Laboratcry Imenigaiiat
I umor hsaic and 1I.-1S Inadcd ik-ndrilic ccBs iHcils I li 1 rcsponsc. tumor-spcoiłic (1)8+ c>lol<)\ic I cclls in paticnts »ilh malignant uliorna
Ryuy j Yumanaka. Jan po Hirntrn. Naoto Tłttrhiya. Naokt Yajmiu. Tui tomu Kohuyjuhi and Ky mdii Tamka Department oj Scuraiurgny Bram Research Institutr. \ngata Umrmity. Suwała Japan
Fęift /. Tomor-cpcofic (D8- (TL tapottci ndoocd by tircor lyulo-pdscd and wth mthoot 1L-I8 gcnc iranUcctcd IX!» m piUcnis mth glonu, nrisurcdina6h' ('r-rclascittay. Pcrccnupc lyńi (i standard dcmiuni ii 1 50. 25. 12 6.25:1 dicctor tarpet cdi ratio luhown. AnihHLA di« I Nodmg artibody (W632) wb uwJ Jl 50 ^ ml I argcti arc. intokf au tmnar ocli culiurcd u uh IL-1S tnmfcctcd ind lumor lyuic pukd IX' (fi: aulologou* imorcdl culturcd wth tunr.or lyulc ptKd. wthoot IL-IS irindccicd IX* (0)c 3utolagau* tnnor ocli culiurcd with 1L-I8 tnndaicd. nithoot tunr.or lysatc pu-ed IX*(Ac DjuJi i At analogom lymphobtost (Cl: autologoi* tur.or-W6 *2 anu-dw I Mib (x). V iluo jrc [YeseMed ii the nr.can of thrcc mdcpcndcnily pnmed I cdi cukuro. *F < 0.01.