CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 0

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 0

forto* pnitn**fca4(M4łH«fe*.

OmifttMr prtapÅ‚rt ucÅ‚YiroicaufpÅ‚n kitli jÅ›tahttÅ„ms ‘yulcM.^M n mi m ccm.t* 0 ttycctn fe (raf* i tfrrakr «» Mirt ftUB Walt

Um Prcsente da Mariza

Folio w these steps to mufce tho largo contraI rock that Wiło E. will Ile on.

Hero aro all tho piec es that aro roguired to croato Wiło E. Coyote.

Fix Wiło E.'s muzzle in place and smooth tho join with tho glun brush.

model two teardrop shapes. Press down on ihe rounded ends to flatten the shapes. Model a flattened bali with I5g (V.oz> of sugarpaste and use lt to sandwich the two pieces tegether Mark the surface as before, then put it aside Usmg some of the golden brown trimmings. make the tali rock shapes at the front of the cakes. marking horizonta! lines on them. and then stick them m pÅ‚ace. Use the rest of the trimmings to make the four smailer rocks on top of each stack and aiso shape smali rocks to decorate the board.


6Colour 60g (2oz) of the modellmg pastÄ™ dark brown Rotl out half of this and cut a strip measuring 2 x 20cm (V. x 8in). Mark even lines on it by pressing m gentiy with the back of a kmfe. taking care not to press in too deeply or the bndge may break when posmoned. Using a little sugar g!ue. stick the bndge in place. ieaving a gap m between it and the cake where the ropÄ™ will be positioned later.


7 Usmg 7g ('/.oz) of the dark brown modelling pastÄ™, roli a sausage shape then indent it in the cenÅ‚re. rounding off each end to make W;le E.'s body. Stick this immediately onto the large rock. ensunng that ihere is enough room left for his head

8 Split I5g (V.oz) of the pastÄ™ mto five pieces. two slightly smailer than the rest Put these smailer pieces aside for the arms. shape h»s head usmg one piece and then stick this in place using a little sugar glue. To make a leg. roli another piece into a sausage. rounding off one end. Bend the rounded end and puli it gentiy to lengthen u, keepmg a rounded toe area Pinch to shape the heet and pinch halfway up to mark the knee. pushing it in at the back to bend it. Place the foot down on the worksurface and make two cuts tn the toe area. then stick the leg in position Make the second leg.

9 Use the two smailer pieces to make the arms. Roli one mto a sausage

shape. rounding off one end. Press the rounded end gentiy to flatten it. and then make a cut slightly to one side for the thumb. Make two morÄ™ cuts along the top to separate the fmgers. GenUy twist each finger to lengthen n and remove the ridges Pinch halfway up the arm to mark an elbow and then stick in place using sugar glue Make the second arm in the same way

•1 A Colour 7g (’Aoz) of the modellmg pastÄ™ beige using a touch of dark brown I U food colounng pastÄ™. To make Wile E.'s mouth area. using a pea-sized amount. model a teardrop shape and press it fiat. Make cuts mto the rounded end and bend it round. then stick -t m position on one side of his face. Make another fer the opposue side. Use morÄ™ beige pastÄ™ to model his long muzzle and stick in place, smooth ng the jotn closed usmg the glue brush. Mark his mouth and a few Bnes on too of the muzzle usmg a knife

1 i Colour 7g ('..oz) of the modelling pastÄ™ dark chestnut brown. Usmg two 1 I pea-sized amounts. model two oval shapes and press these fiat to form his eye area. Colour a tiny amount of the modelling pastÄ™ pale lemon and model his eyes. sticking them m place so that they touch each other



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