From che non-directional decoracor fabric, cut che following pieces, using che paccems shown in Diagram 3:
• 2 sveags (A)
* One 4'/"x 37" ( 11.5cm x 94cm) swag casirtg (B)
From the concrasdng fabric, cuc che following pieces, using che pactems shown in Diagram 4:
• 4 jabots (C)
• Two AVi x 12" (11.$cm x 30.$cm) jabot casings (D)
Diagram 4
A Assembling the swag
With right sides togę the r, stitch the two swag pieces together along the lower cdge, as shown in Diagram 5. Trim the seam allowanccs.
Tum the swag right side out and press the lower edge. Understitch the seam, following the directions on page 126 for undersdtching. Baste the layers together along the upper and side edges, as shown in Diagram 6.
To shape the swag, start on one side at the lower edge of the swag. Referring to Diagram 7, make a soft fold along che edge ac che First indentation. Bring the fold up to the next indentation and pin in place at che side of the swag. Repeat, making five pleats on each side of the swag.
To check the shape and width of the swag, pin it to the edge of an ironing board, as shown in Diagram 8. Adjust the pleats, as nccessacy, so that the folds are even and the swag measures approximately 35^" (90cm) across the top. Remove the swag from the ironing board. Baste the layers together across the top.
H- 35ł/2“ (90cm) -H