Maklng a basie cnrtoon urm and hand.
Paint fine dotails sueh as eyelashos usiny dilutod food colouring.
A soloebon of lins and ovonproof bowls used lo bako the cakos.
teardrop is then flaitervecJ gentty. and during this process you should take care not to indent it. Cul a Ihumb first. slightly to one side. and puli down away from the hand. Make two cuts ai the lop to separate mto three ftngers. Gentty twist each finger to lengthen it a littlc and press down on the lip of each to round them off Cartoon hands are oflen narrow at the base and very fuli at the fingertip. so use a cocktail stick (toothpick) between each finger at the base Press down on the tip of each finger to round off.
The fingers are then bent into position. Bear in mind that a naturai-looking hand bends a little. so press gentty mto the palm The fingers should be close together wilh the ihumb positioned a little away from them and tucked slightly underneath. Holding the hand at the wrist area will help to round off the hand.
Sometimes an arm is also required. Start by rolling the model ling pastÄ™ into a sausage shape Pinch a wrist gently at one end. rounding off a hand. Press down gently on this rounded end to fiatten it. and then follow the instruettons givcn above.
By do ng this. you will complete the hand and arm. aithough occastonally
an elbow must also be modeiled. In these cases. gently pinch in halfway between the wrist and shoulder and pinch out at the back to bend the arm.
Liquid food colouring can be used for pamting directly onto the pastÄ™, but as most projects throoghout this book require pasie colours. you can diiute a little of this easity with a drop of water
To make it easier to paint One details correctly. make surÄ™ that you use a good-quality pamtbrush. preferably one madÄ™ of sable. Most brushes have numbers gaugmg their sees: a fme brush is usually between 00 and 1 and a medium paintbrush 2-3.
When painting onto models. the brush should oniy be damp with colcur. so biot any excess with a dry cloth or some absorbent kitchen paper before applymg it to your figurÄ™.
Ideałly the pastę should be completely dry before you paint onto us surface. This is because it is much easier to remcve painted mistakes from the surface of pastę that has had limę to dry. if you do make a mistake. wipe it away with a damp ctółh or use a clean damp paintbrush to lift away the cotour a little at a time
Ball/Bone Tool These are basie modellmg tods with rounded ends used to indent pastÄ™ when making holes. eye sockets and ears. The bali tool has a large ard smali bali at each end and the bonÄ™ tool has a sightty curved large and smali bali. which also mdents a teardrop.
Cake Smoother This is used to create a smooth surface on sugarpaste. The type with a handle is the most useful. Smooth it over
the surface of the pastÄ™ m a circutar motion to ievei it.
Cutters PastÄ™ cutters come in many different shapes and stzes Circle and square cutters are the most useful
Foam A foam sheet is useful for placing modeiled items on. It also heips the underside to dry as air can circulate underneath. Smali pieces of foam sponge are used to support items until dry.