SurrOund your favoritc firc-pofishcd bcads with loops of secd bcads, rhcn emhcllish them for a bracelet char makes a sparkling sratcmenr with a delicate look. These bracclets work up so fasr you’ll havc tirnc to make iliein in many different colors.
biiicoM 7in.(18cny
• 54 •: f*m fro petehed besete
• 8 9 P1 .ispares® ba*i;, ocwy A
• 3 o 11V aosd ix»3s. coorb
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• i:«.. K-clrij ‘I*.': i: , ;
C< FWirw 6 b 1c«rt
• «G6r>3 needlsę, *12
(1] Oli j COmfonaWe of thread oc Finelinc, pick up 14 color A l lvsecd bcads and ihc loop ot half of the clasp. leasing a 6-Ln. (15 cm) uil.Tje the worki r»g and wił rop/thcr with a sguarc knot (Rasics, p. 10.?;. and *ew through the ocxt five At (figuro 1. a-b)
(2] Pick up a 4 mm firc-polishcd hrad. two As, and a 4 mm, and sew through ihc last iwo As your thread esited, lite litst 4 mm, and ihc rwo At |utt pickcd up (b-C).
(3] RcpCM Step 2, workin# in right-angle wcane i&astcs) until rhc bracelet is ł'i ul. U,3 cml short of the doired length. Fiul and add thread (Busits) as ncedcd.
(4] Pick up 12 At and the loop of the Other half of the clasp, and sew through the two At your thrrad cxtted, and the firn A of the new loop (figur® 2. a-b). Pick up si* At. tkip tbc nrxt 4 mm, and sew through the ncxt two As (b-C).
(5] Piele up scven As. skip the next
4 mm, and test tiuough the nett two At (c-d). (6-o) to the ctid of rhc bracelet, picking uponJy «x As in rhc last stitch, and sewiug through an A in the loop to mirror the other clasp loop. [«1 Sew through tlie beacłs in the cłatp loop, the two shated As in lite lirst witch. and the A (tlQurc 3. point a). Pick up four As, skip the nexc 4 mm, and sew thiough the Ust two As in the nrxr loop. the two center As, and the fiest two As ui the loop on the ocher tide of the bracelet (a-b).
[7] P ck up threc As, skip the nex«
•a mm, and sew through the last two Aa in the next loop, the two center As. and tbc nexr two As txi the orbet side (b-c). Repeat to the nther end. Sew through rhc clasp loop on the ot Ker end. and exit a center A in the firn tlircc-A ar! ot! one edge (figurę 4. point a).
[8] Pick up łhree As. sew through tbe A your thread exited agam. and connnue through the next A (a-b|.
Pick up an A. and sew through the flc\t two As (b-c). Repeat akwig the edge.
<ew through the clasp loop. and apcat along the other edge.
10] Sew through the bcadwx>rk tu cxit the third head in tbc first pieot oo one edge. with y<iur nccdie point mg away frotn tlie bracelet (figuro 5. point a). Pick up three cok>r HIT sted bcads, and sew down through the 1K.-J.test A in the next pieot. the A ar the buce o) the picot, and rhc ncxt pieot A (a-b). Repeat (b-c) along the edge. and sew through che bcadwork to repeat along the other edgo. i nd the thread and sali o
As you stitch, make sute cach segment is loosc cnough to lie fiat. tf you puli the beads tight whh each stitch, you’ll end up with a njffled cffcct on the edges. - Lestey
r icajiłEi
tlOUMt 2
Midtetle Skobel has fontu beadingfor most of her iife and startej dcagning teuriry three ycars ago. You ean sec morę of ker work. kin, and patiem* on her Web me. nuębetleikubfŁcom, ar c-mjil bermteJnełUGmickeUeskoM.ct»ti.
w/rw.B«5tl®ncB'JKoo.e<xn l AOOI2010 43