By Colelle Beiline

MATERIALS : Cśbelia crochet cotton No. 20, white, 8100 yds. Steel crochet hook US size 7 or SIZE FOR GAUGE.

SIZE : About 67 x 78 3/4 inches.

GA UGE: 4” square = 14 meshes and 16 1/2 rows. TO SAVE TIME, TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE.

See photo page 19


TO MAKE : Beg at one longer edge, ch 844 + 5 to tum. Row I : Dc in 9th st front hook (= first open mesh madę), then work *2 ch, sknexl2sts, 1 dcinnextst,rep from *across — 281 meshes in all; ch 5, tum each row. Row 2:1 om, 279 sm (= *2 dc over ch-2 lp, dc in next dc, rep Irom *278 limes morę), 1 om. Row 3:1 om, *1 sm (= 1 dc in each of next3 dc), 1 om, rep from *across. Row 4 :1 om, 2 sm, 275 om, 2 sm, 1 om. Row 5 : ** I om, 1 sm, 88 om, 3 sm, 11 om, II sm, 26 om**, l om (midpoint mesh), rep from **io** once rnore but reverse pattern. Rows 6-141 : Work following diagram but reverse pattern on tlie other side of each midpoint mesh. Rows 142-281: Rep rows 140-1. Fasten off.




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