aylaisa 16-ycarołdgirl wbo was adoptcd w hen shc was łittlc. Shc livcs T a nornul lifc. with grcat fricnds. loving adoptisc parcnls. and wcil... a not-so-great boyfncnd. But thc rcason why shc was givcn up for adoption was far from any usual rcason. Shc was mcant to bc kcpt away front the Acadcmy and anylhing elsc rclatcd to thc supcmatural bcings that could hurt hcr.
Unlortunalcly for Kayla. it was only a mattcr of timc bcfoce shc ciłonintcred thc crcaturcs from thc Othcrworld. and thcrc is just no mnning away from thc bcings that shc can now scc.
In Uying to protcct Kayla by kccping hcr away from thc Acadcm>. shc ttwy ha vc just bccn pul in cvcn morc dangcr.