©f tcerełj. It* rcpotilory thould Łx and it ?hoo)d har© m<kI plaees ©f tettks
zzć costtfuetioo, i. «., workshofo, Ubocatcry. &c. Jt aaight htte & peroiaeeat Board, bu*, poobablr, tbe be*t ptao wootd hc foc tbe Chief to cli*»ify the io»cnt»ce>j trdnko ©ITered, and pcriodically—»ay on©e a cnonth—orgaoi.ce a ftoard, witłi Ih© -anelion of tli© PmidetH or Secretary of War, for th© rNumtnaiion and tcitii\({ ul' rarh cista—in all ctuet allowlng Kic inrentor lo b© prctent W caplain, Sic.
The rocord of »ue!i Uureau and Boiml*. properly kepi, would U vcry uteful in futurę. It would ałiow the progresu of Ibi* kimf of teictieo and art, and be Hic 'tarting point and mtgaaine of mch dc*iee* in futuro wara. ludcscription or ruodeUand drswingt of >nven-iioot or cot>tritas<*ct for dc*tiuclion, would nsturally be in fourcl***rv i. Sueb a» Ihr GorcromoM aliotild reward tbe- iutentor for, and i»ke fur it» o»ii «>r. 2. Such as vbould iserely be approred ** ulnUr, »© ti.at pruktc Capital arvd ralrfpritt wvu)i u*»e IroW of and eseetoate tbe ca, for '©eh a* lf< CoscruftieM enijU allu«. J. Such as couW
neithtr b* kp©eo*edor rejeeled. ©wiag !-• impet fcet •«?.-<, wr for w>wt ether tea^oes. 4. 8u<6 a* khoold br coodcaioed or rejttfcd.
At pre*<M all tbeie n<w dełi.e*. or ritodiiicotiun* of ol.t o«k«, aro ptc-*nt<d to tlirce, ul nww ourrau\: I. The Xa*> WtddłiKf Bumu. 'J. The Artoy Opinane© Bureau. 3. The Engineer fturrau. 4. Tlie 1'utrnl ollire. Knch of theio it ulreudy otertstkcd willi tariou* routino und iocidental dutic*, und tlmuęli, u* i run Iwet wlincu, Ihcy try willi olacrity to petform tliete uddiiioual one*, l ani suiisfied thev nrrfer tolioreltered ort bom: tbat in many inalknee* ihcy ortnot do the esat* preaenlrtl luft jutliee; and ll>at the tabor .srnouęh Ui©©rtijiycxclu*Iielyonc borcati.
The itoportko <r «r ibc>t diilnifllio kiNm and iuea»urc»—the a bure diti*ionof tbeiu— and the firl tbkt ll«© uprratoi* of them mc K^ratd/ organi/ed, *uppltt<i, ai*ł -eni out by both Wkf and Na\» i>cparttnrni«. d,f*<iW want of »©ftjc grteral pUn uroręaoirk-t»oa, »oa« cor place tor iavestor»arei to appiy to, >o«ce roeatoou mepbclr or
cupuio* for kii «ucb thio^v, orean./ed V>r>d> of epćratoc* etrMwhrre, »ad ?o«e coekpr-teet kod tfieient ecotroiiieg autLarity for them
Soch 4 llnreaa would gi»e u« a maga/iflc ef dcstrueiire m«jt.»—of knowkdge and e»-perience on titi» subjeci, aml of pian* for anj enterprise eiiher *tf Coveniowint or pritate partie*. Tho liydrograpliy of the country w<iull l>« mappc<l otłl—thowlug what ńelds ar« ocoupled, and wiat tre to b« oompiud, pin im of opcrniOii* would Im furnisbed, informa* tion giren, and nccełtary materiał* procurod and |>iwidcd. And o» ihnrc tbould ho aonik iudgmoni patted opon the officer* and men, a* woli a» eonirirtinc*'* *nd plkos of adion tu beemplorcd, oe autbority would proh- tily l>ę morę lii Ihan Ilu*. J’cr»0*i* uf peCOlUr bent nod geniu* for sucli punttiii* would ł«e fuund. in»lr*K'ttd. niul put to vcrvice. Aod bcing deiotcd e\clu*i*cly to llirn matters. »ueb Bure»uwvu!«1. from ihe cor>tri> vaoc«t( jdjn*. and »de»‘befbr«"j{.oflco out semełbioj; iww>od*«l>Mblr,and.*ugsr>: kebemet highly important to the j-ublt* » elftrt, ai4 ihe -uccek* of <rjr eau«e.
llow ftr łueh It rreau .iwuM rontrol thi» *cmiee ia tl.« Ołd. I »»it not uaćeruk* to łay. ferbapt *o«c a id ran ic foom] iti t>w anafogy l^elween ibi« ard ihe Bu-
reau *b«I i«r*iee.
(Kor tho purpooof illtMlration, I uitctidcd tu prutent t»kny c*m-h. knowti and atcei-tkined by mytelf, buł tpacc will tlut ulluw. Tberc are t.undicd* ot lnv«niioa» in tl>« Ikad not pre*eiitcd. Tht*c, willi thotr bruuglil forward—ihe )>•!, perbtf*. tbe łeatt mer-iioriout—coortitute a mousUia tbat mu»t be paUeotJy delted and »iftcd to pet a few gea* and gra,r>* of koM from tbe tna»* of te»>S, ji»} il.r ńta(aer«u* klteęed in*»r.tkm* tbal »re oid, Soog łioee eaplodtd. or *to!kłi*e ot fir*t pri'<ipk*. But it all mu*t be deoe. TTe Pr««id<a’. and olben m«at be rel<ec*d fnu U« ;rcat draugU oo their *»lcab3e lisae; the gksiu* kod eolerphse of tbe tropie 0*u*l be iVr*loped, eneourjgcd. kl*d rewarded; jw two ac*t bedóeie to »nventor»; a«d wbai i* »ahrabię taitsl be fo*it>d snd put to tb« u»« of tho country.|
I» It not obriout, from the abote c»k*, that uli »uch meatv» and pław, and their effoetn-ation, khould bo brouglit undenomr ono proper inycktigatiDg, organiring, and wporin-tonding kutbority ?
I k»ow of komo piast kod eontriraoerk. wbich 1 kin not pcrmiltcd to meotiop, whieb proaike utxtsdost mułu, and I brliero toste of tbeto will U realiiod, if tbe proper ooarto of escourtceoeet asd aid bo punued.
I oouM giro masy caaci w bert tbe owr.r: bu eitber feSl diteocragod, iod oot brosghl fonrard ba lereotico, ©r coł fediag ppop<r faetlibea, hu beeo coicpefed to iocar pul azpeoM oe km ot tmc or hu fu lód to «©gage atteotioo, »cd c«t ba coatrirasc* tetted, uad (if rakmbU) bro-ijht Lalo cotioo od w: »o that the geooral reaAJt. for tbe «ul of ■mm toeh oegaaleatioa ul «aul, lut boo to di»<ot)r»ge tareaUra goice od e*We* peUe, od, U suty bo, to cauao tbe puWto ioUmt to auffer.