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jT| prettyPhoto Media Settings

Main Settings prettyPhoto Customisation

Ammation speed

fast ▼ fast / slow / normal [default: fast]


5000 false OR inter\'al time in ms [default: 5000]

Autoplay slideshow

O true /false [default: false]


0.8 Value between 0 and 1 [default: 0.8]

Show title

[y] true /false [default: true]

Allow resize

[y] Resize the photos bigger than viewport. true /false [default: true]

Allow expand

[y] Allow the user to expand a resized image, true/false [default: true]


500 [default: 500]


344 [default: 344]

Counter separator label

1 The separator for the gallery counter 1 "of 2 [default: /]

Horizontal padding

20 The padding on each side of the picture [default: 20]

Hide Flash

O Hides all the flash objects on a page,. set to TRUE ifflash appears over prettyPhoto [default: false]


opaque [▼] Set the flash wmode attribute [default: opaque]


[y] Automatically start videos: true/false [default: true]


O If set to true,. only the close button will close the window [default: false]


[y] Allow prettyPhoto to update the url to enable deeplinking. [default: true]

Overlay gallery

[y] If set to true,. a gallery will overlay the fullscreen image on mouse over [default: true]

Overlay gallery max

30 Maximum number ofpictures in the overlay gallery [default: 30]

Keyboard shortcuts

[y] Set to false ifyou open forms inside prettyPhoto [default: true]

IE6 fallback

[y] compatibility fallback for IE6 [default: true]


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