it to łx' our soletnn duty to counsel and wam His Majestys Gabinet strongly against what appears to bc participation in the Murder of a Nation a course ińvolving of necessity the honour and prestige of the whole Empire.

Further, we earnestly cali upon each and everv Member of the Honse of Commons to show in no uncertain way that our honour and our Christian ideals are not to be bartered and sold for undisclosed gains at the price of a faithful ally, Poland, con-demned to chains and slavery. May the Almight\ and Everlasting God. in His inlinite mercy forbid that this biot on Civilisation—this outrage on Humanity—be perpetrated in the name of the British people.


Archbishop ul St. Andrews an<l Edinburgh


Archbishop Ol GlAsgms

•5* JOHN TONER.    .

Bisliop ol Dunkcld.    ”


Bishop ol Abcrdeen.


Bishop ul Oalloway.

2-ltli l-EOlM ARY,



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