• Choose the mounting location whcre ihe unit will not intcrfcrc with the norma! driving function of the drivcr.
• Before finally installing the unit. conncct the wiring temporarily and make surc it is aii connected up properly and the unit and the system works propcrly.
• Use only the pans included with the unit to ensure proper installalion. The use of unaulhorizcd parts may cause malfunctions.
• Consult your nearest dealer if installalion rcquircs the drilling of holes or other modifications of the vehiclc.
• Install the unit whcre it docs not get in the drivcr‘s way and cannot injure the passengers if there is a sudden stop. likc an cmcrgcncy stop.
• If installalion angle cxcecd.s 30' from horizonlal. the unit might not givc ils <2^1 w
optimum performance. —Ł
• Avoid installing the unit whcre it would bc subject to high temperaturo, such as from direct sunlighi, or from hot air, from the heater, or whcre it would bc subject to dusi. dirt or cxcessivc vibration.
This unit can be properly installcd either from “Front" (conventiónal DIN Front-mounl) or “Rear" (DIN Rear-mount installalion, utilizing threaded serew holes at the sides of the unit chassis). For dctails. refer to the following illustratcd installalion methods.
Installing the unit. F. 2
1. Dashboard
2. Holdcr
Aftcr inserting the holdcr into the dashboard. sclect the appropriate tab according to the thickncss of the dashboard materia! and bend them inwards to sectire the holdcr in place.
3. Scrcw
Removing the unit. F. 3
1. Frame
2. Insert fingers into the groove in the front of frame and puli out to removc the frame (Wlicn re*utiaching the frame, point the sidc with a groovc downwards and altach it.)
3. Lever
Insert the levcrs supplied with the unit into the grooves at both sides of the unit as shown in figurę umil they click. Pulling the lcvcrs makes it possible to remove the unit from the dashboard.
Installalion using the serew holes on the sides of the unit, F. 4 Fastening the unit to the factory radio mounting brackct.
1. Sclccl a position whcre the scrcw holes of the brackct and the scrcw holes as the main unit become aligned (are fitted), and tighten the serews at 2 placcs on each sidc.
Usc either Iruss serews (5 x 6mm) or flush sur face serews (4 x 6mm), depending on the shapc of the scrcw holes in the brackct.
2. Scrcw
3. Factory radio mounting brackct
4. Dashboard or Console
5. Hook (Rcmovc this parts)
Notc: The mounting box, outer trim ring, and half-slccvc are not used for method B installalion.