CCF20110611 033
IV. Who needs a syllabus:
1. Learners
a) select a course
b) evaluate their learning
c) supplement a course
2. Teachers:
a) plan lessons
b) organise their time
c) evaluate their teaching and their Ss' progress
3. Administrators:
a) achieve uniformity of their courses and methods
b) describe their courses
c) select materials
d) place Ss in courses
How do you design a syllabus?
Factors to consider:
a) (professional and linguistic): gathering infoprmation
about learners and about communication tasks for use in syllabus design
b) fjn-toaes) d |
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c) |
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(time, resources, exams, phys'/cal constraints) |
Syllabus design: :/~r7r-../V Ol-/*”**'
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Who designs a syllabus:
Ministries, administrators, exam writers
Textbook writers
Teachers and learners(negotiated syllabus): duirfnhcn 0( Hig
i6 ad ćnn tyyuT; aJ ti, meookuMjń
ferTmeo n ań kxjilxeC “ _ -
VII. Product vs Process-oriented syllabuses
1. Processsyllabus: rti) łlnp wenfPi lu W\p (/'irwrM^yoJhoi
aami ioe
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Product syllabus: lr>L |
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oy^mmor nftvdure/) |
jiifl f>l |
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