The best wuy lo Jo it: Put thc picccs, right side np, on toalarge counrer or Kible. Pin thc outsklc cdgcs ot thc s!eeve in place, and ihen pin the center of the sleeee to thc »houidcr scam. No w sew the sleeve on. using invi>ihle stitch with thc original pm, il |X»$ible. l\m't rake the pins out too quickly so that the >eain won’t puli out of shapc-Thc insmictkms f«>r the cardigan with cahlc pat term are on page 200; thosc tor the pullover swcater with jacquard and texturcd pattcrm are on p.igcs 198-199.
A contrast yarn makes u easier tu count ri>\\' and increases. In every row where you work an increase, put the yarn to thc back nhend of thc center stneh (or the Mitch ncxt to ii), and after you work the center Mitch. put it to the front again. This ninkes it easy to check thc number ot increases and the number of rows between increases.
Leave thc yarn in the knitted piece umil you have finished the sleeve. Since u also tnarks thc center of thc >leeve. thc $leeve can be płnncd to the shoulder scam at thi> point.
Here is a simple trick for rounding the top of the sleeve evenly without having any "steps": After the first big de-croases, in all the following rows knit the first 2 stitches together twisted on the right side of the work and purl them together on the wrong side of the work. Bind off the following stitches normally. If only 1 stitch is supposed to be bound off, just knit the stitches together appropriately.