VI. CTompIctc thc sccomJ seutence s>o tliat it hns n łimilar mcaninK to the t*rst scnunce. VI I.Don "t stop thc robot moving in that direction'. Uet
.. ...................
2. The power sensor reports Iow battery currcnt to thc processot The robol can’l move. Tlicpower sensor reports Iow battery currcnt to the proccssor. whtch
3.The sensors dctcct a ‘clifT The robot rcvcrsev The sensors dctcct a ‘clifT,
............CC r.fn9...........................
4. Work on this projcct causcs mc to fccl tired.
Work on rhis projcct
..........*!tG. ..jhUrt.....<6..
5. The robot has six legs. enabłing it to walk
w the words m Im Art.
............... mthn
lcgs. cnaDling it to walk dclicatcly throueh mtne ftelds which 7ne robot has six legs, .. rr?v^r.. ArA.t"Cv. ^ hp // /ę de\tcaic\y ihTougJti
minę fields.
6 Digital cameras let thc Digital cameras by itsclf.
\ II. Complcle the sccond scntcncc so that it lta\ a similar mcamn^ lo thc firsl senltnte. V)sc thc wotrdswi
/ ' p\casc
I UTiar is the serial numbern tell
Could you......466^.....€. ££*
2.Hoh does itwork? know .
1'dlike .....4>. ł<?y.. \ł. . ■‘'•T* thc United States.
-.......................................... the knobs, p\ease
...................................................... fot tomom*
^ 1 f NĄ J c\caned tu. \cc a u»ecVr!
3 Did you study in thc United States^ if 1 woóder...............
4.Bnng me thc knobs, plcasc mind
WouJd you.....ASP/Śfir.......* .MtU
5. Will it be ready for tomorrow ? * hether
We wonder ...............................