknes*. Youth

V-10 CRANE, STEPHEN / Stones and Tates V-126 DANTE. ALIGHIERI / The Divine Comedy V-177 DINESEN, ISAK / Anecdotes of Destmy


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