Duplicate Stitch and Embroidery

aisinictlons f(rr this chłlds swcater <nv im page 203.

Those pretty flowers can be embroidered as a smali ombellishmont at the side of a sweater just above the ribbing.

Embroidery' makes plain sweaters unique. Duplicate stitch, outline stitch, and satin stitch are all explained on the following pages.

Duplicate Stitch

Smali designs, such as rhe siyl>:<.\l cat, or dcsigns with many colon, such as the rosę, shoukl llwuys lx* cmbroidcrcd in duplicate stitch. It is almost impossiblc to knit such dcsigns in ncntly. l^irgcr dcsigns. such as scahorses, can ako lv workćd in duplicate stitch. Herc agam. t he advantaj»e i> the ncat appearance.

You can also pm the design exactly where you want it-Work the embroidery with a tapestry or yam needlc. You can usc the onginal yam. or yoti can use an embroiden yam that matches iti


IBring needle out below and in the center of the stitch that is to be covered in duplicate stitch, thon bring it around the stitch abovc it. In the first row. work from right to loft. If a second row of embroidery is to be worked above that. work this row from left to riglit.

3 For a diagonal Shift, pul needle in where it came out and bring it out again 1 row higher and 1 stitch over to the left or right, as needed.

2Then put the needle back into the place where it came out, and bring it out again in the center of the stitch next to that. After the last duplicate stitch, bring the yarn to the back through the place where it came out, and sew the ends in.

4When working vertical duplicate stitches, put needle in where it came out and bring it out again 1 horizontal thre8d higher.



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