Binding Off

If your binding off cdgc has become too loose or irregular, don’t despair! You can puli the stitches up so that thcy comc out perfect

Many kmttcrs havc problem' wirli binding off uniformie .md precbely ro measurc. When binding off slccve stitches, that isn't so important. sincc the binding-off row disappears into the scum later. But tor cardigan and pocket band*, or for shouldcr seams. which are not supposed ti> stretch t<xi much. firm edges when binding off are very important.

Always start at the beginning ot the row m that you can sew the cxcess yarn away when you are done. If you work in the other direction, you will ciul up with a loop.

If you bind off in a row on the right side of rhe work, rum rhe piece .uul work from left to right. One stitch at a time. puli up first the back part of iIk* stitch (the

pan that is facing the front of the work), then the Irian part ot the Stitch. Do this for evcry single stitch.

If you bind off in a row on the wrong side of the work. you can puli the stitches up on the right side ot the work. Here again, first puli up the back part of the stitch. rhen the front part of the stitch. ot cvcry single stitch.

Evcn a band knit loosely with many srirches will ńr perfecrly -ilter the stitches are pulled up. The binding-oft stitches will be prccise and uniform ar the top edge, and in rhe nght si:e.



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