To Delach Ihe Front Panel
1. Press the open button (open), then the front panel will bc foltled down. (F. 5)
2. Rerrnwe the front panel by pulling ils middlc outward. (F. 6)
3. For safekceping, storę the front panel in the supplied protectivc case immediatcly aftcr being removcd. (F. 7)
4. Push the front metal platc into the main body. A ‘click’ sound should be hcard. (F. 8)
To Ke-install the Front Panel
1. Push the front panel into Ihe main body. A‘click’sound should be heard. (F. 9)
2. Notę that if the front panel fails to lock in posilion propcrly, pressing control button may not work and on the LCD display may bc missing some segments. Pushing the open button and then re-install the front panel again.
Precautions when łlandling
1. Do not drop the front panel.
2. Do not pul pressure on the display or control buttons when detuching or re-installing the front panel.
3. Do not touch the contacts on the front panel or on the main unit body. It may result in poor clcctricai contact.
4. If any dirt or forcign substanccs adhered on the contacts, they can bc rcmovcd with a clean and dry cloth.
5. Do not cxpose the front panel to high temperatures or dircct sunlight anywherc.
6. Kcep away any volatile agents (e.g. petrol, thinner, or insecticidcs) from rouching the surlace of the ftont panel.
7. Do not attempt to disasscmblc the front panel.
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