For .1 lary daisy. hring thc needle out al thc desirod location, then go back down in thc >ame place. Come back out where you waru thc pctal co cnd. Płace rhe loop around rhe needle. G) back down in thc same place ot slightly nbovc it, and come back up in thc center ot tire flower lor thc next petal.
For a french knot. hring thc needle out at thc desired location. and w rap thc yam around thc needle rwicc. Hołd thc- loops tight witli your thumb and puli thc needle through. Then go back down just bclow tire place you camc out.
For a multiple french knot. bring the needle out ar the destred location. wrap the yam around the needle several times. hołd rhe loops tight with your thumb, and puli tire needle rhrotigh. Then go hack down right next to tire place you canre out. The siar ot the knot is determined by thc number of loops.
You can fili iin area witłr satin sritch. Work parailcl stiiches nght next to one nnothcr. The stirches can He horizontally or diagonally. Thcy can alna he dirccted in slightly, as tor rhe flower pcrals above. To aclńcve this, leave a slightly larger gap between the stitcho on thc ouisidc edge dian between rhose on rhe inside edge ot the area.
A colorful meadow of outline and satin stitches, lazy daisies, and
french knots. Such delicate designs can only be worked over organza.