Necklines: Round and Sąuare

If all the neckline stitches aro    formed, as can be seen clearly in

bound off normally every other    this photo.

row. stops with corners aro

To the left of the center, work a single decrease over the first 2 stitches of the decrease, and purl 2

stitches together to the nght of the center. This gives you a neat rounded edge.

Round necklines are probably the ones most frequently used in kniuing. You liave to work carefully herc. because the neckline and the neckband are the first thing people notice about a sweater.

In norm.il patlerns, the neckline width is abour onc^third of the entire back width. The front neckline is tisualh 2" to 3' Jeep. the hack neckline U Vi" to 1 '/*" Jeep.

The wuier the neckline. the tlatter n shotild he. A boat neck, which i> bound oti straight acn>ss and nor rounded, rcgulres the widest opening-

Start the decrcascs over the center stitches. To do this, bind oti ahout onc-third of the neckline width over the center stitches, or put the-e sttrches onto a stitch hoklcr tor knitting the neckband on later. Work the remaining deercases in «uch a way that the edge becomes rounded. For example, ii rhe neckline in 32 stitches wkle, first bind ofl the center 12 stitches on rhe front pan. I hen hind off 3 stitches onee, 2 stitches twice, and I stitch rhree times. evcr\ other row, on hoth sides of the center stitches. For the hack pan, in this casc you can bind off the center 20 stitches. or pul them on a -urch hoklcr, and then bind off 4 stitches oncc and 1 sruches oikc. cvcry other row, on hoth sides ot the center stitches.

Since the decreaso are not worked in every row. steps will lorm. In order to ilatten these out, a single decrease is worked first, for the first dccrcasc of 3 sruches to the letr of the center; then the other 2 studio are bound olt. If.inly I stitch isgoing to lv decreased, work only the single decrease. To the nght of rhe center.

With the end of the yarn that is used to continue the right side, even out the step first. To do this, puli the yarn through the first binding-off stitch and then sew it in on the wrong side of the work.

rhe first 2 stitches are purled together for evcry decrease, and the other stitches are hu ind off normally. To decrease only l stitch. purl 2 stitches together

-\fter the 'houldor stitches are sewn oi knit together, knit the neckband on with a short circular needle. AIwnys start pteking up the neck band stitches at a shoulder seam. At the short straight part* just before the rounded part, pick up 4 stitches over 5 rmvs, lvtwcen the sclecdgc stitch and the first stitch. Staniny from the larger decrease* l2 stitches and morę), pick up 1 stitch out of ewry stitch. As you pick the stitches up. make >ure that \ou pick up the neckband stitches. not troni the bound-off stitches. but rather Irom the whole stitches undemeath them. Otherwise the Stitches will be off relatne to one anotlier. which is nor attractivc (sec detail photos and drawing).



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