position: Research Assistant in: Laboratory for Cultural Psychology and Cross Cultural Research, Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences

If you are interested in positive cross-cultural psychology, and if you find academic career tempting, please consider joining our research team - one of the best cross-cultural psychology labs in Poland. Two nearest projects will deal with: (1) wellbeing of families, and (2) development of societies.


You need to:

1.    feel and understand cultural diversity of contemporary world,

2.    be able to work as a team-member (you need to be: communal, helpful, and friendly),

3.    consider academic pathway of career,

4.    possess or be able to learn statistical methods (e.g., MLM, SEM),

5.    feel comfortable with English language (although you don't have to be proficient),

6.    be ready to actively participate in international conferences (and travel a bit),

7.    be ready to share your skills and knowledge with less experienced members of our team,

8.    be able to recognize what needs to be done for the good of the project and initiate ways to complete those tasks.


Your core tasks will involve:

1.    data analyses,

2.    manuscripts preparation,

3.    setting-up and maintaining collaboration with researchers from around the world,

4.    participating in scientific meetings and seminars, including conferences abroad (we pay for it),

5.    preparing study tools,

6.    carrying out literaturę review, and

7.    searching for data and merging them into large data-bases.

Sometimes you will also be asked to carry out basie supportive tasks, for example:

1.    typing-in data from paper questionnaires to SPSS database,

2.    translation from and to English,

3.    preparing research questionnaires,

4.    supporting our team with administrative activities (e.g., writing reports, organising proofreading).

I will try to arrange tasks in a way supporting your talent development (75% of your time for core tasks - 25% of your time for supportive tasks).

Most tasks can be done on-line - you can work from any part of Europę. Timings are also flexible - it is possible that you will be able to combine regular job with working in our team.

Please be ready that we do not offer regular salary. At least not at the beginning of our collaboration.

We may cover your costs of participating in conferences though (travel + daily allowances + fee).


If you consider joining us please email me: (1) your CV (in it, please include the description of your statistical competences), and the short description of your research ideas (max 500 words). If you have no research ideas yet, please describe why you want to research positive cross-cultural psychology.

Kuba Kryś jkrys@psych.pan.pl +48 608 690 181


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