06 13 2006 11 48 10 546

06 13 2006 11 48 10 546


Wykład 2.

Drobnoustroje w biotechnologii, przegląd procesów biotechnologicznych

Biotechnology: Present and Futurę

Areas of applied biotechnology:

Microorgaimmt/Biołcch Bioprocessing Technology

■    microbial fermentatlon

■    microbial fermentation, In conjunction with recombinant DNA technology

m human insulin, the calf enzyme used in cheese-making, biodegradable plastics, laundry detergent enzymes and the hepatitis B vaccine


Monoclonal Antibodics

diagnostic tools ® locate environmental pollutants.

® detect harmful miroorganisms in food.

® distinguish cancer cells from normal cells. ® diagnose infectious diseases in humans, animals and plants morę quickly and morę accurately than ever before

Biotech Celi Culture

■ Plant Celi Culture

creating transgenic crops m Insect Celi Culture therapeutic proteins m Mammaiian Celi Culture

adult stem cells embryonic stem cells



■    Molecular Cloning

Inserting a naw pieca of ONA lato an aaiatlng DNA i

a Cellular Cloning

produclng ganatlcally identlcal coptaa of cells

■    Animal Cloning

the productlon of an animal clone


Recombinant ONA Technotogy

■ Combining genetic materiał from different sources

•    produce new medidnes and salef yaccmes e treal some gonelic diseases

e en bance biocontrol agenta in agncullufe e mcrease agńcultural yields and decrease production costs e decrease alleigy-producing characlenstics of some loods.

•    improve foods nulfHional value.

•    deyelop biodegradable plashcs

•    decrease water and air pollution.

•    slow food spollage.


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