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bile many designers are well inlo adulthood wben they disconer their ideał career, you muld say tbat Terry Kimbrough gol an early start... while in Jirstgrade!

“One ofthe fmc things I used to get into trouble for at scbool. besides talking, um getting caught with my crochet and not doing my schoolwork, ” laugbs Terry.

Herfirst attempts at designing were madę wben Teny umjusl infirst grade. Sbe would sell ber rety oum crocheted doli clothes during recess.

Typically, many little girls like Terry leamed tu crochet from the women in their lim. Iłowem: sbe unconimtionally derelojml ber loeefor the crąft from herfather, who taiighl ber to crochet wben sbe um fweyears old.

“t dorPt know whereDaddy pickedU up, but he showed me bow to make a chain stilcb, ” she recalls.

“I had a bali of red crochet cotton, and I crocheted tbat entire bali into one long chain! Theu t tumed around, wrapped tbat back into a bali, and crocheted it into another chain. ThaPs wben my family decided tbat lhey’d hadenough ofthal and taught me a netu kind ofstitch!"

Over the years, crochet would become Terty’s Jdrorite hobby and a pastime tbat she enjoyed eeery day. Ąfter graduating from high scbool. Terry ran across a newspaper ad listed by leisure Arts tbat read. “Doyou crochet':''’ Six kurne right ateay tbat she had to apply:

"The job mtgbt as wellbaw had my name on U.

I was so surę tbat I was the one for the position. Inilially. my intendent began in the cross stilcb department, but wben t explained to them tbat I onfy did crochet, they sent me directly to the knit and crochet department, ’’ expiains Teny.

Tbat was in 1)86, and Teny would spend the next three years as an instmction writer for Leisure Arts.

U was during this limę tbat she was askedto design knitted Cbristmas stockings. “Pd neeer done cotor changes in kn it before, and Pd had cery little knit experience. Neuertheless, / went borne tbat weekend and let’s just say — / really leamed how to knit, she giggles.

To ber surprise, Terry 's stockings were a success and were published in 1987. 7 knew tbat ifl could design a knitted paltem with so little experience, crochet would be a snap. ”

Teny considers herself fortunate to bure heen able to work as a leisure Arts instmction writer. Having the opportunity, sbe says, allowed ber to see the designs through all slages. “i felt tbat if I could uwite the instructions and re-do sonieone else’s designs. I coulddefinitely do my oum.”

Before set ling offon ber oum, Terry did designs for sererat Leisure Arts hooks and magazines, as well as nearfy 50 leaflels. In 1989. she leji the company to design full-time and to spend morę titne with ber busband and smali children.

Terry feels tery strongly tbat ber talent is God-given. Sbe says tbat it bas to be because she's neeer had a problem coming up with ideas. “Pm not usttaUy short on inspiration, hmcewr finding limę to make ewrything I think ofis sometimes a problem, ” chuckles Terry.

Her style, sbe says, usually leans loward lacy, dęli cale Yiclorian Ibemes, and she enjoys making lace patterns out ofthread. She also likes to experiment with non-tradilional crochet patterns. “I like geometrie, bold. and three-dimensional designs."

One ofTeny'sfaixmte rnpecfs of the designing process is writing the instructions. “I actuaily like tbat parł, ” she setys. “But to me, the ahsolute hest moment is wben I get the designs finished, the instructions typed. and bolh pul in a box ready to send to Leisure Arts. Tbat way, I can go on to my nextprojecl, / Iow watching the process in which an idea takes shape right in front ofme." explains Terry.



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