and nc "chjects" are to be harborec in it, when anytbing is harbcreć thera, psychic eneręy is ćraun toward ii, anć when psy ciii energy ioses its balance, its native activity beccnes cramoed and it nc longer flows witb tbe stream. where the eneroy is tipped, there is too much. of it in cne direcuion and a sbortage of it in another directión, Where there is too much energy, it ovexflows and cannot be controlled* In aither case, it is unąble to cope with ever-chang,iriCT situations„ 3u~ when there prevaiis
a State cf "purposeiessness11 (whieh is also a stage of fluidity or mindlessness) , tbe spirit harbors nothinę in it, ner is it tipped in one directicn? It transcends botń sufciect and cbject; it responds erenty-mindedly to whatever is happening.
Truś mas tery transcends any particular art. It .stems £xonr mastery of oneself - tbe ability, detmloped through s e id-dis cip linę, to be calm, fully aware, and completely in tune with oneself and the surroundings. Then, and only then, can a persen knew himseif*
Bruce Lee