Texture the pasie using a paintbrush Morę applylng to the słdes of Ute cake.
Use this as a guide to model tho basie shape ot the Mean Machino.
This step-by-step photograph shows you how to mÄ…ko cech wheel and the shape of the back wheel arches.
sides. smoothmg alt the jotns elosed Tnm away any exce$s and press with your hands to create ndges. mcorporatmg the joins to hide them Pmch ar uneven. rocky edge aroond the tep edge. a little higher than the roadway For the rock fali. cut away the sugarpaste to teave a minimal covering and mark an uneven surface with the end of a paintbrush. Cut cracks into it with a kmfe. Use golden brown trimmmgs to model smali rocks and place randomty.
6Cotour 22g (’;*oz) of the modellmg pastę black and 7g (V.oz) dark golden brown. Using the template (see p.94) and 7g (7<oz) of the back pasto, roli out and cut the car roof shape. Cut out the contrę for the shape using th nly roiled out dark golden brown pastę and shek it onto the black roof. mdentmg lines m it usmg a knife Put the roof asde to dry
7Colour 60g (2oz) of the modellmg pastÄ™ navy blue. Using the photcgraph as a guide, model the central piece of the Mean MachinÄ™ usmg half of the pastÄ™. Model a dome shape with another 22g (V*oz) of pastÄ™ to make up the back^piece and use half of the remamder to shape the front.
8CoSour I5g (V;oz) of the modellmg pastÄ™ mauve Using nalf of it. model a shallow dome shape for the back of the Mean MachinÄ™. Split the remainmg mauve in half. shape a rounded dome and model a pointed teardrop for the front, edging it with srnaller teardrops madÄ™ from the remaining mauve. Indem detailing on the vehicie with the tip of a cocktail stick (toothpck). Use a piece of foam sponge as support umil the pieces are dry
9Co5our a smali piece of the modellmg pastÄ™ dark grey and make four wheels. indenting in the centre of each with the smali end of a bali or bonÄ™ tool Split 7g (V.oz) of the black pastÄ™ in half and use one half to make the wheel arches Shape the other half into a flattened circie to fili the seat area
Model a smali teardrop of black usmg a pea-sized amount and press it fiat to make the pomi at the front o? the car. Using dark golden brc-wn. model another slightly srnaller teardrop and press it fiat before stickmg it onto the black point. Cut the bottom of :he shape straight and stick it upnghi onto the front of the car. bendmg it over at the tep 1 1 At the back of the car. stick a smali flattened circie of black pastÄ™ in the I I centre. On top of this stick a flattened circie of dark golden brown. followed by a slightly larger flattened circie mdented m the centre usmg the large end of a bali or bonÄ™ tool. Indent smali hoies aroond u usmg a cocktail stick. Then edge the whole of the back with smali black teardrop shapes. pressmg the point of each fiat. Decorate the black teardrop shapes with golden brown circles as before. but make tfiem much srnaller and use the smali end o( the bail or bonÄ™ toci to indem them
For the pomted hubcaps. cofour a pea-sized amount of the modellmg pastÄ™ pale grey and press flattened circles onto the centre of each wheel. Indent in the centre of each usmg the end of a paimbrush. Roli four tmy pomted teardrops and stick them m place pomtmg upw3rds.