CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 0

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 0

ftrt â–  ysft U amfn U Kto Oku ł«ef prlc^y e m e».t«r m e«J ftrt hmi ^M»I rrv«t»c y«i< cwi.fw w mtiwimli

Uso a brush to apply cdiblo sihror dusting powdor in nwkwnrd aroat.

Build up Top Cat on top ol the trash can, positioning his body nearer ono side so that his olbow rcsts on the rim.

sopport the centre unttl dry. Model two flattened Oalfs usmg irimmings and stick them in place at either end of the handle usmg sugar glue Leave the lid to dry completeiy on the bowÅ‚ befcre removing it.

5Tnm the crusl from each cake and $l*ce the tops fiat where they have Å„sen Sandwich the two cakes together with buttercream. then spread a thm layer of buttercream over the surface of the cakes to help the sugarpaste stick.

ÓCoJour 625g (1'/.lb) of the sugarpaste grey usmg a little biack food colcuring pastÄ™ Roli it out and cut a piece to ccver the side of the cake. measuring 50cm (20m) in iength. Oust the surface of the sugarpaste with Å‚cmg (confectioner s) sugar. then roli it up at either end so that the rolfe meet m Ute centre Carefuliy pick the pastÄ™ up then position it against the cake. Unroil the sugarpaste around the cake and cut away any exce$s at the join Press the jotn together. sticking with a little sugar glue. then rub it closed. To indem the pattern. press eventy around the srdes usmg the smali rolling pin.

7Colour 75g (2V.oz) of the sugarpaste black. Thmiy roli this out and cover the top of the cake. trrmmmg away any excess from around the edge. Usmg 75g (2'/.oz) of me grey modellmg pastÄ™, roli out ard cut a sthp measuring 2.5 x 50cm (1 x 20in) and use it to edge me top. Ieaving about half of me depth abcwe the top of the cake. With the remaining grey. make two morÄ™ handies as before and stick them on opposite sides of me trash can.

To make the smali food tm lymg ori the cake board usmg grey irimmings. model a sausage shape and cut the two ends strarght. Mark mdenied fines alt the way around the tm usmg me back of a knife. and then make smali ragged cuts around the top edge. Roi- out and cut a circle for the open lid. agam cuttmg me edge ragged. and then pul it a'l aside to dry.

Apply the edibte s»tver dusting powder (petai dustbiossom tint) to me trash can and lid and the smali food tin usmg your fingers to rub gently in a circular motion. Use a soft dusting brush to apply the cotour m awkward areas Carefuliy lift the cake and position it on the cake board as quickly as possible to prevent marks. Stick the smali food can m place, slightly to one side. !eaving room for Benny.


-i /A Usmg * 70g (5’Aoz) of the white sugarpaste. roli an ovai shape and pmch up I U four corners to make Top Cat’s pillow Stick it m position on the top edge of the trash can. half supported by the mstde of me can. and men indent it in the centre to create a dip for Top Cat’s head.

nColour 355g (11 '/.oz) of the modellmg pasie yetlow. Us ng 125g (4oz).

model a teardrop shape for his body. Fiatten the point of the teardrop. and then stick it in position on top of the trash can. slightly off centre.

-i Spia 30g (1oz) of yefcw in half and use it to make his two arms. First. ro’l I Z one into a sausage shape with a rounded end. Press the rounded end flatter. then make a cut slightly to one side for the thumb. Make two morÄ™



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